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ISSN 2395-8359



No. 2



Published by the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León

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Osvaldo Gutiérrez Esparza

Jonathan Gerardo Martínez Quiroz

Dr. Oxana Vasilievna Kharissova


Dr. Álvaro Eduardo Cordero Franco

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Celerinet, Year 7, No. 2, July-December. Published on: December 20th, 2019.

Celerinet is a semestral publication edited by the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, through the Facultad de

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Editor in Chief: Dr. Álvaro Eduardo Cordero Franco. Exclusive Rights Number 04-2014-102111595700-203 licenced

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Osvaldo Gutiérrez Esparza

UANL - FCFM in San Nicolás de los Garza, Nuevo León, México


The evolution of the economy and political thought, has resulted in a whole new set of thoughts

about what is considered right to do, about what should be fair for all people, and more notably,

about how the world should work. The laws, which must be fair, on human behavior in all its

economic activities. Moreover, a substantially important aspect is that ideologies carry more

weight than evidence. The basis on which the economic models are not constituted of an objective

nature; instead, they are a whole set of ideologies about what is believed to be right about what

is believed to be true. The economy, like social science, can have a bad reputation due to the

subjective blocks of knowledge that compose it. However, for a few decades a new field intends

to give the economy a more axiomatized course, to treat the complex system that the economy

and the world is, to give a structured and objective course to the behavior of the financial world.

Keywords: Econophysics, markets, heterodox thought


La evolución de la economía, y del pensamiento político, ha dado como resultado toda una

nueva serie de pensamientos sobre lo que se considera correcto hacer, sobre lo que debería ser lo

justo para todas las personas, y de manera más notoria, sobre como el mundo debería funcionar.

Las leyes, las cuales deben ser realmente justas, sobre el comportamiento humano en todas sus

actividades económicas. Más, un aspecto sustancialmente importante es el de que las ideologías

tienen mayor peso que las pruebas. La base con la que están constituidos los modelos económicos

no son de índole objetiva, sino, que son todo un conjunto de ideologías sobre lo que se cree

correcto, sobre lo que se cree que es verdad. La economía, como ciencia social, puede llegar tener

una mala reputación debido a su subjetividad, debido a los bloques subjetivos del conocimiento

que la componen. Pero, desde hace unas décadas un campo nuevo pretende dar a la economía un

rumbo más axiomatizado, tratar el sistema complejo que la economía y el mundo es, para darle un

rumbo estructurado y realmente objetivo al funcionamiento del mundo financiero.

Palabras clave: Econofísica, mercados, pensamiento heterodoxo

Gutiérrez, O. (2019). Econophysics and Financial Markets: A New Perspective in Economics. Celerinet. 7(2), 1-7.




There are different points of view on how

financial markets should work and on what

people should do, from an economic perspective,

so that everything works in a kind of balance.

There are so many economic models, based

on ideologies that try to say what the society

would work for, which would be correct.

Moreover, the dawn of economic thought

could not be established frankly, but, if it were

possible to establish dates, establish moments at

which economic activities began to be structured,

it would be a more detailed science. But the

true is that there is not an objective knowledge

about economics, just a few publications that

actually tries to structure all about economics

thoughts, like the publication of Adam Smith’s

work, entitled: An investigation into the nature

and causes of the wealth of nations.

Over time, the dedication to translating into

mathematical margins, not only philosophical

and subjective, is born as a society,

economically, behaves and the possibility of

giving a structure to economic thinking. That

is how it appears econometrics, a science that

uses probability and statistical methods applied

to economic situations, and the results give

data that orthodox thinking would not. Over

time, the axiomatization of economic thought,

a heterodox perspective, continues how

economic activities behave. For 20 years, there

is a new field of economics, which extracts

concepts of physics to build in more accurately,

this through mathematical bases, which allow a

foundation of various branches and concepts of

economics, such as exemplify: bond markets,

currency markets. On the other hand, what was

considered as sitting, it is possible to glimpse

it no longer in a purely ideological way, but,

objectively. Econophysics drives the efforts of

a purely unprejudiced economic system that

works for everyone, but most importantly, that

truly works and gives a complete understanding

of how the financial markets and the economy

in general work.




