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Gentilucci, M., Castiello, U., Corradini, M.L., Scarpa, M., Umiltà, C., Rizzolatti, G. (1991). Influence of different types of grasping on the transport component of prehension movements. Neuropsychologia, 29, 361 – 378 Gentilucci, M., Chieffi, S., Scarpa, M., Castiello,U. (1992). Temporal coupling between transport and grasp components during prehension movements: Effects of visual perturbation. Behavioural Brain Research, 47, 71 – 82. Gentilucci, M., Negrotti, A. (1999). The control of an action in Parkinson’s disease. Experimental Brain Research, 129: 269 – 277 Georgopoulos, A., Massey, J.T. (1988). Cognitive spatial-motor processes. 2. Information transmitted by the direction of two-dimensional arm movements and by neuronal populations in primary motor cortex and area 5. Experimental Brain Research, 69: 315 – 326 Gerfen, C.R, MacGinty, J.F., Young, W.S. (1991). Dopamine differentially regulates dynorphyn, substance P, and enkephalin expression in striatal neurons: in situ hybridization histochemical analysis. Journal of Neuroscience, 11: 1016 - 1031 Gerfen, C.R. (1992). The neostriatal mosaic: Multiple levels of compartmental organization in basal ganglia. Annual Review of Neuroscience, 15: 285 – 320 Glaser, E.M, Ruchkin D.S (1976). Principles of Neurobiological signal análisis. New York, Academic. Gorce, P., Fontaine, J.G. (1996). Design methodology for flexible grippers. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 15(3): 307-328. Gordon, A.M., Forssberg, H., Johansson, R.S. Westling, G. (1991). Visual size cues in the programming of manipulative forces during precision grip. Experimental Brain Research, 83: 477-482. Graybiel, A.M. (1990). Neurotransmitters and neuromodulators in basal ganglia. Trends in Neurosciences, 13: 244 – 253 Graybiel, A.M., Aosaki, T., Kimura, M. (1994). The basal ganglia and adaptive motor control. Science, 265:1826 - 1831 Graybiel, A.M. (1995). Building action repertories: Memory and learning functions of the basal ganglia. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 5: 733 – 741 Graybiel, A.M., Kimura, M. (1995). Adaptive neural networks in the basal ganglia. En J.C. Houk, J.L. Davis & D.G. Beiser (Eds), Models of information processing in the basal ganglia. MIT press (Cambridge, MA), pp. 103 – 116.

Graybiel, A.M. (1997). The basal ganglia and cognitive pattern generators. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 23: 459–469. Grea, H., Desmurget, M., & Prablanc, C. (2000). Postural invariance in threedimensional reaching and grasping movements. Experimental Brain Research, 134, 155 – 162. Guenther, F.H., Micci – Barreca, D. (1997). Neural models for flexible control of redundant systems. In P. G. Morasso & V. Sanguinetti (Eds): Self – Organization, Computational Maps, and Motor Control. Elsevier, North Holland Psychology series, 383 – 421. Guerrero González, A. (2000). Arquitectura de control neuronal de inspiración biológica para la coordinación cabeza – brazo. Tesis Doctoral. Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena. Haggard, P., Wing, A. (1995). Coordinated responses following mechanical perturbationof the arm during prehension. Experimental Brain Research, 102: 483-494. Harrington, D.L., Haaland, K.Y. (1991). Sequencing in Parkinson’s disease. Abnormalities in programming and controlling movement. Brain, 114: 99-115 Harris, C.M., Wolpert, D.M. (1998). Signal-dependent noise determines motor planning, Nature 394(20), 780-784. Hassani, O.K., Mouroux, M., Feger, J. (1996). Increased subthalamic neuronal activity after nigral dopaminergic lesion independent of desinhibition via the globus pallidus. Neuroscience, 72: 105 – 115. Hendler, R.W., Shrager, R.I. (1994). Deconvolutions based on singular value decompositions and pseudoinverse: a guide for beginners. Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics Methods 28: 1 – 33. Herrerro, M.T., Augood, S.J., Asensi, H.,Hirsch, E.C., Agid, Y., Obeso, J.A., Emson, P.C. (1996). Effects of L-dopa therapy on dopamine D2 receptor messenger RNA expression in the striatum of MPTP – intoxicated parkinsonian monkeys. Molecualr Brain Research, 75: 389 – 396. Hoehn., M.M., Yahr, M.D. (1967). Parkinsonism: onset, progression and mortality. Neurology, 17: 427 – 442. Hoff, B., Arbib, M.A. (1993). Models of trajectory formation and temporal interaction interaction of reach and grasp. Journal of Motor Behavior, 25(3): 175-192. Hoff, B., Arbib, M.A. (1992). A model of the effects of speed, accuracy and perturbation on visually-guided reaching, in: Control of arm movement in space.

Gentilucci, M., Castiello, U., Corradini, M.L., Scarpa, M., Umiltà, C., Rizzolatti, G.<br />

(1991). Influence of different types of grasping on the transport component of<br />

prehension movements. Neuropsychologia, 29, 361 – 378<br />

Gentilucci, M., Chieffi, S., Scarpa, M., Castiello,U. (1992). Temporal coupling between<br />

transport and grasp components during prehension movements: Effects of visual<br />

perturbation. Behavioural Brain Research, 47, 71 – 82.<br />

Gentilucci, M., Negrotti, A. (1999). The control of an action in Parkinson’s disease.<br />

Experimental Brain Research, 129: 269 – 277<br />

Georgopoulos, A., Massey, J.T. (1988). Cognitive spatial-motor processes. 2.<br />

Information transmitted by the direction of two-dimensional arm movements and by<br />

neuronal populations in primary motor cortex and area 5. Experimental Brain<br />

Research, 69: 315 – 326<br />

Gerfen, C.R, MacGinty, J.F., Young, W.S. (1991). Dopamine differentially regulates<br />

dynorphyn, substance P, and enkephalin expression in striatal neurons: in situ<br />

hybridization histochemical analysis. Journal of Neuroscience, 11: 1016 - 1031<br />

Gerfen, C.R. (1992). The neostriatal mosaic: Multiple levels of compartmental<br />

organization in basal ganglia. Annual Review of Neuroscience, 15: 285 – 320<br />

Glaser, E.M, Ruchkin D.S (1976). Principles of Neurobiological signal análisis. New<br />

York, Aca<strong>de</strong>mic.<br />

Gorce, P., Fontaine, J.G. (1996). Design methodology for flexible grippers. Journal of<br />

Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 15(3): 307-328.<br />

Gordon, A.M., Forssberg, H., Johansson, R.S. Westling, G. (1991). Visual size cues in the<br />

programming of manipulative forces during precision grip. Experimental Brain<br />

Research, 83: 477-482.<br />

Graybiel, A.M. (1990). Neurotransmitters and neuromodulators in basal ganglia.<br />

Trends in Neurosciences, 13: 244 – 253<br />

Graybiel, A.M., Aosaki, T., Kimura, M. (1994). The basal ganglia and adaptive motor<br />

control. Science, 265:1826 - 1831<br />

Graybiel, A.M. (1995). Building action repertories: Memory and learning functions of<br />

the basal ganglia. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 5: 733 – 741<br />

Graybiel, A.M., Kimura, M. (1995). Adaptive neural networks in the basal ganglia. En<br />

J.C. Houk, J.L. Davis & D.G. Beiser (Eds), Mo<strong>de</strong>ls of information processing in the basal<br />

ganglia. MIT press (Cambridge, MA), pp. 103 – 116.

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