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Contreras-Vidal, J.L., Poluha, P., Teulings, H.L., Stelmach, G.E (1998). Neural dynamics of short and medium term motor control effects of levodopa therapy in Parkinson’s disease. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 13(1-2): 57 – 79. Contreras-Vidal, J.L. (1999). The gating functions of the basal ganglia in movement control. Progress in Brain Research, 121: 261-276. Contreras-Vidal, J.L., Ulloa-Pérez, A., López-Coronado, J., Calabozo – Morán, J. (2001). Neural dynamics of hand preshaping during prehension. In Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Tucson, AZ, Vol 5 (pp 3019-3024). Cordo, P., Schieppati, M., Bevan, L., Carlton, L.G., Carlton, M.J. (1993) Central and peripheral coordination in movement sequences. Psychological Research, 55: 124-130 Cruse, H. (1986). Constraints for joint angle control of the human arm. Biological Cybernetics, 54, 125-132. Cruse, H. (1986). Constraints for joint angle control of the human arm. Biological Cybernetics, 54, 125-132. Cruse, H., Wischmeyer, E., Brűwer, M., Brockfield, P., & Dress, A. (1990). On the cost functions for the control of the human arm movement. Biological Cybernetics, 62, 519- 528. Cutkosky, M.R. (1989). On grasp choice, grasp models and the design of hands for manufacturing tasks. IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, 5 (3): 269 – 279. Cutkosky, M.R., Howe, R.D. (1990). Human grasp choice and robotic grasp analysis. In S.T. Venkataraman and T. Iberall (Eds.), Dextrous Robot Hands. New York: Springer - Verlag, pp. 5 – 31. Delfs, J.M., Ciaramitaro, V.M., Parry, T.M., Chesselet, M.F. (1995). Subthalamic nucleus lesions: widespread effects on changes in gene expression induced by nigrostriatal dopamine dpletion in rats. Journal of Neuroscience, 15: 6562 – 6575. Desmurget, M., Epstein, C.M., Turner, R.S., Prablanc, C., Alexander, G.E., Grafton, S.T. (1999). Role of the posterior parietal cortex in updating reaching movements to a visual target. Nature Neuroscience, 2(6):563-567. DiChiara, G., Morelli, M., Consolo, S. (1994). Modulatory functions of neurotransmitters in the striatum: ACh/dopamine/NMDA interactions. Trends in Neurosciences, 17: 228–233. Donoghue, J., Leibovic, S., Sanes, J. (1992). Organization of forelimb area in squirrel monkey motor cortex: representation of digit, wrist and elbow muscles. Experimental Brain Research, 89: 1- 19.

Fagg, A.H., Arbib, M.A. (1998). Modeling parietal-premotor interactions in primate control of grasping. Neural Networks, 11(7-8): 1277-1303. Fagg, A. H., Arbib, M. A. (1992). A Model of Primate Visual-Motor Conditional Learning. Journal of Adaptive Behavior, 1(1): 3-37. Feldman, A. (1986). Once more on the equilibrium –point hypothesis (lambda model) for motor control. Journal of Motor Behavior, 18: 17-54. Fiala, J.C. (1995). Neural networks models of motor timing and coordination. Tesis Doctoral., Boston University, Cambridge, MA. Fink, J.S. (1993). Neurobiology of basal ganglia receptors. Clinical Neuroscience, 1: 27 – 35 Fitts, P.M. (1954) The information capacity of the human motor system in controlling the amplitude of movement. J Experimental Psychology, 47, 381–391. Flaherty, A.W., and Graybiel, A.M. (1994). Input-output organization of the sensorimotor striatum in the squirrel monkey. Journal of Neuroscience, 14: 599–610. Flash, T., Hogan, N. (1985). The coordination of the arm movements: An experimentally confirmed mathematical model. Journal of Neuroscience, 7, 1688-1703. Flash, T. (1987). The control of arm equilibrium trajectories in multi-joint arm movements. Biological Cybernetics, 57, 257-274. Flash, T., Sejnowski, T. (2001). Computational approaches to motor control. Current Opinion in Neurobiology,11, 655-662. Fogassi, L., Gallese, V., Buccino, G., Craghiero, L., Fadiga, L., Rizzolatti, G. (2001). Cortical mechanism for the visual guidance of hand grasping movements in the monkey: A reversible inactivation study. Brain, 124: 571 – 586. Fraser, C., & Wing, A.M. (1981). A case study of reaching by a user of a manuallyoperated artificial hand. Prosthetics and Orthotics International, 5, 151-156. Fu, Q., Suarez, J.I., Ebner, T.J. (1995). Neuronal specification of direction and distance during reaching movements in the superior precentral premotor area and primary motor cortex of the monkeys. Journal of Neurophysiology, 70: 2097-2116 Gallese, V., Fadiga, L., Fogassi, L., Luppino, G., Murata, A. (1997). A parietal – frontal circuit for hand grasping movements in the monkey: evidence from reveresible inactivation experiments. In P. Thier and H.O Karnath (Eds.), Parietal lobe contributions to orientation in 3D space. Berlin: Springer- Verlag, pp. 255 –270.

