Just like you, we still are at home hoping that the COVID-19 contingency can be completed as soon as possible, but that will come true if we all do our part and work our best to lift the country by staying in our houses. Lumbrera Fire está con ustedes, esperamos que puedas salvar al mundo desde donde te encuentres y seas muy paciente. Al salir de esta contingencia queremos que presentes una mejor versión de tu persona e impactes positivamente a la sociedad. Just like you, we still are at home hoping that the COVID-19 contingency can be completed as soon as possible, but that will come true if we all do our part and work our best to lift the country by staying in our houses.

Lumbrera Fire está con ustedes, esperamos que puedas salvar al mundo desde donde te encuentres y seas muy paciente. Al salir de esta contingencia queremos que presentes una mejor versión de tu persona e impactes positivamente a la sociedad.

from lumbrerafire2020 More from this publisher



• El equipo Pág. 4

• Carta editorial Pág. 5

• Stay safe at home by Valeria Fabián Pág. 6

• La visión de los médicos ante el

coronavirus por Isis Lizbeth Pág. 8

• Academic training at home: Tips to continue

studying at home by Carlos Guzmán Pág. 10

• Leaders in action by Sharon Estefanía Pág. 13

• Light my fire: colaboraciones del mes Pág. 16


• Don’t stay silent this quarantine by

Mafer Crusis Pág. 18

• La peor consecuencia de las fake news:

la histeria colectiva por Itzel Ruiz Pág. 19

• 10 tips + the quarantine by Ccatitt

Aguilar Pág. 21

• El privilegio llamado cuarentena por Luz

Elena Pág. 24

• Nuestro booklet: The book on fire Pág. 26


El Equipo




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Jefa de Diseño

y Edición

Carta editorial

Queridos lectores:

Just like you, we still are at home hoping that the COVID-19

contingency can be completed as soon as possible, but that

will come true if we all do our part and work our best to lift

the country by staying in our houses.

Sabemos perfectamente que el permanecer en casa las 24

horas del día puede ser algo tedioso para algunos, sabemos

que allá fuera podíamos encontrarnos con las personas que

amamos, podíamos estudiar, podíamos trabajar y podíamos

sentirnos libres, pero hoy nada de eso es seguro. Afortunadamente

muchas personas han realizado proyectos para levantar

el ánimo a través de redes sociales, podemos adquirir

nuevas habilidades gracias a los cursos gratuitos en línea,

podemos conocer otros países y sus culturas gracias a los

museos virtuales, y podemos seguir trabajando y estudiando

desde plataformas que conectan a miles de usuarios con el

objetivo de no dejar caer proyectos que marcan la diferencia

en nuestro entorno.

This edition we want to dedicate this edition to all of those

who are contributing from their homes, to the heroes who

work in hospitals, to digital entrepreneurs and to people who

join the online community without prior knowledge of how

to carry out their projects, but they have every intention of

continuing to share their knowledge and skills.

Lumbrera Fire está con ustedes, esperamos que puedas salvar

al mundo desde donde te encuentres y seas muy paciente. Al

salir de esta contingencia queremos que presentes una mejor

versión de tu persona e impactes positivamente a la sociedad.

Por Sharon Estefanía.



By Valeria Fabián

safe at home


COVID-19 we have heard, read and seen

that we have to stay at home, but why?

how it started? The first case emerged

in December 2019, when a mysterious

illness was reported in Wuhan, China.

The cause of the disease was soon

confirmed as a new kind of coronavirus,

and the infection has spread to a

number of countries around the world.

On 11th February the World Health Organization

announced that the official

name would be covid-19, a shortened

version of coronavirus disease 2019.

The WHO refers to the specific virus

that causes this disease as the covid-19


The most commonly reported symptoms

include a fever, dry cough and tiredness,

and in mild cases people may

get just a runny nose or a sore throat.

In the most severe cases, people with

the virus can develop difficulty breathing,

and may ultimately experience

organ failure. Some cases are fatal.

