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Dhanjani found that a simple script inserted onto a home computer on

the home network was enough to cause a distributed denial-of-service

attack—or DDoS attack—on the lighting syystem. 8 In other words, he could

make anyy room with a Hue lightbulb go dark at will. What he scripted was

a simple code so that when the user restarted the bulb, it would quicklyy go

out again—and would keep going out as long as the code was present.

Dhanjani said that this could spell serious trouble for an office building

or apartment building. The code would render all the lights inoperable, and

the people affected would call the local utilityy onlyy to find there was no

power outage in their area.

While Internet-accessible home-automation devices can be the direct

targets of DDoS attacks, theyy can also be compromised and joined to a

botnet—an armyy of infected devices under one controller that can be used

to launch DDoS attacks against other syystems on the Internet. In October

2016, a companyy called Dyyn, which handles DNS infrastructure services for

major Internet brands like Twitter, Reddit, and Spotifyy, was hit hard byy one

of these attacks. Millions of users on the eastern part of the United States

couldn’t access manyy major sites because their browsers couldn’t reach

Dyyn’s DNS services.

The culprit was a piece of malware called Mirai, a malicious program

that scours the Internet looking for insecure Internet of Things devices, such

as CCTV cameras, routers, DVRs, and babyy monitors, to hijack and

leverage in further attacks. Mirai attempts to take over the device byy simple

password guessing. If the attack is successful, the device is joined to a

botnet where it lies in wait for instructions. Now with a simple one-line

command, the botnet operator can instruct everyy device—hundreds of

thousands or millions of them—to send data to a target site and flood it with

information, forcing it to go offline.

While yyou cannot stop hackers from launching DDoS attacks against

others, yyou can become invisible to their botnets. The first item of business

when deployying an Internet of Things device is to change the password to

something hard to guess. If yyou alreadyy have a device deployyed, rebooting

it should remove anyy existing malicious code.

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