Investing in Social Innovation and Technology in Tanzania

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Investing in Social Innovation and Technology in Tanzania • ENDNOTES



Recent research by Shujazz/Well Told Story shows that family and friend networks are much more

influential in Tanzania than in their neighbouring country, Kenya. www.welltoldstory.com/mind-yourlanguage-the-differences-in-group-communication-between-young-people-in-kenya-and-tanzania


This differs from more traditional innovation concepts such as ‘industry clustering’, first introduced by

Harvard Business School’s Professor Michael Porter, which focuses on the development of networks of

interrelated organisations or businesses intended to jump-start competitive industries at a regional scale.


Tanzania is a huge country with a population of 55.57 million (2016) spread across 31 regions. Electricity is

accessible to only 32.8 per cent of Tanzania’s population. While most people in Tanzania are still off-grid,

internet penetration is relatively high and social media platforms such as WhatsApp are widely used.


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