On 11th March, the WHO announced

that the outbreak should be considered

a pandemic – a term that has

no universally agreed definition,

but means that multiple countries

are seeing sustained transmission

between people of an outbreak

causing disease or death.

Number of novel coronavirus

(COVID-19) cases worldwide as

of March 24, 2020, by country

reach 382, 057 and 16,565 Deaths.

But in Mexico our cases are 585 positive

cases and 8 deaths, only 6 percent of

the confirmed cases in Mexico are due

to community transmission, however,

before this, our country has already

passed to phase 2, since it became having

people who were infected without

leaving the country or without having

people who have traveled abroad.

In Mexico testing got off to a slow

start, limiting efforts to isolate those

with the COVID-19 disease.

Public health experts now say the most

important goal is to slow the spread

of the coronavirus so that the number

of people who require medical attention

doesn’t overwhelm hospitals,

self-quarantining aim to keep people

who have been exposed, or who might

have been exposed, away from

others as much as possible for a period

That has generally meant 14 days,

which is considered the incubation

period of COVID-19, although symptoms

can appear within a few days of

exposure and Self-monitoring might

include regularly checking your temperature

and watching for signs of a

respiratory illness, such as fever, cough

or shortness of breath, according

to the Centers for Disease Control and

Prevention. It also involves limiting interaction

with others. It is very important

that individuals with symptoms

that may be due to coronavirus and

their household members stay at home.

Staying at home will help control the

spread of the virus to friends, the

wider community, and particularly

the most vulnerable. Those with

symptoms and living alone should

remain at home for 7 days after the

onset of their symptoms (see ending

self-isolation below). This will reduce

the risk of you infecting others.

If you live with others and you or one

of them have symptoms that may be

caused by coronavirus, then household

members must stay at home and

not leave your house for 14 days (more

information in the ending self-isolation

section below). If possible, you

should not go out even to buy food

or other essentials, other than exercise,

and in that case at a safe distance

from others. The 14-day period

starts from the day when the

first person in your house became ill.

If not possible, then you should do what

you can to limit your social contact when

you leave the house to get supplies.

It is likely that people living within a

household will infect each other or may

already be infected. Staying at home

for 14 days will greatly reduce the overall

amount of infection the household

could pass on to others in the community.

Dependence on us to control cases

of contagion, for your health

and mine follow the instructions

and stay home, keep mexico safe.



Por Isis Lizbeth.

Como ya es bien sabido el COVID-19,

también conocido como Coronavirus,

se ha vuelto tendencia en estos últimos

meses, el hecho de ver todo tipo

de contenido en redes sociales, medios

de comunicación y otras plataformas

nos ha dado a conocer la importancia

que tiene esta epidemia en el mundo.

Sin embargo, mucha gente no lo ha

tomado con la seriedad suficiente y el

contenido que crean algunas páginas

es falso, no es confiable o es tomado

como un juego y se convierten en

simples memes, por lo que en este artículo

explicaré la relevancia que debemos

proporcionarle a este tema.

La primera queja que hay de las

personas es el aislamiento,

y claro que en nuestro

país hay gente que

simplemente no puede

dejar de salir a trabajar

porque viven al día, lo

que se debe hacer en

estos casos es tomar

las medidas necesarias

para prevenir el contagio

a toda costa;

ya que según la

Organización Mundial

de la Salud (OMS)

la principal forma de contagio

es gracias al contacto con otra

persona infectada por el virus.

Las enfermedades respiratorias

(como lo es el coronavirus), se propagan

por partículas de saliva cuando

una persona tose, estornuda o

simplemente exhala, y por esa razón

esas partículas se impregnan

sobre objetos o superficies que

rodean a la persona, objetos que

pueden contagiar a alguien que no

está infectado, con el simple tacto.

Gracias a los conocimientos que nos

brindan nuestros médicos es preciso

saber las precauciones higiénicas

que son; lavado de manos (establecido

por la OMS), uso de alcoholes

en gel desinfectante y no llevar

nuestras manos a la cara ni a la boca.

