Analisis y Solucion de Estabilizacion de un Deslizamiento con Relleno en Tierra Reforzada, 1999

En Santa Fe de Bogota D.C. (Colombia) ocurrio un deslizamiento en la Calle 72, una avenida importante en un centro financiero con transito vehicular alto. La falla se relaciona con un sistema de soporte vertical de 17m de altura, conformado por una pantalla atirantada, la cual permitfa la excavacion de cinco niveles de s6tano para dos torres de 19 pisos. Con el proposito de habilitar rapidamente y con seguridad el transito, y poder independizar la rehabilitaci6n de la vfa del proceso constructivo de las torres, se diseno y construyo un relleno reforzado con geosinteticos, de pared vertical y altura requerida; esta solucion involucro cerca de 6.000m3 de material de relleno granular compactado con matriz arenoarcillosa (GC). Este artfculo describir el sistema de pantalla, las posibles causas que originaron su colapso y las consideraciones de disefio del relleno reforzado. Dentro de las conclusiones importantes se destaca la rapidez y buen comportamiento del relleno que se coloco en 28 dias, a pesar de las limitaciones de espacio existentes. The Concasa Building was constructed during 1993-1996, in an area of 10,400m2 (111,800sqft), at the SW corner of the Calle 72 with Cra 7, in a financial and international center of the city of Santa Fe de Bogotá D.C. The building was to have 19 stories and five basements; the all structure was to have a constructed area of 100,000 m2 (1,075,000sqft). The works started in October of 1993 with the excavation for the basements and simultaneously with the construction of an anchor supported wall 37m (121.4ft) long and about 15m (49.2ft) high; this retaining structure failed in May of 1994. A reinforced earth fill in a limited spaced and with a vertical face of 6,000 m3 (64,500cuft), was constructed to rehabilitate the central and crowd sector of the city in a period of only 28 days. The article presents the description of the wall system that failed and the cause of the failure, the design considerations of the reinforced earth fill remedial solution and material tests performed, internal and external stability analyses carried out, and the important experiences gained, taking into account that reinforced earth systems would not have implemented for more than five years in Colombia. En Santa Fe de Bogota D.C. (Colombia) ocurrio un deslizamiento en la Calle 72, una avenida importante en un centro financiero con transito vehicular alto. La falla se relaciona con un sistema de soporte vertical de 17m de altura, conformado por una pantalla atirantada, la cual permitfa la excavacion de cinco niveles de s6tano para dos torres de 19 pisos. Con el proposito de habilitar rapidamente y con seguridad el transito, y poder independizar la rehabilitaci6n de la vfa del proceso constructivo de las torres, se diseno y construyo un relleno reforzado con geosinteticos, de pared vertical y altura requerida; esta solucion involucro cerca de 6.000m3 de material de relleno granular compactado con matriz arenoarcillosa (GC). Este artfculo describir el sistema de pantalla, las posibles causas que originaron su colapso y las consideraciones de disefio del relleno reforzado. Dentro de las conclusiones importantes se destaca la rapidez y buen comportamiento del relleno que se coloco en 28 dias, a pesar de las limitaciones de espacio existentes.
The Concasa Building was constructed during 1993-1996, in an area of 10,400m2 (111,800sqft), at the SW corner of the Calle 72 with Cra 7, in a financial and international center of the city of Santa Fe de Bogotá D.C. The building was to have 19 stories and five basements; the all structure was to have a constructed area of 100,000 m2 (1,075,000sqft). The works started in October of 1993 with the excavation for the basements and simultaneously with the construction of an anchor supported wall 37m (121.4ft) long and about 15m (49.2ft) high; this retaining structure failed in May of 1994. A reinforced earth fill in a limited spaced and with a vertical face of 6,000 m3 (64,500cuft), was constructed to rehabilitate the central and crowd sector of the city in a period of only 28 days.
The article presents the description of the wall system that failed and the cause of the failure, the design considerations of the reinforced earth fill remedial solution and material tests performed, internal and external stability analyses carried out, and the important experiences gained, taking into account that reinforced earth systems would not have implemented for more than five years in Colombia.

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