Vevazz Reviews

Vevazz Contouring is a Safe and Non-invasive Treatment for Fat Loss at http://www.usalipolasers.com/brands/vevazz.php Different body management clinics have Vevazz Led machines. This machine is for body contouring and cellulite treatment. The machine helps you to lose weight and removal of cellulite and gives your body a good shape.(Vevazz Reviews ) Address : 1315 Broadway, Suite 131,Hewlett, NY 11557, United States Telephone (toll-free): 1-888-547-5296 Our Profile : https://www.yumpu.com/user/usalipolasers More Magazines : https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/view/63150841/contour-light-led

Vevazz Contouring is a Safe and Non-invasive Treatment for Fat Loss at http://www.usalipolasers.com/brands/vevazz.php

Different body management clinics have Vevazz Led machines. This machine is for body contouring and cellulite treatment. The machine helps you to lose weight and removal of cellulite and gives your body a good shape.(Vevazz Reviews )

Address : 1315 Broadway, Suite 131,Hewlett, NY 11557, United States
Telephone (toll-free): 1-888-547-5296

Our Profile : https://www.yumpu.com/user/usalipolasers

More Magazines : https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/view/63150841/contour-light-led


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Vevazz Reviews


Vevazz LED Discounts

Look at the picture of the Vevazz Lipo LED machine!

It isn't like any other laser machine; it is an ultimate

lipo LED device for clinics and patients to love.

Unlike the older version, this version of the Vevazz

Lipo LED does not use standard LEDs.

It is provided with superluminous LEDs produced in

Japan. Because of this, the machine can take care of

larger areas of the human body in parallel;

e ciency is easily achieved.

You have the option to purchase the Vevazz as it

was manufactured originally, or with additional


The cost will range approximately $15,000 to


we can discuss the di erent option that you can use

to save your money in the buying process of


I am excellent in this art - helping my readers save

more money than anywhere else, when they buy!

Coming back to the topic, the popularity of Vevazz

could be attributed to the fact that the Vevazz Lipo

LED does not use conventional LEDs, but incredibly

radiant LEDs from Japan.

Unlike the usual third-generation machine that has

a wavelength range of 635 nm, the Vevazz Lipo

treats slower,

But with more bene cial results than the average


As noted, these LEDs cover larger parts of the body

for great quality.

No known complaints have been found about this

marvellous machine.

In my experience,

Consumers have said that the Vevazz Lipo LED has

been successful in treating patients accordingly.

The brand and model takes up a large part of the

LED market because of their early arrival,

Which has been greatly advantageous on their


This has allowed consumers to receive the great

value they deserve.

In comparison to less expensive alternatives, the

Vevazz Lipo LED beats them in terms of power and


Generally, I have the best prices in the market.


Strawberry Laser Reviews

Because of this, many spas and clinics are willing to

invest in this high-quality equipment.

I am unable to share prices online, but I would be

more than happy to talk more.

Further, I suggest you to make sure if this brand

and model is right for you by taking our quiz (click

here). Our quiz will guide you in making the right

decision towards your investment.

While it may cost patients more per session, they

still use this machine because of its amazing


In my experience, the places that continuously use

the Strawberry Lasers have been very successful

with many of their clients.

Meet the Strawberry Laser, a second-generation

laser machine strong enough to remove ample

quantities of unwanted fat per session.

This sweet piece of machinery does not utilize LED;

it sticks to the old-day laser, and is a highly

powerful device that gets the job done successfully.

The Strawberry Laser was featured on an episode of

the popular Dr. Oz Show.

The full package using the machine takes 8 to 10

sessions for promising results. It is one of the most

utilized lasers by numerous clinics.

Although it costs in the range of $35,000-$45,000, I

am aware of good discounts that I can pass over to


Many clients and clinicians will agree it is worth

every penny.

People love the Strawberry Laser because of its

productive capabilities, quick usage, and high


Many patients recommend clinics that use this

machine to other patients to experience.

A client's body will be easily covered thanks to the

high uence of the Strawberry Lasers.

In a speci c time, the machine can remove great

amounts of fat.

It comes with 10 paddles and 60 potent diodes.

The company claims patients can lose up to two

inches at the abdominal area per session.

Clients must have healthy bodies to experience the

Strawberry Lasers due to its high power density.

Otherwise, the power has to be lowered for usage.


Lipolight Best Prices

Because of the high power the machine yields, it

takes 10 minutes to complete the average session.

This allows medical establishments that use the

Strawberry Lasers to take as many patients as they

need in a short amount of time.

Because of the low time consumption, many clinics

continue to buy this model to help patients.

Since the machine has great quality,

But high price, many places will sell duplicates at a

variety of marketplaces such as Alibaba or EBay.

Be cautious of this.

The machine that you buy will include the

paperwork and warranties from the o cial


I suggest you also discuss about discounts with me -

I excel in getting great discounts for my readers.


I have the best prices in the market. I am unable to

share prices online, but I would be more than

happy to talk more.

Further, I suggest you to make sure if this brand

and model is right for you by taking our quiz.

