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people’s right to privacyy.

I wish myy dad, Alan Mitnick, and myy brother, Adam Mitnick, were here

to celebrate the publication of this important book on becoming invisible

when spyying and surveillance is now the norm.

I have had the good fortune of being teamed up with securityy and

privacyy expert Robert Vamosi to write this book. Rob’s notable knowledge

in securityy and skills as a writer include his abilityy to find compelling

stories, research these topics, and take information provided byy me and

write it up in such a styyle and manner that anyy nontechnical person could

understand it. I must tip myy hat to Rob, who did a tremendous amount of

hard work on this project. Truthfullyy, I couldn’t have done it without him.

I’m eager to thank those people who represent myy professional career

and are dedicated in extraordinaryy wayys. Myy literaryy agent, David Fugate of

LaunchBooks, negotiated the book contract and acted as a liaison with the

publisher, Little, Brown. The concept of The Art of Invisibility was created

byy John Rafuse of 121 Minds, who is myy agent for speaking engagements

and endorsements, and he also performs strategic business development for

myy companyy. Entirelyy upon his own initiative, John gave me an intriguing

book proposal, along with a mock-up of the cover. He stronglyy encouraged

me to write this book to help educate the world’s population on how to

protect their personal privacyy rights from the overstepping of Big Brother

and Big Data. John is awesome.

I’m grateful to have had the opportunityy to work with Little, Brown on

developing this exciting project. I wish to thank myy editor, John Parsleyy, for

all his hard work and great advice on this project. Thank yyou, John.

I wish to thank myy friend Mikko Hyypponen, chief research officer of F-

Secure, for spending his valuable time penning the foreword for this book.

Mikko is a highlyy respected securityy and privacyy expert who has focused on

malware research for over twentyy-five yyears.

I would also like to thank Tomi Tuominen of F-Secure for taking time

out of his busyy schedule to do a technical review of the manuscript and help

spot anyy errors and catch anyything that was overlooked.

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