También hay que tomar en cuenta

los riesgos reales del virus, que

pueden ser de un impacto leve hasta

ser mortales; los impactos leves

son secreciones nasales, dolor de

garganta, tos y fiebre, mientras que

los graves llegan hasta la dificultad

respiratoria o incluso la muerte.

Como seres humanos responsables

hay que ser conscientes de las medidas

que se establecen y tomarlas en serio,

no hay que esperar a que aparezcan las

primeras muertes, ni esperar que alguien

cercano a nosotros le ocurra una

tragedia, todo lo que se nos hace saber

mediante plataformas confiables

y seguras es para generar un bien común

y evitar problemas en la sociedad.

Los invito a cuidarse de la forma

que indiquen los médicos y especialistas

en la salud, en nosotros queda

seguir instrucciones y esperar

los mejores resultados para que al

final podamos llevar nuestras vidas

como antes o incluso de mejor forma,

recuerden que nosotros siempre

podremos hacer la diferencia.


Tips to continue

studying at home.

By Carlos Guzmán.



Planning is always important.

You must take into account the dates of exams and deliveries, where students

they have to spend more time. And, in addition to general planning as

an advice to study is ideal that on each week you plan the next one setting

small goals every day, so it will be more satisfying to meet 5 simple objectives

per week than a big and complicated one, small steps, big changes.


Avoid being distracted by anything.

For this is essential to have a suitable study space. This translates into a spacious

table, comfortable chair, bright room, noise isolation and only essential materials

(computer or tablet, agenda, folios and pens).


Avoid being distracted by anything.

Manage your time effectively.

A great method of managing study times is per minute dose. That is, study without

getting up at all for 30, 45 or 60 minutes and then take a break of 5 or 10

minutes to free yourself. In this way you alternate studies and breaks in a balanced

way, concentrating a lot on study moments.



Reading and memorizing is only part of the study.

There are many other techniques such as transcribing, underlining, summarizing,

making diagrams or making conceptual maps that also help us understand and memorize

what we study. Listening to audiobooks while you are doing your homework

will help you have a better response time, telling someone else about your agenda

will help you memorize your remaining activities. In addition, doing practical exercises

or studying real cases allows us to better understand things. And don’t forget

that colors help to memorize. Also, doing practical exercises or studying real cases

allows us to better understand things. And don’t forget that colors help to memorize.



Goodbye to the mobile.

If you use the computer, try not to access the internet to avoid social networks

or “google” any nonsense. Music can distract us and end up singing each song,

so try quiet or instrumental music to be a help. And having a bottle of water on

the desk will prevent us from getting up to the kitchen and entertaining ourselves




Stay in touch with teachers and other students.

The vast majority of online classes are accompanied by forums where students

and teachers can speak to answer questions. In addition to helping to feel the

support of the rest and not sending alone, reading and participating in this type

of forums and chats will help you improve your knowledge on the subject and

obtain a more global vision. Surely there is a student who asks a question you

have and you don’t dare to ask and if not, be the first and show initiative.




By Sharon Estefania

COVID-19 has become the main

problem to be faced in all nations

of the world with positive cases

of this pandemic, however, each

country has established strategies

to combat the situation. As a media

issue, the presidents of each country

have a responsibility to inform

their nation and be an example to

follow all the indications that they

have taken in conjunction with

specialists in the case, the media

does not pass on their comments

to expose them to society and even

compare strategies between countries

The purpose of comparing other

countries’ strategies should not be

to attack leaders, but to take them

as suggestions and independent of

what the president of the nation

where you are, you can contribute

to the prevention of this virus and

act on the most responsible way as

possible you can.

Here’s a comparative table of decisions

that were made in some Latin

American countries. Don’t forget

that in every bad situation, you

must always get the best out of it.


