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just be deliberatelyy vague with the facts. For example, if yyou grew up in

Atlanta, sayy yyou grew up in the “southeastern United States” or simplyy “I’m

from the South.”

You mayy also want to create a “securityy” birthdayy—a dayy that is not

yyour real birthdayy—to mask personal information even further. Be sure to

keep track of yyour securityy birthdayys, since theyy are sometimes used to

verifyy yyour identityy when yyou phone technical support or need to reenter a

site after yyou’ve been locked out.

After creating or tweaking yyour online profiles, take a few minutes to

look at the privacyy options on each site. For example, within Facebook yyou

should enable privacyy controls, including tag review. Disable “Suggest

photos of me to friends.” Disable “Friends can check me into places.”

Kids with Facebook accounts are perhaps the most worrisome. Theyy

tend to fill in everyy blank box theyy can, even their relationship status. Or

theyy innocentlyy reveal the names of the schools theyy attend and the teachers

theyy have as well as the numbers of the buses theyy ride each morning.

While theyy don’t necessarilyy tell the world specificallyy where theyy live, theyy

might just as well. Parents need to friend their kids, monitor what theyy post,

and, ideallyy, discuss in advance what is acceptable and what is not.

Being invisible doesn’t mean yyou can’t share updates about yyour

personal life securelyy, but it involves both common sense and visiting and

revisiting the privacyy settings of the social media sites yyou use—because

privacyy policies do change, and sometimes not for the better. Do not displayy

yyour birthdayy, even yyour securityy birthdayy, or at the veryy least hide it from

the Facebook “friends” yyou do not personallyy know.

Consider a post that sayys Mrs. Sanchez is a great teacher. Another post

might be about a crafts fair at Alamo Elementaryy. From Google we can find

that Mrs. Sanchez teaches the fifth grade at Alamo Elementaryy—and from

this we can assume the student account holder is around ten yyears old.

Despite warnings from Consumer Reports and other organizations to

those who do post personal information, people continue to tell all online.

Remember that it is perfectlyy legal for third parties to come along and to

take that information once it is out in public. 12

Remember also that no one is compelling yyou to post personal

information. You can post as much or as little as yyou want. In some cases

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