Journal Donau 2018

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see some of the dogs due to the darkness and<br />

bad lighting. BUT, I was determined to make<br />

this a special event.<br />


Once all the dogs at entered the ring one at a<br />

time It was necessary to make two lines so I<br />

could look more closely and examine each of<br />

the breeds. After giving all the dogs the opportunity<br />

to move individually, I took another<br />

close look and decided to just do one cut due<br />

to the lateness of the evening. I selected 5 final<br />

breeds.<br />

5th Place. The Irish Wolfhound. A truly beautiful<br />

specimen of the breed. Very classic in outline,<br />

wonderful type with a great body. Moved<br />

with great ease, showing both strength and<br />

elegance. Presented in tip top condition.<br />

4th Place. The Whippet. Very classic in outline<br />

and breed detail. Lovely size, excellent body<br />

with correct top line and matching underline.<br />

Totally sound with great foot placement, very<br />

easy on the eye when moving, presented in top<br />

condition.<br />

3rd Place. The Azawakh. A tall very beautiful<br />

young male of such excellent type. Wonderful<br />

head and expression, excellent top line and<br />

shown in great condition. He moved with precision<br />

and lifted of the ground with ease and<br />

good balance on the move.<br />

2nd Place. The Greyhound. A wonderful young<br />

bitch that stole my heart in the breed. I loved<br />

her type, her beautiful balance and clean flowing<br />

lines.<br />

A very well put together young girl, well angled<br />

but not over done. Covered the ground<br />

smoothly. Presented in very good condition.<br />

BEST IN SHOW. The Pharaoh Hound. A glorious<br />

specimen of his breed. The essence of this<br />

breed for me is its historic breed detail, this boy<br />

clearly had this for me.<br />

A beautiful wedge shaped head, great expression,<br />

Well set and well erected ears. Clean<br />

back skull and wonderful long neck which was<br />

beautifully arched which all enhanced his overall<br />

appearance. Great top line, fantastic body,<br />

good bone and shown in tip top condition. He<br />

moved with power and held his shape. BUT, I<br />

would have liked him to move a little slower.<br />

It was an honor and privilege for me to award<br />

him BIS from such a huge and high quality<br />

entry.<br />

Sunday Judging<br />

Chart Polski.<br />

Just a couple and nothing special. I found it necessary<br />

to heavily down grade a young Junior<br />

male. Type was good but he was not in good<br />

condition. Very much under weight, full rib<br />

cage showing and no muscle at all.<br />

Galgo Espanol<br />

A breed I really like judging, they can be quite a<br />

challenge to judge at times.<br />

Not a huge entry but enough to follow through<br />

in type. The overall entry was rather consistent<br />

in Type, soundness was rather good and a few<br />

very promising youngsters. My only criticism I<br />

found many moved rather narrow coming and<br />

going.<br />

Magyar Agar<br />

Not a large number to judge but type was<br />

good. BOB was a clear and easy winner. Tall,<br />

masculine yet still elegant male of good type,<br />

excellent construction and moved with both<br />

strength and power, covered the ground very<br />

well.<br />

Podengo Portugues Smooth and Wire.<br />

A small but quality entry. Good type and<br />

soundness was good in both varieties.<br />

Italian Greyhounds<br />

This was a very large entry of IGs, I had been<br />

looking forward to my judging and right from<br />

the first class numbers in each class was very<br />

large.<br />

My overall opinion of the entry fell far short<br />

of my expectations. I was rather disappointed<br />

with the overall quality and I cannot remember<br />

ever down grading so many exhibits in my<br />

history of judging. I consider myself to be a<br />

rather fair judge, thus, I do not judge any breed<br />

hard and will normally always find enough virtue<br />

to grade high. This was clearly not the case<br />

with this entry. In most classes it was necessary<br />

to place VG exhibits as I could find enough<br />

excellent dogs to award and place. Overall type<br />

was lacking. So many exhibits lacked angles<br />

and many were just average movers.<br />

Way to many exhibits were uncomfortable on<br />

the table and many I could not examine. Yes,<br />

clearly I was very disappointed.<br />

My two main winners, best male and best<br />

bitch were clear stand outs. Both were beautiful<br />

type, elegant, well angled and both had<br />

correct heads and VG expression.<br />

Both moved as an IG should move, they were a<br />

pleasure to judge and award<br />

Sternenläufer Silken Windsprites<br />

Sternenläufer Artemis (rot mit Maske), <strong>2018</strong> Deutscher Jugend-Champion DWZRV, Zuchthündin<br />

Soulmate Silkenwind Agnes (weiß mit roten Abzeichen), Zuchthündin<br />

Ich und Du vom schwarzen Schwan (gestromt), <strong>2018</strong> Deutscher Jugend-Champion DWZRV, Deckrüde<br />

Sternenläufer<br />

Silken Windsprites vom Niederrhein<br />

Familie Mlynek • Am Erlkönig 86 •<br />

47608 Geldern •<br />

02831/133652 •<br />


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