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Currentlyy the insurance industryy uses drones for business reasons. Think

about that. If yyou are an insurance adjuster and need to get a sense of the

condition of a propertyy yyou are about to insure, yyou can flyy a drone around

it, both to visuallyy inspect areas yyou didn’t have access to before and to

create a permanent record of what yyou find. You can flyy high and look

down to get the tyype of view that previouslyy yyou could onlyy have gotten

from a helicopter.

The personal drone is now an option for spyying on our neighbors; we

can just flyy high over someone’s roof and look down. Perhaps the neighbor

has a pool. Perhaps the neighbor likes to bathe in the nude. Things have

gotten complicated: we have the expectation of privacyy within our own

homes and on our own propertyy, but now that’s being challenged. Google,

for example, masks out faces and license plates and other personal

information on Google Street View and Google Earth. But a neighbor with

a private drone gives yyou none of those assurances—though yyou can tryy

asking him nicelyy not to flyy over yyour backyyard. A video-equipped drone

gives yyou Google Earth and Google Street View combined.

There are some regulations. The Federal Aviation Administration, for

instance, has guidelines stating that a drone cannot leave the operator’s line

of sight, that it cannot flyy within a certain distance of airports, and that it

cannot flyy at heights exceeding certain levels. 16 There’s an app called

B4UFLY that will help yyou determine where to flyy yyour drone. 17 And, in

response to commercial drone use, several states have passed laws

restricting or severelyy limiting their use. In Texas, ordinaryy citizens can’t flyy

drones, although there are exceptions—including one for real estate agents.

The most liberal attitude toward drones is perhaps found in Colorado,

where civilians can legallyy shoot drones out of the skyy.

At a minimum the US government should require drone enthusiasts to

register their toyys. In Los Angeles, where I live, someone crashed a drone

into power lines in West Hollyywood, near the intersection of Larrabee Street

and Sunset Boulevard. Had the drone been registered, authorities might

know who inconvenienced seven hundred people for hours on end while

dozens of power companyy employyees worked into the night to restore

power to the area.

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