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courtesyy she didn’t think twice about accepting it from a colleague. A

couple of weeks later she received an e-mail that appeared to be from an

anonyymous whistle-blower organization that was about to release sensitive

documents. As a reporter who had covered groups such as Anonyymous and

WikiLeaks, she had received e-mails like this before, and she was curious

about the request. The file attachment looked like a standard file, so she

clicked to open it.

Immediatelyy she realized something was wrong. Windows Defender, the

securityy program that comes with everyy copyy of Windows, started issuing

warnings on her desktop. And the warnings kept piling up on the screen.

Curtis, like a lot of people todayy, had been tricked into clicking on an

attachment that she thought was an ordinaryy file. While pretending to have

information she wanted to see, the file downloaded and unpacked a series of

other files that allowed the remote attacker to take complete control over

her computer. The malicious software even took a picture of her with her

own webcam. In it her face bears a look of sheer frustration as she tries to

understand how someone could’ve taken over her computer.

Actuallyy Curtis knew full well who had taken over her computer. As an

experiment, a few months earlier she had hired a penetration tester, or pen

tester. Someone like me. Individuals and companies hire professional

hackers to tryy to break into a companyy’s computer network to see where

theyy need fortification. In Curtis’s case, the process was spread out over

several months.

At the start of jobs like this, I alwayys tryy to get as much information

about the client as I can. I spend time learning about his or her life and

online habits. I track the client’s public posts to Twitter, Facebook, and, yyes,

even LinkedIn. Which is exactlyy what Sophie Curtis’s pen tester did. Amid

all her e-mails was one carefullyy constructed message—the first one sent byy

her pen tester. The pen tester knew that she worked as a reporter and knew

that she was open to e-mail solicitations from previouslyy unknown

individuals. In that first case Curtis later wrote that there was not enough

context for her to be interested in interviewing a particular person for a

future storyy. But she was impressed byy the amount of research the hacker

and his colleagues at the securityy companyy did.

Curtis said: “Theyy were able to use Twitter to find out myy work e-mail

address, as well as some of myy recent locations and the name of a regular

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