Tierra del Fuego, Retratos y Paisajes

La Corporación Patrimonio Cultural de Chile en conjunto con la empresa Larraín Vial presentan el libro “Tierra del fuego, retratos y paisajes”, un ensayo fotográfico que retrata a descendientes de los pueblos ancestrales que habitan actualmente Tierra del fuego, a través del lente del destacado fotógrafo Max Donoso.

La Corporación Patrimonio Cultural de Chile en conjunto con la empresa Larraín Vial presentan el libro “Tierra del fuego, retratos y paisajes”, un ensayo fotográfico que retrata a descendientes de los pueblos ancestrales que habitan actualmente Tierra del fuego, a través del lente del destacado fotógrafo Max Donoso.

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discover what he called fundamental principles and

impulses of their spiritual life.

His first reaction when encountering them was his

concern when “seeing their repulsive bodies and their

wild gestures”, as he described in his book Hombres primitivos

en la Tierra del Fuego (The primitive men of Tierra del

Fuego) (1951), however, after living with them and getting

to know them, he acknowledged them as “complete men,

with all the passions and weaknesses inherent to the

human condition, with no distinction whatsoever”, as

he wrote in his work Los indios de Tierra del Fuego. Los

Selk’nam (The indians of Tierra del Fuego. The Selk’nam)

(1982). Undoubtedly in the time Gusinde wrote these

words his way of addressing the subject contributed to

humanize them and to value their culture and heritage

– in line with current perspectives that are no longer

based on the premise of studying an extinct peoples but

one that is alive and present on the archipelago.

Martin Gusinde documented the survival of the

native peoples of Tierra del Fuego, as well as their spiritual

sensibility, which is expressed in the eloquent photos

he took of their painted and masked bodies for the

rituals of Hain and Chiejaus. It is an archive of around

a thousand images that, in the accurate interpretation

of Xavier Barral during the presentation of the book

about Martin Gusinde y los selknam, yámanas y kawéskar

(Martin Gusinde and the selknam, yamanas and kaweskar)

(2015), “celebrate the spirit of the inhabitants of the end

of the world”, and that, in the more concrete words of

Marisol Palma, offer a “photographic view that strives

to reconstruct the cultural and material traditions

destroyed by the genocide”.



Overshadowed by the Strait of Magellan, an inter-oceanic

passage filled with geographical and historical

meaning, Tierra del Fuego hasn’t been the object of

particular studies that project it as an entity. This situation

is beginning to change and has a fundamental

antecedent in the book Tierra del Fuego. Historia, arquitectura

y territorio (Tierra del Fuego. History, architecture

and territory) (ARQ Ediciones, 2013) by Eugenio Garcés

and collaborators. This work has the great merit of

exclusively addressing the island, discussing diverse

fundamental aspects that conform its geographical,

historical and cultural heritage. This exercise transformed

Tierra del Fuego in part of the ecumene, the

known world, pointing out its characteristics, the same

that label it as a unique and gallant place, either when

addressed from the geography that remains, or the history

that once took place and that will go on happening.

Through its melancholic landscape, where the lack

of points of reference heighten the feeling of loneliness

and vastness that characterize this territory, Tierra del

Fuego is shown through the traces left by its environmental

evolution, but also thanks to the manifestations

of human activity and the successive layers of occupation

that have shaped it until today, which also reflect

the ways in which its inhabitants have occupied and

lived together with nature in this area. In the images,

particularly the photographs, all these expressions

are an eloquent register of the vastness and isolation

of a potentially tragic space that is accentuated by

the images of mechanical artifacts and technological

devices of the sheep farms.

The historical study centered on Tierra del Fuego

shows the incapacity to generate “social fabric” due to

the ways of occupation that have successively been

carried out from the 19th century onwards in that territory.

Evidence shows that neither gold mining nor

livestock farming or oil activity managed to establish a

population in the region, so it is no surprise that today

it only has a couple of thousand inhabitants and that

the population centers are the result of public initiatives

and must be permanently subsidized.

