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importance to yyou over time. Although yyou might think yyou understand

yyour relationships, seeing them graphicallyy represented can be a sobering

experience. You might not realize how often yyou e-mail someone yyou don’t

reallyy know or how little yyou e-mail someone yyou know veryy well. With the

Immersion tool yyou can choose whether to upload the data, and yyou can

also delete the information once it has been graphed. 8

According to Snowden, our e-mail, text, and phone metadata is being

collected byy the NSA and other agencies. But the government can’t collect

metadata from everyyone—or can it? Technicallyy, no. However, there’s been

a sharp rise in “legal” collection since 2001.

Authorized under the US Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978

(FISA), the US Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (known as FISC, or

the FISA Court) oversees all requests for surveillance warrants against

foreign individuals within the United States. On the surface it seems

reasonable that a court order would stand between law enforcement and an

individual. The realityy is somewhat different. In 2012 alone, 1,856 requests

were presented, and 1,856 requests were approved, suggesting that the

process todayy is largelyy a rubber-stamp approval operation for the US

government. 9 After the FISA Court grants a request, law enforcement can

compel private corporations to turn over all their data on yyou—that is, if

theyy haven’t alreadyy done so.

To become trulyy invisible in the digital world yyou will need to do more than

encryypt yyour messages. You will need to:

Remove your true IP address: This is yyour point of connection to the

Internet, yyour fingerprint. It can show where yyou are (down to yyour

phyysical address) and what provider yyou use.

Obscure your hardware and software: When yyou connect to a

website online, a snapshot of the hardware and software yyou’re using

mayy be collected byy the site. There are tricks that can be used to find

out if yyou have particular software installed, such as Adobe Flash.

The browser software tells a website what operating syystem yyou’re

using, what version of that operating syystem yyou have, and

sometimes what other software yyou have running on yyour desktop at

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