• Federal health authorities

proposed a “Healthy Distance

Journey” (Jornada de Sana Distancia).

• Some states have completely

closed shopping malls, cinemas

and bars.

• The Easter holidays were

two weeks ahead, there will

be suspension of classes from

March 20th to April 20th.

• Communications companies

Tigo and Claro will allow for 30

days all users who have free access

to browse government sites to learn

about the progress of the pandemic.

• Users will also be able to send

50 messages per day and make a 5

minutes call for free each day.

MÉXICO Honduras

• It was the first country in Latin America

to decree a mandatory general quarantine.

• Postponed the start of the school


• UD$105 will be given to every family

living in the informal sector.

El Salvador


Coronavirus | Cómo hace frente al covid-19 cada país de América Latina. (2020). Retrieved

from 51881075


• When reporting their first case of coronavirus,

the decision was made to close

the borders and decreed a red alert.

• Offer the benefit of deferring payments

for services such as water, electricity,

telephony, internet, as well as financial

credits and goods.

• “Nobody comes out, no one comes


• Bolivians will have only one day a

week to go out and provision according

to their ID number.

• Whoever violates the restrictions will

receive a fine of $150 and will be held in

cells for eight hours.

• The State will distribute a family basket

of food and basic necessities to more

than one and a half million families.

• Electricity, water and other sectors

will be charged for three months.




• Mandatory quarantine with penalties

to those who do not comply it.

• “Let’s be absolutely inflexible”.

• Special license for people over 60

and people with pre-existing health



Alumnos de la Escuela de Comunicación de segundo, cuarto y

sexto semestre han elaborado podcast sobre el COVID-19 para

las materias impartidas por la Lic. Yvette Solano. Este contenido

cuenta con información relevante sobre el tema, aquí te dejamos

los Códigos QR para escanear.

Cuidados de la salud COVID-19

Karla Zarco

Sexto semestre

Vacaciones en cuarentena

José Lamadrid Hernández

Segundo semestre

Economía VS COVID: La inevitable lucha

Silvana Garzón

Sexto semestre

Covid-19 Impacto Mundial

Rolando Rodríguez, Mariana Flores y José

Ángel Martínez

Segundo semestre


Informe Covid-19 por Coctel Anáhuac

Monserrat Ibáñez, Pavel Martínez, Disha

López y Ximena Sánchez

Segundo semestre


Karla López, Yocelin Vásquez, Aranzazu


Cuarto semestre

Tiempos de Coronavirus

Ana Gamez, Ricardo Morales, Ximena

Rodríguez, Kevin Moncada

Cuarto semestre

Y el coronavirus, ¿qué?

Angela Espinosa, Andrew López, Ángel

Villalvazo y Luis Acevedo

Cuarto semestre


By Mafer Crucis

Don’t stay silent

this quarantine

Did you know that according to the

IMMO (Municipal Institute of Women

of Oaxaca), cases of violence increase

during vacation periods and weekends?

If in this quarantine you have

to live with an aggressor or you know

someone, I invite you to read these recommendations

that can help you, remember

that we are here to help eaach


1.- Take turns with other trusted

friends to call her every day.

2.- Remember her that she is not alone.

3.- Follow the Municipal Institute of

Women of Oaxaca on Facebook and

watch the videos that will be published

during these days with relevant

information for everyone.

4.- Ask if you can help with anything.

5.- The Institute offers its direct attention

line in calls or WhatsApp: 951 125

3566. You can also call 911 in case of

an emergency.

In this way, the institution seeks to

give a quick response to the possible

victims of violence by an aggressor, so

that they can report and feel more secure,

in addition to being also in a position

to offer psychological support

by telephone.

I hope that you are following the necessary

health measures to take care

of you and your family in this quarantine,

because this is everyone´s responsibility.