Our quiz will guide you in making the right decision

towards your investment.

The Lipo Light LED Machine: One of the Pioneers of

LED Machinery

As one of trailblazers of LED machinery, Lipo Light

opened the world to new possibilities.

Since its initial launch, clinicians and patients have

proclaimed its amazing capabilities and results;

thus, it has allowed the brand to remain


Today, it is one of the more sought-after brands that

clinicians, clubs and salons look for, as well as, the

end-users like using.

The Lipo-Light utilizes 16 powerful probes

(pads/paddles). This has made the these units

among some of the most potent LED machines in

the industry.

The power density (energy emitted per second) is in

the high numbers, emitting 5.7 Joules per second

(that is, 5.7 watts).


Lipo Light

If you compared this device from the UK to brands

manufactured in China, you will see that China's

machines only release 1.2 to 1.4 Joules per second.

The immense di erence in strength is one of the

reasons people may choose the Lipo-Light brand

over many others.

That way, the operating expenses (which are low

anyway) are minimized, unnecessary heat

generation is avoided (the unit has a wonderful

state-of-the-art heat management system and can

function for hours at a stretch) and the probes are

best utilized.

There are 30 diodes within each of the 16 probes.

Because of the great power density,

Lipo Light has proven itself time after time that it

dominates many-known brands of LED machinery.

It retains its marketable sense of class and


The 16 paddles work in parallel for e



Also, clients feel comfortable using the paddles on

their bodies.

Note that, one need not run all the probes at all the


Note that, not all the probes need to be used all the


Each probe is optimally designed to work well for a

certain part of the body.

So the appropriate way to use is to only activate the

probes that will focus on the target body areas of a

given patient in a given session.

And then, in the next session, activate the probes

that will focus on the target body areas of the next

patient. And so on.

It is su cient to run only the ones needed, at a

given point of time, And keep the remaining idle.

Which probes are to be run in a given session,

Is best decided at the time of operating the

machine, based upon which areas of the body of

the patient the session is intended for.

Also note that, the Lipo Light having a third

generation laser technology, it enjoys a state-of-theart

heat management system.

The heat generated in a session is removed as the

unit operates, and thus the unit practically never

heats up.


Lipolight Pro

First, the heat management.

Any business owner would want to maximize the

number of clients that they can treat, in a given

span of time.

Many of the traditional lipo lasers get heated up,

and all of a sudden stop operating for a while.

Not only it is annoying for the client (patient) who is

in the middle of his/her session, but also lossmaking

for the business as

(a) precious time is wasted and

(b) the client goes back with a bad experience and

untoward feedback.

Since the Lipo Light does a great job of heat


This unwanted situation never arises -

The machine keeps working continuously for long

hours without heating up or stopping.

As a result, one can keep using it over back-to-back

sessions for a long time, over many hours.

This is bene cial for the clinics / salons, as they can

deal with more patients within a shorter period of


This takes to the next aspect - how has the

experience of salon/clinic owners using the Lipo

Light been?

And hence,

When it is said that many referral patients enjoy the

machine and the salons/clinics/clubs get lots of

referral customers,

That does not come as a surprise.

It clearly shows that people truly enjoy the piece of

technology that the Lipo-Light is equipped with.

The short answer is - good.

There are several reasons for that.


Lipolight Best Prices

Next, the power and uence of the Lipo Light model.

Being a third-generation machine, it is not

surprising that the unit is a powerful one.

It uses third-generation diodes.

That essentially means, the machine will give highfrequency

low-wavelength laser beams, which is

what you would want to have to maximize the


Always note that, the higher the frequency, the

lower the wavelength, the higher the power.

Some people often get confused on this.

And the large number of paddles with a high diode

density ensures su cient uence for the Lipo Light


Remember that, uence has got nothing to do with

the power of any lipolaser machine.

Fluence on the other hand determines how much

area of the body you can cover at a given time,

With how much density of coverage.

It is purely the wavelength/frequency of the laser

emitted by the diodes that determines the power of

the machine,

And not the density of packing of the diodes.

The Lipo Light is a great machine both in terms of

power (the wavelength and frequency of the laser

beam given by the diodes)

As well as the uence (how many such powerful

diodes are available in a given unit area of the body,

that will send the laser beams to the body).

All of these factors makes the sessions on the Lipo

Light machine faster and more wholesome,

Bene ting both the patient (client) and the

clinic/salon owner.

This, along with the e cient heat management and

capability to operate non-stop for long hours,

Are the primary reasons make the unit a favorite

among the commercial users.


Lipolight Discounts

Lipo Light, like many other lipolaser units, claims to

be able to impede producing new fat cells.

According to this claim, using the technology has an

advantage that,

While in traditional surgical liposuction procedure

the adipose/fat cells will only be removed,

This will reduce the likelihood of fat newly getting

stored after the removal, and thus the chance of

getting fat is reduced.

The sessions will trigger the lipolysis procedure.

This releases free fatty acids, and the lymph

drainage system will eliminate this from the body.

The heat and light generated by the lipo laser/LED


Including the Lipo Light, will also lead to production

of collagen.

