Toimintakertomus 2007 - Suomen Maataloustieteellinen Seura ry

Toimintakertomus 2007 - Suomen Maataloustieteellinen Seura ry

Toimintakertomus 2007 - Suomen Maataloustieteellinen Seura ry


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Quantitative trait loci for udder conformation and other udder traits in Finnish Ayrshire cattle<br />

Schulman, N.F., Viitala, S.M. and Vilkki, J.H., p. 170-176<br />

Chromosome regions affecting body weight in egg layers<br />

Honkatukia, M., Tuiskula-Haavisto, M. and Vilkki, J., p. 177-187<br />

An overview on quantitative and genomic tools for utilising dominance genetic variation in<br />

improving animal production<br />

Mäki-Tanila, A., p. 188-198<br />

Development of a breeding objective for Estonian Holstein cattle<br />

Pärna, E., Kiiman, H., Vallas, M., Viinalass, H., Saveli, O. and Pärna, K., p. 212-221<br />

Milk protein genotypes and milk coagulation properties of Estonian native cattle<br />

Jõudu, I., Henno, M., Värv, S., Kaart, T., Kalamees, K. and Kärt, O., p. 222-231<br />

Effects of replacing different proportions of barley grain by barley fibre on performance of dai<strong>ry</strong><br />

bulls<br />

Huuskonen, A., Khalili, H., and Joki-Tokola, E., p. 232-244<br />

Effects of finishing diet and pre-slaughter fasting on the production performance and carcass and<br />

meat quality of crossbred pigs<br />

Partanen, K., Siljander-Rasi, H., Honkavaara, M. and Ruusunen, M., p. 245-258<br />

Environmental Science<br />

Preface - The Agri-Environmental Program in Finland: Effects on nutrient loading from agriculture<br />

into surface waters in 2000-2006, p. 279-281<br />

Turtola, E.<br />

Influence of EU policy on agricultural nutrient losses and the state of receiving surface waters in<br />

Finland<br />

Ekholm, P., Granlund, K., Kauppila, P., Mitikka, S., Niemi, J., Rankinen, K., Räike, A. and<br />

Räsänen, J., p. 282-300<br />

Finnish trends in phosphorus balances and soil test phosphorus<br />

Uusitalo, R., Turtola, E., Grönroos, J., Kivistö, J., Mäntylahti, V., Turtola, A., Lemola, R. and Salo,<br />

T., p. 301-316<br />

Accumulation and translocation of sparingly soluble manure phosphorus in different types of soils<br />

after long-term excessive inputs<br />

Uusitalo, R., Ylivainio, K., Turtola, E. and Kangas, A,. p. 317-331<br />

Surface runoff, subsurface drainflow and soil erosion as affected by tillage in a clayey Finnish soil<br />

Turtola, E., Alakukku, L., Uusitalo, R. and Kaseva, A., p. 332-351<br />

Phosphorus losses from a subdrained clayey soil as affected by cultivation practices<br />

Uusitalo, R., Turtola, E. and Lemola, R., p. 352-365<br />

National and regional net nitrogen balances in Finland in 1990-2005<br />

Salo, T., Lemola, R. and Esala, M., p. 366-376<br />

The effect of decreasing fertilization on agricultural nitrogen leaching - a model study<br />

Granlund, K., Bärlund, I., Salo, T., Esala, M. and Posch, M. p. 376-386<br />

Simulated nitrogen leaching, nitrogen mass field balances and their correlatiom on four farms in<br />

south-western Finland during the period 2000-2005<br />

Rankinen, K. Salo, T., Granlund, K. and Rita, H., p. 387-406<br />

Reduced fertiliser use and changes in cereal grain weight, test weight and protein content in Finland<br />

in 1990-2005<br />

Salo, T., Eskelinen, J., Jauhiainen, L. and Kartio, M., p. 407-420<br />

Economic and environmental performance of alternative policy measures to reduce nutrient<br />

surpluses in Finnish agriculture<br />

Lehtonen, H., Lankoski, J. and Koikkalainen, K., p. 420-440

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