Por Itzel Ruíz

La peor consecuencia

de las

fake news:

La propagación del

COVID-19 ha causado

muchos daños en varias partes

del mundo, y lamentablemente

no se puede decir que estos daños son

sólo aquellas personas que resultaron

contagiadas del virus, pues hablamos

más que nada de casi todo el resto de

las personas en el mundo que se preocupan

de una misma manera, tanto así

que entre ellas se genera una histeria colectiva.

Este miedo palpable de contagiarse que

hay en la población hoy en día ha estado

provocando graves consecuencias que

afectan terceros, desde terminar con los

productos básicos en las tiendas comerciales

para pasar la cuarentena, dejando

a otros sin la oportunidad de abastecerse,

y hasta lastimar con fuego a cientos

de murciélagos por temor al contagio

como ocurrió en Perú.

L a

histeria colectiva orilla a las personas

a actuar de forma impulsiva, y

esto produce impactos de gran magnitud

y que a su vez se “contagia entre

los demás” pero ¿De dónde surge esta

histeria colectiva? la misma surge de la

desinformación de las personas y de las

noticias falsas que rondan en las redes

sociales, pues al ser un tema tan popular

y de suma preocupación, donde la

gente además por naturaleza se cuestiona

y se quiere informar para cuidarse

o prevenirse, lamentablemente cae en

fake news, que al igual que una cadena,

se generan por otras personas que

se informaron de otras noticias falsas o

que crearon un rumor, provocando una

“bola de nieve” de información que no

es real y que al rodar o compartirse por

redes sociales se hace enorme y se convierte

al final en pánico o en histeria colectiva.


Y aunque este fenómeno suena muy complejo, tiene una efectiva y sencilla

solución para poder contrarrestarlo.

¿Cómo enfrentarla?

Ya que la primera razón por

la que se da este fenómeno

es “las noticias falsas”, la

mejor manera de prevenir

y no ser parte de la histeria

colectiva es informarse

continuamente en fuentes

oficiales y concentrase

en la información que nos

brindan, dado que al estar

bien informados sobre

el tema nos ayudará a tener

un mejor razonamiento

ante dudas o suposiciones

y finalmente, podremos

guardar calma

para saber que hacer y

cómo actuar de manera


Para este caso de preocupación

que se está viviendo

con la propagación del

COVID-19, te proporcionamos

el enlace a la Organización

Mundial de la Salud

donde podrás resolver las

dudas que tengas sobre el

virus e informarte con datos


OMS: Preguntas y respuestas

sobre la enfermedad

por coronavirus


As you know, we have long days ahead

of us, so staying home is the most viable

option today to reduce the spread of CO-

VID-19. For this, these 10 tips I present you

will be very helpful for the passage of the

days is not so slow.

Remember also that the responsible care

you give your body from now on is essential

for good personal health.


Watch the video of the




4. Get ready every day.

Just because you don’t leave your house

doesn’t mean that you don’t fix and neglect

that part of how you look. Taking

a bath and wearing a comfortable outfit

will help you have better energy throughout

the day.

1. Keep your usual sleeping

and eating schedules.

It is important that you sleep your hours

because the body must maintain the

same line, adding the food without mishaps

that affect your body.

2. Exercise at home.

The physical activation you give your

body in this quarantine is of utmost importance

as it is a way for the body to

release all the burdens you have. You

can rely on platforms such as Instagram

or YouTube.

5. Try something new.

Time is not a negative factor at the moment

so there is plenty of it and why

not use it to do new things? things you

would never do in your day-to-day life.

6. Keep everything in order.

Your space is of utmost importance as

you will be in it for a long time so having

it clean and tidy will be one of your

priorities in this quarantine.


3. Try to eat in balance.

This doesn’t mean that you

can’t give yourself a taste

from time to time, but that

you should try out new things

like fitness recipes that you

can find on the internet.

Give yourself a chance to

cook your own food, remember

you have plenty of time to


8. Keep it clean with your


It is important that you take this point

into account as cleaning up at home will

be essential to prevent the entry of any

virus or bacteria. Take the corresponding


9. Time in the open air.

If you have a space in your house where

you can be outdoors, go out and take

that time; it will help you to clear your

mind and maintain a good mood.

