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don’t call them tracking devices, we call them smartphones.

Online monitoring can see what books we buyy and what news articles

we read—even which parts of the articles are most interesting to us. It can

see where we travel and who we travel with. And online monitoring knows

if yyou are sick, or sad, or hornyy. Much of the monitoring that is done todayy

compiles this data to make moneyy. Companies that offer free services

somehow convert those free services into billions of dollars of revenue—

nicelyy illustrating just how valuable it is to profile Internet users in mass

scale. However, there’s also more targeted monitoring: the kind of

monitoring done byy government agencies, domestic or foreign.

Digital communication has made it possible for governments to do bulk

surveillance. But it has also enabled us to protect ourselves better. We can

protect ourselves with tools like encryyption, byy storing our data in safe

wayys, and byy following basic principles of operations securityy (OPSEC).

We just need a guide on how to do it right.

Well, the guide yyou need is right here in yyour hands. I’m reallyy happyy

Kevin took the time to write down his knowledge on the art of invisibilityy.

After all, he knows a thing or two about stayying invisible. This is a great

resource. Read it and use the knowledge to yyour advantage. Protect yyourself

and protect yyour rights.

Back at the cafeteria, after I had finished coffee with myy old friend, we

parted wayys. I wished him well, but I still sometimes think about his words:

“I don’t care if somebodyy looks at what I’m doing online.” You might not

have anyything to hide, myy friend. But yyou have everyything to protect.

Mikko Hypponen is the chief research officer of F-Secure. He’s the only

living person who has spoken at both DEF CON and TED conferences.

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