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against the Defendants named in this claim and all those acting in concert with them would not<br />

bind or affect the Ecuadorian courts in any way, and necessarily does not interfere with any<br />

proceedings in any other foreign courts because, inter alia, no recognition or enforcement<br />

proceedings are currently pending in any such courts.<br />

430. By this claim, Chevron seeks a declaratory judgment that the Lago Agrio<br />

judgment is unenforceable and non-recognizable, including but not limited to under the United<br />

States Constitution, federal common law, New York common law principles of comity, and/or<br />

New York's Recognition of Foreign Country Money Judgments Act (New York C.PL.R. 5301,<br />

et seq. ,), on, among others, grounds of fraud, failure to afford procedures compatible with due<br />

process, lack of impartial tribunals, lack of personal jurisdiction, contravention of public policy,<br />

that the judgment conflicts with another final and conclusive judgment, that the proceeding in the<br />

foreign court was contrary to an agreement between the parties under which the dispute in<br />

question was to be settled otherwise than by proceedings in that court, and that the judgment is<br />

an unenforceable penalty.<br />

431. By reason of the fraudulent acts and fundamentally unfair proceedings described<br />

in this Amended Complaint that have given rise to the Lago Agrio judgment, an actual and<br />

justiciable controversy has arisen and now exists between Chevron and the Lago Agrio Plaintiffs<br />

and the Front as to whether the jUdgment is unenforceable and non-recognizable in the United<br />

States and establishing that Chevron's assets are safe from the Defendants' fraudulent actions<br />

and racketeering activity. The actions of the RICO Defendants on behalf of the Lago Agrio<br />

Plaintiffs whom they purport to represent have damaged and are threatening to continue<br />

damaging Chevron. Unless the controversy between the parties is resolved, the Lago Agrio<br />

Plaintiffs and the Front will continue to harm Chevron and will seek recognition and<br />

enforcement ofthe fraudulent judgment that the RICO Defendants have obtained on the Lago<br />

Agrio Plaintiffs' behalf.<br />

432. Chevron has no adequate remedy at law. A declaratory action is necessary and<br />

useful in resolving and disposing of the question of whether the fraudulent Lago Agrio judgment<br />


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