In a hostile climate like the one of Tierra del Fuego it

is easy to understand the role the source of warmth, fire,

heating has in the life of its inhabitants, considering the

permanent need to protect themselves from the cold,

rain, wind and snow. The environmental conditions

also explain the succession of architectural styles since

the end of the 19th century, and with them the ways of

sociability that are characteristic of sheep farms.

It is less uplifting to note that Tierra del Fuego,

because of the violence against its native peoples, can

also be seen as vulnerable against the endeavors of

humanity that has successively and essentially motivated

by economic interests, violated and annihilated it.

It is necessary to place value on this heritage that is

still virtually unknown, as well as to gather the cultural

and natural riches of Tierra del Fuego, so as to know the

geographical characteristics of the region, its representations

in western culture, the forms and conditions of

occupation in the area; above all this, it will be evidence

of human endeavor, which can be seen on Tierra del

Fuego in its broad range of possibilities. From the surprising

ways the fueguinos managed to adapt to nature,

full of unparalleled cultural manifestations, through the

drive to explore, discover and do science, or the search

for beauty and the will to succeed and the constancy

to remain, up to the ruthless violence and depredation

characteristic of our species.


Buried deep in the landscape, at the farthest reach,

in the coldest place, that is to say in Chile, since time

immemorial Tierra del Fuego and Patagonia have been

associated to an isolated existence among the imposing

natural phenomena that contain it: to a subsistence

marked by rigor and austerity; to a historical process

that has always been associated to saga, to great actions,

to protagonists that inevitably become heroic characters,

always pioneers; to glorious or tragic feats that are

worthy of being remembered; to lives like those from

the colonists, anonymous and perseverant; to legendary

and imagined events, or even from daily life, that

attract attention today, also because of the setting where

they took place. To events that were once history and

that today have been superseded by the occurrences of

simple, rough and selfless lives, that have become the

patrimony of Patagonia.

From the explorer Magallan onwards, the drama and

struggle inherent to access and survival in a strange

environment, the sacrifice, pain, the bold, brave and

reckless acts performed by courageous and fearless

individuals, by outstanding male and female heroes

challenged by impossible conditions, have contributed

to provide content to the history, identity and patrimony

of the inhabitants of Patagonia, linking this geographical-historical

region with the events and processes it has

staged, as object or subject, as its great asset in front of

the rest of the world. Besides, today this is accentuated

by the appraisal of the original cultures that inhabited it.

In a world that is more and more globalized, with a

clear ecological conscience, with a growing interest in

nature and keenness to reach the wilderness, rustic, virginal,

primitive and unpolluted, Tierra del Fuego appears

as a privileged place. A placebo for individuals eager to

live and experience the natural world, motivated by the

expectation to find themselves in a place associated to

the epic, dramatic, historical in the middle of a “wild” surrounding

that makes it possible to evade an urban, artificial,

monotonous and predictable environment, which

is how modern society appears to many on a daily basis.

The valuing and understanding of ancestral cultures,

of the special identities, of humanity that expresses itself,

for example, in peoples like the selknam, yáganes, haush

and kawésqar, at one moment all denominated fueguinos,

is another asset of Tierra del Fuego. Men and women who,

as shown by their millenary existence, not only adapted

to and survived the harsh conditions of the environment,

but also developed forms, practices, uses, beliefs, rites and

so many other manifestations of their culture that are

now valued as ancestral expressions of the humanity

we are a part of. This history is also connected with the

current inhabitants of Patagonia and especially of the

archipelago of Tierra del Fuego, whose determination

and will to remain, live, function and go on through their

descendants, just like those who preceded them throughout

history, is expressed in their faces, looks, gestures,

words, projects, customs, ideas and beliefs; but also in

the objects of material culture they use daily, in the

remnants, among them photographs of the family past

they treasure and display; but above all in the buildings

that give them shelter, places of warmth and comfort, of

sociability, a realm of feelings and passions, a place for

meeting, in sum a home in the middle of a nature whose

harshness and isolation make their residence even more

valuable, for whatever reason, in this place that was once

considered to be “beyond the boundaries of the world”

but where humanity unfolds and manifests in fullness.


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