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Kimura, M., Matsumoto, N., Okahashi, K., Ueda, Y., Satoh, T., Minamimoto, T,<br />

Sakamoto, M., Yamada, H. (2003). Goal-directed, serial and synchronous activation of<br />

neurons in prite striatum. NeuroReport, 14(6): 799-802.<br />

Kita, H., Kosaka, T., and Heizmann, C.W. (1990). Parvalbumin-immuannoreactive<br />

neurons in the rat neostriatum: a light and electron microscopic study. Brain Research,<br />

536:, 1–15.<br />

Koós, T., Tepper, J.M. (1999). Inhibitory control of neostriatal projection neurons by<br />

GABAergic interneurons. Nature Neuroscience, 2:467–472.<br />

Koos, T., and Tepper, J.M. (2002). Dual cholinergic control of fast-spiking interneurons<br />

in the neostriatum. Journal of Neuroscience, 22: 529–535.<br />

Kramer, M.A. (1991). Nonlinear principal component analysis using autoassociative<br />

neural networks. AIChe Journal, 37 (2): 233 – 243.<br />

Kreiss, D.S., An<strong>de</strong>rson, L.A., Walters, J.R. (1996). Apomorphine and dopamine D1<br />

receptor agonists increase the firing rates of subthalamic nucleus neurons.<br />

Neuroscience, 72: 863 – 876.<br />

Kuperstein, M. (1991). INFANT Neural Controller for Adaptive Sensory – Motor<br />

Coordination. Neural Networks, 4(2): 131-146.<br />

Kuperstein, M. (1988). Neural mo<strong>de</strong>l of adaptive hand-eye coordination for single<br />

postures. Science, 239: 1308 – 1311.<br />

Kwan, H.C., MacKay, W.A., Murphy, J.T., Wong, Y.C. (1978). Spatial organization of<br />

precentral cortex in awake primates. II. Motor outputs. Journal of Neurophysiology,<br />

41: 1120–1131.<br />

Lee, C., Yangsheng, X. (1996). Online, interactive learning of gestures for human/robot<br />

interfaces. En Proceedings <strong>de</strong>l IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation,<br />

vol 4, pp 298 – 2987, Minneapolis, MN.<br />

Lee, C. (2000). Learning reduced – dimension mo<strong>de</strong>ls of human actions. Tesis Doctoral<br />

CMU – RI – TR – 00 – 17. The Robotics Institute. Carnegie Mellon University.<br />

Pittsburgh, PA.<br />

Lemon, R., Mantel, G., Muir, R. (1986). Corticospinal facilitation of hand muscles<br />

during voluntary movements in the conscious monkey. Journal of Physiology, 381: 497-<br />

527.<br />

Levy, R., Hazrati, L.M., Herrero, M.T., Vila, M., Hassani, O.K., Mouroux, M., Ruberg,<br />

M., Asensi, H., Agid, Y., Feger, J., Obeso, J.A., Parent, A, Hirsh, E.C. (1996). Re –<br />

evaluation of the functional anatomy of the basal ganglia in normal and parkinsonian<br />

states. Neuroscience, 76: 335 – 343.

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