Relleno en Tierra Reforzada - Edificio Avenida Chile, Consideraciones de Diseno, Construccion y Comportamiento, 1995

El 9 de Mayo de 1994 ocurrio en Santafe de Bogota un deslizamiento en la calzada sur occidental de la Calle 72, a la altura de la Carrera 7a. debido a la falla de un sistema de soporte de 15 m de altura conformado por una pantalla-atirantada de concreto y tendones de anclaje, el cual permitia adelantar la construccion de cinco sotanos correspondientes al Edificio Avenida Chile. Con el proposito de habilitar rapidamente y de una manera segura el paso vehicular por la Calle 72 o Avenida Chile y de poder continuar con la construccion del edificio, se adopto para la reabilitacion del sector, la construccion de un relleno en tierra reforzada combinado con geotextil y geomalla, con una altura promedio de 14 m, el cual involucro del orden de 6000 m3 de relleno local. Se presentan las consideraciones de diseno, aspectos generales de construccion y comportamiento del relleno reforzado. The 9th of May, 1994, a urban slope failure occurred in a crowd sector of Santafé de Bogotá at the southwest corner of Calle 72 (72 Street) with Carrera 7a (7 Avenue), due to the failure of a tendon supported concrete wall 15m (49.2ft) high and 37m (121.4ft) long; the purpose of this wall was to allow excavating five basements for the modern Avenida Chile Building, as a part of the international development of the city. In order to habilitate quickly and safely the transit along the Calle 72 (one of the busiest and more important streets of the city), and to continue to construct the building, a reinforced earth fill with vertical face 14m (45.9ft) high in average, was selected as a solution to recover the slope failure that involved 4,000 m3 (43,000 ft3). The design was a challenging one, considering the limited space available and the sort time required to build the reinforced fill. For example, internal analyses, and external ones, as well, were carried out to guarantee that the fill will not impose additional loads to the building main structure. This article presents design considerations and tests carried out, experiences during construction, as an innovative solution in the country, due to the characteristics and geometry of the reinforced earth fill.

El 9 de Mayo de 1994 ocurrio en Santafe de Bogota un deslizamiento en la calzada sur occidental de la Calle 72, a la altura de la Carrera 7a. debido a la falla de un sistema de soporte de 15 m de altura conformado por una pantalla-atirantada de concreto y tendones de anclaje, el cual permitia adelantar la construccion de cinco sotanos correspondientes al Edificio Avenida Chile. Con el proposito de habilitar rapidamente y de una manera segura el paso vehicular por la Calle 72 o Avenida Chile y de poder continuar con la construccion del edificio, se adopto para la reabilitacion del sector, la construccion de un relleno en tierra reforzada combinado con geotextil y geomalla, con una altura promedio de 14 m, el cual involucro del orden de 6000 m3 de relleno local. Se presentan las consideraciones de diseno, aspectos generales de construccion y comportamiento del relleno reforzado.
The 9th of May, 1994, a urban slope failure occurred in a crowd sector of Santafé de Bogotá at the southwest corner of Calle 72 (72 Street) with Carrera 7a (7 Avenue), due to the failure of a tendon supported concrete wall 15m (49.2ft) high and 37m (121.4ft) long; the purpose of this wall was to allow excavating five basements for the modern Avenida Chile Building, as a part of the international development of the city.
In order to habilitate quickly and safely the transit along the Calle 72 (one of the busiest and more important streets of the city), and to continue to construct the building, a reinforced earth fill with vertical face 14m (45.9ft) high in average, was selected as a solution to recover the slope failure that involved 4,000 m3 (43,000 ft3).
The design was a challenging one, considering the limited space available and the sort time required to build the reinforced fill. For example, internal analyses, and external ones, as well, were carried out to guarantee that the fill will not impose additional loads to the building main structure.
This article presents design considerations and tests carried out, experiences during construction, as an innovative solution in the country, due to the characteristics and geometry of the reinforced earth fill.


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