Fagg, A.H., Arbib, M.A. (1998). Mo<strong>de</strong>ling parietal-premotor interactions in primate<br />

control of grasping. Neural Networks, 11(7-8): 1277-1303.<br />

Fagg, A. H., Arbib, M. A. (1992). A Mo<strong>de</strong>l of Primate Visual-Motor Conditional<br />

Learning. Journal of Adaptive Behavior, 1(1): 3-37.<br />

Feldman, A. (1986). Once more on the equilibrium –point hypothesis (lambda mo<strong>de</strong>l)<br />

for motor control. Journal of Motor Behavior, 18: 17-54.<br />

Fiala, J.C. (1995). Neural networks mo<strong>de</strong>ls of motor timing and coordination. Tesis<br />

Doctoral., Boston University, Cambridge, MA.<br />

Fink, J.S. (1993). Neurobiology of basal ganglia receptors. Clinical Neuroscience, 1: 27 –<br />

35<br />

Fitts, P.M. (1954) The information capacity of the human motor system in controlling<br />

the amplitu<strong>de</strong> of movement. J Experimental Psychology, 47, 381–391.<br />

Flaherty, A.W., and Graybiel, A.M. (1994). Input-output organization of the<br />

sensorimotor striatum in the squirrel monkey. Journal of Neuroscience, 14: 599–610.<br />

Flash, T., Hogan, N. (1985). The coordination of the arm movements: An<br />

experimentally confirmed mathematical mo<strong>de</strong>l. Journal of Neuroscience, 7, 1688-1703.<br />

Flash, T. (1987). The control of arm equilibrium trajectories in multi-joint arm<br />

movements. Biological Cybernetics, 57, 257-274.<br />

Flash, T., Sejnowski, T. (2001). Computational approaches to motor control. Current<br />

Opinion in Neurobiology,11, 655-662.<br />

Fogassi, L., Gallese, V., Buccino, G., Craghiero, L., Fadiga, L., Rizzolatti, G. (2001).<br />

Cortical mechanism for the visual guidance of hand grasping movements in the<br />

monkey: A reversible inactivation study. Brain, 124: 571 – 586.<br />

Fraser, C., & Wing, A.M. (1981). A case study of reaching by a user of a manuallyoperated<br />

artificial hand. Prosthetics and Orthotics International, 5, 151-156.<br />

Fu, Q., Suarez, J.I., Ebner, T.J. (1995). Neuronal specification of direction and distance<br />

during reaching movements in the superior precentral premotor area and primary<br />

motor cortex of the monkeys. Journal of Neurophysiology, 70: 2097-2116<br />

Gallese, V., Fadiga, L., Fogassi, L., Luppino, G., Murata, A. (1997). A parietal – frontal<br />

circuit for hand grasping movements in the monkey: evi<strong>de</strong>nce from reveresible<br />

inactivation experiments. In P. Thier and H.O Karnath (Eds.), Parietal lobe<br />

contributions to orientation in 3D space. Berlin: Springer- Verlag, pp. 255 –270.

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