That in turn tones the skin, making it tighter and

more glowing.

All these are favorable for the patient/client, as the

long term bene ts are maximized.


I have the best prices in the market.

I am unable to share prices online, but I would be

more than happy to talk more.

Further, I suggest you to make sure if the Lipo Light

brand and model is right for you by taking our quiz.

The quiz will guide you in making the right decision

towards your investment.

One of our more preferred laser machines is the

Contour Light.

The unit produces enough power that increases

e ciency in a short amount of time.

It comes with a potent heat management system,

high power in each diode, and an elevated degree

of uence.


Contour Light Reviews

Each patient will experience a quick, but e ective

session thanks to the machine;

The rapidity and quality of its work is doubled

compared to most machines.

This creates impressive results that will make

clients interested for more sessions.

Now, it is important to know that before

purchasing this or any other lipo laser/LED, you

would want to make sure that it meets your


Contour Light machines are built for facing

multitudes of clientele in spas or clinics.

As a third generation device (635 nanometers of

wavelength), it works at a rapid pace to drain lipids

from cells e ciently.

Simultaneously, doctors can use a body vibration

machine to extract fat after being removed from


The same can be said about any brand or model of

lipo laser (LED) machine, not just Contour Light.

We suggest taking our quiz (opens a new tab or

window) to make sure that the brand and model is

perfect and satisfying towards your needs.

It will prepare you for what may be expected before



Lipolight Best Prices

Drainage can only be done for short periods at a

time because the body can only handle so much


The systems (detox and lymph) have their

limitations. Losing large quantities of fat in a short

amount of time can negatively a ect one's health

and results.

Instead of losing the fat, the body will simply shift

the fat in a di erent area.

Multiple short sessions are best for enough time to

safely remove fat naturally.

Because of the power of each paddle,

Overview of the Units: Structure & Functionality

An excessive number of ine


cient paddles is not

The Contour Light machines are wonderful in terms

of power, functionality, and stable structure.

As the user, you have the ability to control power

usage at any level.

The controller is simple to use and comes with

session time adjustments, ranging between 5 and

45 minutes.

At the machine's anterior, there is a collection of ve

connectors (ports), which can t ve pads or four

pads and a single face mask.

The whole system is operable with complete,

parallel control.

Also, it comes with an integrated alarm system that

may be disabled at any time.

Another bene t of having less paddles is improved

hygienic maintenance and cleaning of the


Keeping four paddles clean compared to two dozen

paddles is easier and less time-consuming.


A translucent covering can be used for the client

side of the paddles to keep dust away and can be


The plastic covering of the Contour Light is not

expensive and is replaceable.

The covering can be peeled o and another plastic

sheet can be used in place of the old one.

The overall structure is magni cent and does not

allow paddle cords to become tangled easily.

Usually with machines, entangled cords are a

commonality, but not with this model.


Contour Light LED

As far as the technical details are concerned, the

Contour Light machines belong to the contemporary

(third) generation of lipo laser (LED) machines.

The diodes from this generation are some of the

most powerful devices ever created for this type of


Only 635 nanometers of wavelength, the units are

immensely powerful, and are capable of creating

large amounts of light for adipose tissue

(remember: shorter the wavelength, the more

potent the energy).

The measurements of the four light pads are 28

inches by 12 inches, and each paddle contains 320

LED diodes.

That's 40 milliwatts of light energy per diode (12,800

milliwatts in each paddle). Since there are four

paddles, multiplying 12,800 by 4 is 51,200 milliwatts


The person using the paddles will notice how

comfortable and soft they are. The Contour Light

has two arm straps (168 diodes for each strap).

Because there are less paddles included with the

Contour Light brand model, we know why the

paddles are the size that they are and vice versa.

The average paddles are about 4"x 6", which is

signi cantly smaller than Contour Light's paddles

(approximately by 10%).

This allows speed and e ciency to be easily

achieved since the machine has paddles that are

ten times larger.

Other machines utilize smaller paddles that cause

discomfort and include elastic or Velcro straps.

This is not only time-consuming, but causing

discomfort for patients that have to roll over;

thankfully, the paddles of these units are large and

exible enough to avoid aforementioned discomfort.

The machine includes a set of dual cellulite removal

pads that utilize green light energy diodes.

The face mask fully conceals the face, upper chest,

and neck.

This invigorates the skin and aids skin tone.

Fat is decimated beneath the chin and around the

jawline area.

Disposable plastic sheets are included for hygienic


Contour Light includes a rolling cart for easy

transport, an instruction manual, wall, measuring

tape, 8 pad covers, and posters. The manufacturer

warranty for the machine is given for one year.



Further, if you are a buyer (individual buyer or buying for

commercial purposes), I would also be able to help you in

getting the best prices in whichever model you choose to

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sure that you double-check so that you don't miss anything.

This has often resulted in saving thousands of dollars for

customers, which is significant. Just call me up on 1-888-

547-5296 and get in touch.

Slender Lasers

Attention: Customer Care Center

1315 Broadway Suite 131

Hewlett NY 11557

Email: info@usalipolasers.com


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