Johdon assistenttityön ja kielten ko — HAAGA-HELIA ammattikor...

Johdon assistenttityön ja kielten ko — HAAGA-HELIA ammattikor...

Johdon assistenttityön ja kielten ko — HAAGA-HELIA ammattikor...


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<strong>Johdon</strong> <strong>assistenttityön</strong> <strong>ja</strong> <strong>kielten</strong> <strong>ko</strong> <strong>—</strong> <strong>HAAGA</strong>-<strong>HELIA</strong> ammatti<strong>ko</strong>rk...<br />

http://cms.haaga-helia.fi/fi/opinto<strong>ja</strong>ksokuvaukset-2009-2010/ls/showal...<br />

81 of 227 8.6.2010 12:43<br />

Course contents<br />

During the course, students will learn the following skills:<br />

getting acquainted with a new person<br />

telling about one’s own hometown, family situation, friends and foreign language skills<br />

survival level language skills in everyday life situations in a tea house, café, bar, restaurant, shop,<br />

etc.<br />

survival level language skills in traveling situations such as buying train and plane tickets, asking<br />

for directions, reserving a hotel room, making a reservation in a restaurant, renting a bicycle or<br />

car, etc.<br />

talking about likes and dislikes, hobbies and other leisure-time activities<br />

Teaching and learning methods<br />

Interactive classroom activities<br />

Individual and pair work<br />

Individual and pair studies on the Internet<br />

There is a mandatory attendance of 80%.<br />

Class exercises must be completed before the oral exam.<br />

Oral and written final exams<br />

The teacher with the main responsibility for the course<br />

Hai Guo, Pasila<br />

Course materials<br />

Real Chinese 2005: BBC Internet materials<br />

Hai, G. 2006: Multimedia materials in association with YLE and BBC<br />

Hai, G. 2005: Kiinaa matkailijoille, Finnlectura (as an alternative for Finnish-speaking students)<br />

Handouts and materials provided by the teacher<br />

Assessment criteria<br />

Oral exam: 80%<br />

Written exam: 20%<br />

Language project in Chinese (ops 2010)<br />

Language project in Chinese<br />

Tunnus: CHI4LE050<br />

Laajuus: 2 op (54 h)<br />

Ajoitus: 4.-6. lukukausi<br />

Kieli: kiina<br />

Taitotaso: B1<br />

Opinto<strong>ja</strong>kson taso: ammattiopinnot<br />

Opinto<strong>ja</strong>kson tyyppi: pa<strong>ko</strong>llinen yhdessä kielessä<br />

Opetussuunnitelma: ASSI10<br />

Oppimistavoitteet<br />

Opinto<strong>ja</strong>kson tavoitteena on, että opiskeli<strong>ja</strong> kykenee suorittamaan hyvällä kielellä tuotetun <strong>ja</strong>

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