Professional Building Construction Company

Bishop ltd is one of the best professional building construction company, Working alongside a team of highly skilled design consultants and developers, we are able to deliver fast and reliable service to our clients.

Bishop ltd is one of the best professional building construction company, Working alongside a team of highly skilled design consultants and developers, we are able to deliver fast and reliable service to our clients.


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Bishop Ltd


W e l c o m e T o T h e H o m e O f B u i l d i n g C o m p a n y D e l i v e r s H i g h - q u a l i t y ,

C o s t - e f f e c t i v e , H o m e R e s t o r a t i o n . A t B i s h o p B u i l d e r s W e T a k e

P r i d e I n O u r A b i l i t y T o W o r k A s P a r t O f A T e a m . B i s h o p L t d I s A

B e s p o k e C o n s t r u c t i o n C o m p a n y W o r k i n g W i t h A T e a m O f H i g h

S k i l l e d T r a d e s m e n , A r c h i t e c t s A n d D e s i g n C o n s u l t a n t s A t

R e a s o n a b l e R a t e s . B i s h o p B u i l d e r s A r e F u l l y I n s u r e d A n d A l l

E l e c t r i c a l & P l u m b i n g W o r k I s C a r r i e d O u t B y Q u a l i f i e d A n d

C e r t i f i e d T r a d e s m e n . B i s h o p B u i l d e r s A r o u n d T h e K e n t , Uk.

Management and Design


Bishop Ltd can help you to not only design your new property but also to bring that design to life with our

excellent bespoke building services. Our craftsmen are carefully selected to ensure that your vision is

materialized in the best possible way. Bishop Ltd.’ S in-house design consultants will visit the site, or

property and provide an initial in-depth discovery consultation to clearly establish what it is you’ re looking

to achieve.

New Builds

Bishop Ltd has extensive experience in building either a single new home, multiple new houses, and apartment blocks. We

pride ourselves on our high standard of workmanship and also for meeting the set time frames and budgets from our

client's. Clients have often preferred to use our Turnkey service when it comes to new builds, preferring to take a back

seat and leaving all the practical and technical building issues for us to deal with. However, we are just as comfortable to

provide our Project Management service where a client wishes to be more involved with the build.


Here at Bishop Ltd we undertake both Commercial and Residential, internal and external, full or part

refurbishments. The full Turnkey service includes any support required by the client with regards to the

design, build and legal requirements associated with the build. With our Project Management service we

handle all the practical building side of the project and the workforce, the technical and legal side of the

build would be the owners responsibility. As many of us have come to realize the refurbishment of your

home can not only save you money on bills straight away, by updating old systems for new more efficient

ones, but it can also add value to your property when you come to resell it .


Bishop Ltd is experienced in all works associated with home improvements. We also undertake sub-contractor work, for

example, to fit-out just the bathrooms and/or kitchens on the main contractor’s project. Home improvements not only

raise the value of your home when you come to sell, it can also bring a tired property back to life. For example, a good

extension, a modern kitchen or bathroom, or a loft conversion - which passes building regulations, ultimately increases

the floor-space in your home, therefore, adding value to it too. A well decorated home that people can "move straight

in" to is always more appealing than one that needs extensive work beforehand.


Bishop Ltd is very experienced in building extensions. We can easily extend your property to

provide great additional living space. A new solid construction can either be attached or

detached from the existing property. Clients will receive advise as to when Building and

Planning approvals will be required, of when inspections are due (handled by us on your

behalf with our Turnkey service) and on practical matters concerning the space, for example

the overall finish and practical use of the extension.


Bishop Ltd will build your garage or outbuilding and ensure that it is internally sealed to prevent damage from

the elements to anything inside. Garages can be either attached to or detached from an existing property,

outbuildings are generally detached. Clients will receive advice as to when building and planning approvals are

required and on practical matters concerning the space where we think it would benefit the overall finish and

practical use of the building.



If you have any questions regarding your project, or would like a quote, or need to arrange a

site visit please contact us. 0208 926 2010 / 0737 885 1000 or email: info@bishopltd.com or

Website: https://www.bishopltd.com/

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