And as I mentioned in the last point,

your family is the most important thing

and in order to take care of them you

must first start with yourself.

Remember every morning to put into

practice some of those 10 tips I just

mentioned, you’ll see that the days will

go by faster if your body and mind are


10. Spend time with your family.

I left this point for the end because I

feel that it will be the essential part

of everything in this process, being

able to share a space with that person

will help you understand and value the

company you have at home.



Mientras algunos tienen amarrado el cheque

mensual y pueden tuitear #QuedateEnCasa, allá

afuera en casi todo México hay 30 millones de

personas que dependen de la economía informal

y si se quedan en casa primero los mata el hambre

antes que el coronavirus.

Es decir: mientras presumes en tus redes que estás en

el home office, allá afuera siguen trabajando casi

10 mil adultos mayores que empacan en el súper.

Mientras unos organizan su día entre un taller de

lectura, ejercicios de yoga y clases de cocina gracias

a las redes sociales, allá afuera está una persona

como el enviado de DHL, que te ha llevado a

casa los libros, el tapete o los alimentos para que sigas

disfrutando de tu día.

A él le dicen que en DHL seguirán trabajando “normal”,

que él podría pedir permiso para ausentarse pero que sería

sin goce de sueldo, no tiene otro empleo y ya está viendo

que la situación se pondrá muy difícil.

Ahora bien, si por él fuera traería gel antibacterial a todas

horas, pero este producto ya no lo encontramos en

ningún lugar ya que la gente lo agotó en farmacias y

tiendas departamentales. ¿Alguna vez se han preguntado

si este trabajador tiene miedo de seguir

su rutina a pesar de la pandemia? Él dice que

sí, pero cuando uno lo tiene se contagia más

rápido, afirma.

Mucho se ha politizado el asunto de la cuarentena,

si el gobierno en turno hace o no

lo adecuado, si la ciudadanía careciera de

voluntad y dependiera totalmente de la

decisión de un dictador como de repente

nos quieren

hacer creer, el punto central para los cultos es: ¿Qué ha demostrado

esta contingencia con respecto a la sociedad? Pues

algunos de mis conocidos andan muy indignados porque no

se han tomado las medidas drásticas como en otros países,

pero la gran diferencia es que en esos países quizá la gente

tiene un mayor respaldo social y económico.

La realidad es que México es un país pobre en su mayoría,

y cada vez esa brecha de clase va creciendo pues llevamos

años soportando abusos laborales. La ley del trabajo

está hecha para el beneficio de los empresarios, pero

de aquellos que tienen demasiado, han sido años que

hemos estado vendiendo a la educación como un producto,

de ahí que no sea garantía de nada, ni siquiera de

capacitarnos para saber nuestros derechos y no permitir

las injusticias que se comenten en el ámbito laboral.

Ahora que no nos extrañe que exista habiendo un desempleo

masivo por pretexto de la contingencia, y que hay quienes

firman cartas “voluntariamente” para irse a sus hogares

y realizar la cuarentena sin goce de sueldo, pero con la posibilidad

de regresar a trabajar ahí.

Este tipo de situaciones aniquilan toda dignidad humana,

pero la gran mayoría de esos empleados se tienen que

tragar con aceite su dignidad ya que ante la penumbra

el mínimo indicio de certeza es tomado como un tesoro.

En conclusión, hay que saber aprovechar la circunstancia,

desde mi punto de vista creo que para

México puede ser difícil enfrentar esta pandemia,

sin embargo creo que la solución para ello

es evitar el ser egoísta y generar el bien común

entre todas las personas, no es imposible lograr

cambios positivos para nuestra sociedad

si lo intentamos día a día.



en esta edición nuestro


para que conozcas los

servicios y productos

que pueden llegar a tu



y que forman parte de los

patrocinadores oficiales de


¡Escanea aquí y descárgalo!



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