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Lataa Arkistot, yhteiskunnan toimiva muisti -oppikirja - Arkistolaitos

Lataa Arkistot, yhteiskunnan toimiva muisti -oppikirja - Arkistolaitos


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Käytetty kirjallisuus<br />

Bastian, Jeannette A.<br />

Taking Custody, Giving Access: A Postcustodial Role for a New<br />

Century. Archivaria, Number 53, Spring 2002, 76–93.<br />

Bearman, David, The Power of the Principle of Provenance. Archivaria, Number 21,<br />

Winter 1985–86, 14–27.<br />

Cook, Terry<br />

Fashionable Nonsense or Professional Rebirth: Postmodernism and the<br />

Practice of Archives. Archivaria, Number 51, Spring 2001, 14-35.<br />

What is Past is Prologue: A History of Archival Ideas Since 1898, and<br />

the Future Paradigm Shift. Archivaria, Number 43, Spring 1997, 17–63.<br />

Dirks, John M.<br />

Duranti, Luciana<br />

Greene, Mark A<br />

Horsman, Peter<br />

InterPares<br />

Jenkinson, Hilary<br />

Accountability, History, and Archives: Conflicting Priorities or<br />

Synthetized Strands. Archivaria, Number 57, Spring 2004, 29–49.<br />

The Concept of Appraisal and Archival Theory. The American<br />

Archivist, Volume 57, Number 2, Spring 1994, 328–344.<br />

The Power of Meaning: The Archival Mission in the Postmodern Age.<br />

The American Archivist, Volume 65, Number 1, Spring,/Summer 2002,<br />

42–55.<br />

The Last Dance of the Phoenix, or The De-discovery of the Archival<br />

Fonds. Archivaria, Number 54, Fall 2002, 1–23.<br />

InterPares 2 Project <br />

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A Manual of Archive Administration including the problems of war<br />

archives and archive making. Oxford 1922.<br />

A Manual of Archive Administration. A reissue of the revised second<br />

edition with an introduction and bibliography by Roger H. Ellis. London<br />

1965.<br />

Lodolini, Elio Archivistica. Principi e problemi. 5a edizione ampliata. Milano 1990.<br />

MacNeil, Heather<br />

Archival Theory and Practice: Between Two Paradigms. Archivaria,<br />

Number 37, Spring 1994, 6–20.<br />

Trusting Records in Postmodern World. Archivaria, Number 51, Spring<br />

2001, 36–47.<br />

Millar, Laura<br />

Orrman, Eljas<br />

O’Toole, James<br />

The Death of the Fonds and the Resurrection of Provenance: Archival<br />

Context in Space and Time. Archivaria, Number 53, Spring 2002.<br />

Den finländska historikern Pentti Renvall som arkivteoretisk tänkare.<br />

Teoksessa: Med Clio til Kringsjå. Festskrift til riksarkivar John Herstad.<br />

Redigert av Kjell J. Bråstad, Knut Johannessen og Trond Sirevåg. Novus<br />

Forlag – Oslo 2002. Riksarkivaren. Skriftserie 13, 391–405.<br />

Archives and Historical Accountability: Toward a Moral Theology of<br />

Archives. Archivaria, Number 58, Fall 2004, 3-19.<br />

Schellenberg, T.R. Modern Archives. Principles and Techniques. Chicago, London 1975.<br />

Wilenius, Anne<br />

Seilin arkistohistoriaa. <strong>Arkistot</strong>eoreettinen tapaustutkimus. Turun<br />

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2001.<br />


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