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Paulignan, Y., MacKenzie, C.L., Materniuk, R.G., Jeannerod, M. (1991a). Selective perturbation of visual input during prehension movements.1. The effects of changing object position. Experimental Brain Research, 83, 502 – 512. Paulignan, Y., Jeannerod, M., MacKenzie, C.L., Materniuk, R.G., (1991b). Selective perturbation of visual input during prehension movements.2. The effects of changing object size. Experimental Brain Research, 87, 407 – 420. Paulignan, Y., Jeannerod, M. (1996). Prehension Movements: The visuomotor channels hypothesis revisited. In A.M. Wing, P. Haggard & J.R. Flanagan (Eds), Hand and Brain: The neurophysiology and psychology of hand movements. Academic Press, New York, 265-282. Paulignan, Y., Frak, V.G., Toni, I., Jeannerod, M. (1997). Influence of object position and size on human prehension movements. Experimental Brain Research, 114, 226 – 234. Pelisson, D., Prablanc, C., Goodale, M.A., Jeannerod, M. (1986) Visual control of reaching movements without vision of the limb. II. Evidence of fast unconscious processes correcting the trajectory of the hand to the final position of a double-step stimulus. Experimental Brain Research, 62: 303-311. Piaget, J. (1952). The Origins of Intelligence in Children. International Universities Press. New York. 1952. Poggio, T, Torre, V., Koch, C. (1985). Computacional vision and regularization theory. Nature, 317: 314 – 319. Poggio, T. Girosi. F. (1989). A theory of networks for approximation and learning. AI Memo No. 1140, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Poggio, T. Girosi. F. (1990a). A theory of networks for learning. Science, 247: 978 – 982. Poggio, T. Girosi. F. (1990b). Extension of a theory of networks for approximation and learning: dimensionality reduction and clustering. A.I. Memo 1167, Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Pons J. L., Ceres, R., Pfeiffer. (1999). Multifingered dextrous robotic hands design and control: a review. Robotica, 17(6): 661-674. Pouget. A., Snyder, L.H. (2000). Computational approaches to sensorimotor transformations. Nature 3 :1192 – 1198. Prablanc, C., Echallier, J.F., Komilis, E. Jeannerod, M. (1979) Optimal response of eye and hand motor systems in pointing at a visual target. I. Spatio-temporal characteristics of eye and hand movements and their relationships when varying the amount of visual information. Biological Cybernetics, 35:113-124

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Paulignan, Y., MacKenzie, C.L., Materniuk, R.G., Jeannerod, M. (1991a). Selective<br />

perturbation of visual input during prehension movements.1. The effects of changing<br />

object position. Experimental Brain Research, 83, 502 – 512.<br />

Paulignan, Y., Jeannerod, M., MacKenzie, C.L., Materniuk, R.G., (1991b). Selective<br />

perturbation of visual input during prehension movements.2. The effects of changing<br />

object size. Experimental Brain Research, 87, 407 – 420.<br />

Paulignan, Y., Jeannerod, M. (1996). Prehension Movements: The visuomotor channels<br />

hypothesis revisited. In A.M. Wing, P. Haggard & J.R. Flanagan (Eds), Hand and Brain:<br />

The neurophysiology and psychology of hand movements. Aca<strong>de</strong>mic Press, New<br />

York, 265-282.<br />

Paulignan, Y., Frak, V.G., Toni, I., Jeannerod, M. (1997). Influence of object position and<br />

size on human prehension movements. Experimental Brain Research, 114, 226 – 234.<br />

Pelisson, D., Prablanc, C., Goodale, M.A., Jeannerod, M. (1986) Visual control of<br />

reaching movements without vision of the limb. II. Evi<strong>de</strong>nce of fast unconscious<br />

processes correcting the trajectory of the hand to the final position of a double-step<br />

stimulus. Experimental Brain Research, 62: 303-311.<br />

Piaget, J. (1952). The Origins of Intelligence in Children. International Universities<br />

Press. New York. 1952.<br />

Poggio, T, Torre, V., Koch, C. (1985). Computacional vision and regularization theory.<br />

Nature, 317: 314 – 319.<br />

Poggio, T. Girosi. F. (1989). A theory of networks for approximation and learning. AI<br />

Memo No. 1140, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.<br />

Poggio, T. Girosi. F. (1990a). A theory of networks for learning. Science, 247: 978 – 982.<br />

Poggio, T. Girosi. F. (1990b). Extension of a theory of networks for approximation and<br />

learning: dimensionality reduction and clustering. A.I. Memo 1167, Artificial<br />

Intelligence Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.<br />

Pons J. L., Ceres, R., Pfeiffer. (1999). Multifingered <strong>de</strong>xtrous robotic hands <strong>de</strong>sign and<br />

control: a review. Robotica, 17(6): 661-674.<br />

Pouget. A., Sny<strong>de</strong>r, L.H. (2000). Computational approaches to sensorimotor<br />

transformations. Nature 3 :1192 – 1198.<br />

Prablanc, C., Echallier, J.F., Komilis, E. Jeannerod, M. (1979) Optimal response of eye<br />

and hand motor systems in pointing at a visual target. I. Spatio-temporal<br />

characteristics of eye and hand movements and their relationships when varying the<br />

amount of visual information. Biological Cybernetics, 35:113-124

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