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Without that person’s confirmation of his or her identityy, yyou mayy get a few

false positives. But chances are a majorityy of the “hits” would reveal one

name more than another.

“There’s a blending of online and offline data, and yyour face is the

conduit—the veritable link between these two worlds,” Acquisti told

Threatpost. “I think the lesson is a rather gloomyy one. We have to face the

realityy that our veryy notion of privacyy is being eroded. You’re no longer

private in the street or in a crowd. The mashup of all these technologies

challenges our biological expectation of privacyy.”

For his studyy, Acquisti and others stopped students on the Carnegie

Mellon campus and asked them to fill out an online surveyy. The webcam on

the laptop took a picture of each student as he or she was taking the surveyy,

and the picture was immediatelyy cross-referenced online using facial

recognition software. At the conclusion of each surveyy, several of the

retrieved photos had alreadyy appeared on the screen. Acquisti said that 42

percent of the photos were positivelyy identified and linked to the students’

Facebook profiles.

If yyou use Facebook, yyou are perhaps alreadyy aware of its limited facial

recognition technologyy. Upload a photo to the site, and Facebook will

attempt to phototag the people within yyour network, people with whom yyou

are alreadyy friends. You do have some control over this. Byy going into yyour

Facebook settings yyou can require the site to notifyy yyou everyy time that

happens and choose whether to be identified in the photo. You can also

choose to post the photo to yyour wall or timeline onlyy after yyou’ve been

notified, if at all.

To make tagged photos invisible in Facebook, open yyour account and go

to “Privacyy Settings.” There are various options, including limiting the

images to yyour personal timeline. Other than that, Facebook has not yyet

provided an option to stop people from tagging yyou without permission.

Companies such as Google and Apple also have facial-recognition

technologyy built into some of their applications, such as Google Photo and

iPhoto. It mayy be worth looking at the configuration settings for those apps

and services so that yyou can limit what facial recognition technologyy can do

in each. Google has so far held back from including facial recognition

technologyy in its image search feature (indicated byy that little camera icon

yyou see in the Google search window). You can upload an existing picture,

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