35 vuotta - Kemia-lehti

35 vuotta - Kemia-lehti

35 vuotta - Kemia-lehti


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TAKE PART IN SHAPING THE AGENDA FOR BETTER LIFE!Helsinki Chemicals Forum (HCF) is a unique forumbringing together industry leaders and other decisionmakersto shape the common agenda for a better lifeand environment with help of chemistry and chemicalindustry.HCF is a meeting place for stakeholders in chemicalindustry, trade, research, authorities and internationalorganisations. It attracts also the attention of respectablenon-governmental organisations developing thedialogue in the area of chemicals.Wednesday, May 2709.00 – 17.00 ECHA STAKEHOLDER MEETING DAY- REACH & ECHA: Issues and info- programme and speakers prepared by ECHAThursday, May 2809.30– 11.00 OPENING CEREMONY OF THE HCF 2009- Mr Mauri Pekkarinen, Minister of Economic Affairs,Government of Finland- Mr Stavros Dimas, Commissioner for Environment,EU Commission- Mr Jussi Pajunen, Mayor of Helsinki,Chairman of Advisory Board- Mr Geert Dancet, Executive Director, ECHA11.30–13.00 COMPETITIVENESS & INNOVATIONModerator: Dr Dan Steinbock, Research Director, India,China and America InstituteDue to the global fi nancial crisis, the traditional rulesof competition are currently changing acrossindustries. The crisis also creates new opportunities,which will be explored at the Helsinki ChemicalsForum.Panel: Enhancing Innovation to survive in GlobalCompetition13.00 – 15.00 LUNCHEONKeynote: Mr Achim Steiner, Executive Director, UNEP15.00 – 17.00 CHEMICAL INDUSTRY REGULATIONModerator: Mr Erkki Liikanen, Governor, Bank of Finland,HCF Advisory BoardHaving been closely involved in introducing changesto chemical regulation in Europe I fi nd this Forumrelevant for dialogue also in the global context –particularly in the foreseeable fi nancial constraints ofthe world economy.Opening comments – experience and global implications of REACHby Mr Klaus BerendPanel: Is there a need for Global norm of Chemical IndustryRegulation?19.00 – 20.00RECEPTION BY CITY OF HELSINKI, CITY HALL OF HELSINKI20.30 – GALA DINNERKeynote:Mr Paavo Lipponen, ex-Prime Minister and Speaker of the ParliamentFriday, May 2908.30 –10.30 SAFETY & SUSTAINABILITYModerator: Mr Alain Perroy, Director General,CEFIC , HCF Advisory BoardWe need a global approach when addressingchemical sector’s sustainability issues. The chemicalindustry has a key role in securing the well being ofpeople and environment. Global commitmentgenerates results also locally.Sustainability and Chemical Industry, Ms Josefina Doumbia,World Bank Group/IFCPanel: Safeguarding better life & environment –agenda & priorities for chemical industry and research11.00 – 13.00 CHEMISTRY & CONSUMERSModerator: Ms Hilfra Tandy, Editor, Chemical MattersConvenience and price are consumer priorities, butso is safety. Despite more stringentlegislation perceptions are tough to dislodge. Canlegislation – like REACH alter concerns or be anirrelevance to consumers?Consumer concerns now – and in the future, Hill & KnowltonPanel: Is there a credibility issue in communicating ofchemistry and chemicals?13.00 – 15.00 LUNCHEON & CLOSING OF HCF 2009Keynote: Mr Rogelio Pfirter,Director General of OPCWAnnouncement of preliminary details of HCF 2010Closing comments by Mr Matti Vanhanen, Prime Minister of FinlandFor further information:programme & registrationwww.helsinkicf.euHCF is organised by the Chemicals Forum Association, with partners such as City of Helsinki, European Chemical Agency,Chemical Industry Federation of Finland and University of Helsinki. Venue: Helsinki Exhibition & Convention Centre.

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