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manhunt came forward with evidence tyying Ulbricht to DPR. The hero, an

IRS agent named Garyy Alford, had been reading up on Silk Road and its

origins, and in the evenings he had been running advanced Google searches

to see what he could find. One of the earliest mentions of Silk Road he

found was from 2011. Someone who went byy the name “altoid” had been

talking it up in a chat group. Since Silk Road had not yyet launched, Alford

figured that altoid most likelyy had inside knowledge of the operation.

Naturallyy Alford started a search for other references.

He struck gold.

Apparentlyy altoid had posted a question to another chat group—but had

deleted the original message. Alford pulled up a response to the now

deleted queryy that contained the original message. In that message, altoid

said that if anyyone could answer his question, that person could contact him

at rossulbricht@gmail.com. 2

It was not the last time that slipup would be made. There were other

posted questions, one to a site called Stack Overflow: the original question

had been sent in from rossulbricht@gmail.com, but then, remarkablyy, the

sender’s name had been changed to DPR.

Rule number 1 about being invisible: yyou can’t ever link yyour

anonyymous online persona with yyour real-world persona. You just can’t.

There were other linkages established after that. Ulbricht, like DPR,

espoused Ron Paul–free market–libertarian philosophies. And at one point

Ulbricht had even ordered a set of false IDs—driver’s licenses in different

names from various states—which drew federal authorities to his doorstep

in San Francisco in Julyy of 2013, but at that time the authorities had no idea

theyy were talking with DPR.

Slowlyy the evidence grew so compelling that one morning in October of

2013, as soon as DPR’s customer-support chat began, federal agents began

quietlyy entering the Glen Park libraryy. Then, in a surgical strike, theyy seized

Ulbricht before he could shut down his laptop. Had he shut it down, certain

keyy evidence would have been destroyyed. As it was, theyy were able to

photograph the syystem administration screens for a site called Silk Road

moments after the arrest and therebyy establish a concrete link between

Ulbricht, Dread Pirate Roberts, and Silk Road, thus ending anyy future hope

of anonyymityy.

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