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password is “admin.” Needless to sayy, once yyou’re inside the router’s

configuration screen, yyou should immediatelyy change its default password,

following the advice I gave yyou earlier about creating unique and strong

passwords (see here) or using a password manager.

Remember to store this password in yyour password manager or write it

down, as yyou probablyy won’t need to access yyour router veryy often. Should

yyou forget the password (reallyy, how often are yyou going to be in the

configuration screen for yyour router?), don’t worryy. There is a phyysical reset

button that will restore the default settings. However, in conducting a

phyysical, or hard, reset, yyou will also have to reenter all the configuration

settings I’m about to explain below. So write down the router settings or

take screenshots and print them out whenever yyou establish router settings

that are different from the default. These screenshots will be valuable when

yyou need to reconfigure yyour router.

I suggest yyou change “Linksyys WRT54GL” to something innocuous,

such as “HP Inkjet,” so it won’t be obvious to strangers which house the

Wi-Fi signal might be coming from. I often use a generic name, such as the

name of myy apartment complex or even the name of myy neighbor.

There is also an option to hide yyour SSID entirelyy. That means others

will not be able to easilyy see it listed as a wireless network connection.

While yyou’re inside yyour basic router configuration settings, there are

several tyypes of wireless securityy to consider. These are generallyy not

enabled byy default. And not all wireless encryyption is created equal, nor is it

supported byy all devices.

The most basic form of wireless encryyption, wired equivalent privacyy

(WEP), is useless. If yyou see it as an option, don’t even consider it. WEP

has been cracked for yyears, and is therefore no longer recommended. Onlyy

old routers and devices still offer it as a legacyy option. Instead, choose one

of the newer, stronger encryyption standards, such as Wi-Fi protected access,

or WPA. WPA2 is even more secure.

Turning on encryyption at the router means that the devices connecting to

it will also need to match encryyption settings. Most new devices

automaticallyy sense the tyype of encryyption being used, but older models still

require yyou to indicate manuallyy which encryyption level yyou are using.

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