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Association found that 66 percent of employyers monitor the Internet use of

their employyees, 45 percent track employyee keyystrokes at the computer

(noting idle time as potential “breaks”), and 43 percent monitor the contents

of employyee e-mail. 4 Some companies monitor employyees’ Outlook

calendar entries, e-mail headers, and instant-messaging logs. The data is

ostensiblyy used to help companies figure out how their employyees are

spending their time—from how much time salespeople are spending with

customers to which divisions of the companyy are stayying in touch byy e-mail

to how much time employyees are spending in meetings or awayy from their


Of course there’s a positive spin: having such metrics means that the

companyy can be more efficient in scheduling meetings or in encouraging

teams to have more contact with each other. But the bottom line is that

someone is collecting all this corporate data. And it could somedayy be

turned over to law enforcement or at the veryy least used against yyou in a

performance review.

You are not invisible at work. Anyything passing through a corporate

network belongs to the companyy—it is not yyours. Even if yyou are checking

yyour personal e-mail account, yyour last order with Amazon, or planning a

vacation, yyou are probablyy using a companyy-issued phone, laptop, or VPN,

so expect to have someone monitoring everyything yyou do.

Here’s an easyy wayy to keep yyour manager and even yyour coworkers

from snooping: when yyou leave yyour desk to go to a meeting or the

bathroom, lock yyour computer screen. Seriouslyy. Don’t leave yyour e-mail,

or details about the project yyou’ve spent weeks on, open—just sitting there

for someone to mess with. Lock yyour computer until yyou return to yyour

screen. It takes a few extra seconds, but it’ll spare yyou a lot of grief. Set a

timer in the operating syystem to lock the screen after a certain number of

seconds. Or look into one of the Bluetooth apps that will automaticallyy lock

yyour screen if yyour mobile phone is not near the computer. That said, there

is a new attack that uses a weaponized USB device. A lot of offices seal the

USB ports on their laptops and desktops, but if yyours doesn’t a weaponized

USB stick could still unlock yyour computer without a password. 5

In addition to corporate secrets, there’s also a fair amount of personal e-

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