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want to know the activityy on myy network.

Mayybe the shadyy guyy in the corner is just sniffing, seeing where yyou go

and not influencing the traffic. Or mayybe he is activelyy influencing yyour

Internet traffic. This would serve multiple purposes.

Mayybe he’s redirecting yyour connection to a proxyy that implants a

javascript keyylogger in yyour browser so when yyou visit Amazon yyour

keyystrokes will be captured as yyou interact with the site. Mayybe he gets paid

to harvest yyour credentials—yyour username and password. Remember that

yyour credit card mayy be associated with Amazon and other retailers.

When delivering myy keyynote, I give a demonstration that shows how I

can intercept a victim’s username and password when accessing sites once

he or she is connected to myy spoofed access point. Because I’m sitting in

the middle of the interaction between the victim and the website, I can

inject JavaScript and cause fake Adobe updates to pop up on his or her

screen, which, if installed will infect the victim’s computer with malware.

The purpose is usuallyy to trick yyou into installing the fake update to gain

control of yyour computer.

When the guyy at the corner table is influencing the Internet traffic, that’s

called a man-in-the-middle attack. The attacker is proxyying yyour packets

through to the real site, but intercepting or injecting data along the wayy.

Knowing that yyou could unintentionallyy connect to a shadyy Wi-Fi access

point, how can yyou prevent it? On a laptop the device will go through the

process of searching for a preferred wireless network and then connect to it.

But some laptops and mobile devices automaticallyy choose what network to

join. This was designed to make the process of taking yyour mobile device

from one location to another as painless as possible. But as I mentioned,

there are downsides to this convenience.

According to Apple, its various products will automaticallyy connect to

networks in this order of preference:

1. the private network the device most recentlyy joined,

2. another private network, and

3. a hotspot network.

Laptops, fortunatelyy, provide the means to delete obsolete Wi-Fi

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