Miradas para reconstruir la realidad - Neli Silva Castro

Miradas para reconstruir la realidad - Neli Silva Castro

Miradas para reconstruir la realidad - Neli Silva Castro

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Aprendizaje de las matemáticas en el bachillerato…


This research project was carried out from the action research. Where a problem was detected in the

initial levels of mathematics (lag), motivation and interest in the students for the study of this science,

diagnostic instruments were applied, an action plan was made and evaluated through different

instruments, including the group assembly. All the summarized research is presented, already with

results, given that it was concluded. The research question was: How to help the students of cobaem

El Rosario to cope with the educational backwardness in the area of mathematics, to reach the level

that the baccalaureate requires and is of interest ?, posing the assumption of reducing the educational

lag by implementing an induction course in the area of mathematics with the first semester students,

supported by ict to promote their learning and interest, since if from the beginning of the Baccalaureate

manage to understand the basic aspects of the curriculum in that area, it will be easier for them

to go through these courses academically.

Keywords: tic, mathematics, motivation, interest.


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