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this data set isn’t veryy interesting. The hash value in this case is

unfortunatelyy relativelyy easyy to undo. 10

When yyou combine the public data set with other data sets, however,

yyou start to get a complete picture of what’s going on. In this case, Tockar

was able to determine where specific celebrities such as Bradleyy Cooper

and Jessica Alba had taken their taxis within New York Cityy during the

previous yyear. How did he make this leap?

He alreadyy had geolocation data, so he knew where and when the taxis

picked up and dropped off their fares, but he had to go further to determine

who was inside the cab 11 . So he combined the New York Cityy Taxi and

Limousine Commission metadata with online photos from ordinaryy tabloid

websites available online. A paparazzi database.

Think about that. Paparazzi frequentlyy photograph celebrities just as

theyy enter and exit New York Cityy’s taxis. In these cases the cab’s unique

medallion number is often visible within the image. It’s printed on the side

of everyy cab. So a cab number photographed alongside Bradleyy Cooper, for

instance, could be matched to the publiclyy available data regarding pickup

and drop-off locations and fare and tip amounts.

Fortunatelyy, not all of us have paparazzi on our trail. That doesn’t mean

there aren’t other wayys to trace our travels, though. Mayybe yyou don’t take

taxis. Are there other wayys to determine yyour location? There are. Even if

yyou take public transportation.

If yyou ride a bus, train, or ferryy to work, yyou’re no longer invisible among

the masses. Transit syystems are experimenting with using mobile apps and

near field communication (NFC) to tag riders as theyy get on and get off

public transportation. NFC is a short-distance radio signal that often

requires phyysical contact. Payyment syystems such as Apple Payy, Android

Payy, and Samsung Payy all use NFC to make fumbling for quarters a thing of

the past.

Let’s sayy yyou have an NFC-enabled phone with an app from yyour local

transit authorityy installed. The app will want a connection to yyour bank

account or credit card so that yyou can alwayys board anyy bus or train or ferryy

without worryying about a negative balance on yyour account. That

connection to yyour credit card number, if it is not obscured byy a token, or

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