Before talking about bond markets,

currency markets, financial instruments, stock

exchanges, stock market index, economic

crashes, and especially econophysics, it is

necessary to give a historical review of certain

events that have led to forming the science

that today is the economy. This, because first,

we must properly understand what we want

to give a new way to understand and face it.

Starting from the econophysics would mean not

entering the subject in question, since there is a

motivating reason why the need arises to apply

physics in financial markets and the economy

in general. Restricting the subject to talk only

about econophysics, without first calling into

question certain matters of vital importance,

would be like talking about the current model

of the atom, quantum physics, without ever

mentioning the models before the current

one, would be not seeing the whole series of

advances and needs that have given way to the

creation of a new path.

Therefore, it is necessary to take a brief

look at the economy and what it has given

to the behavior of society [1]. It is necessary

to talk about the “Philosophiæ naturalis”

(Principia Mathematica), Newton’s work, in

which he establishes several of his discoveries

of mechanics and astronomy. Work published

around 1687, which marks a new way of seeing

the world. This work shows the possibility of

condensing the behavior of the celestial vault

to words written on sheets, to give an objective

explanation about the behavior of celestial

objects. Leaving ideologies aside and giving

way to evidence, to objective mathematical

structures on how something works.



Adam Smith, the father of modern economics,

publishes his great work: An investigation

into the nature and causes of the wealth of

nations. Work with which he tries to do the

same as Newton [2], giving an objective basis

to economic behavior. Moreover, this base is

supported by ideologies, not by mathematical

proofs. Although, they are bases that agree with

the observation, Smith brings together a whole

series of phenomena of economic interest,

thus giving way to a whole series of thoughts

that would form economic models with which

nations govern the economic behavior of a

country [3].

Capitalism, an economic model, based on

Smith’s thinking, and based on many other

economists works. But, all these models,

not only the capitalist but models such as

communism, socialism, and others. They

are based on limited observations and moral

theories about how a person behaves.

The limitations I refer to are the kind of

limitations that make economics a social

science and not as an exact science. That is, the

mere fact of observing the economic activity of

a region does not guarantee the real economic

functioning of such a phenomenon. This is due

to observations that have an ideological starting

point, in other words, that the phenomena that

are observed in a set of previous ideologies put

into action.

Which, for an economic observer with claims

to systematize economic thinking, the only

thing he does when carrying out such activity,

is nothing more than to glimpse the economic

behavior of a region, but not a universal

behavior, or rather, a behavior objective. Such

is the fundamental question of why economics

is a social science, because ideologies have a

higher weight than evidence.

With such thoughts, the economic models

that govern the world today have been built. At

the same time, the evolution of world policies

and the events that shape human thought have

resulted in more complex economic systems.

This refers to the interdependence that exists

today between the economies of other countries.

The Asian policies with those of the West, the

socialist policies of the big manufacturing

corporations with the American capitalist

companies. The companies are good examples

of the interdependence.

World globalization has resulted in more

complexity of economic structure and

knowledge about how things should work. The

interdependence that the world has reach now,

throws new variables about the beliefs in the

economics models and what means a stable

economic model, that economic ideas cannot

be something seated or absolute.

But, that over time, like the growth of

economic complexity, the number of new tools

that need to observe the economy, not with

ideological and subjective bases, but, lay the

economic structures in mathematical bases that

are universal, surpassing the ideological ones.

The economist manifesto:

As mentioned before, throughout the history

of the world, various ideologies have been

revealed that try to stand out among others.

The word capitalism resonates in a tone about

corporate cruelty, while the word communism

resonates as a synonym for poverty and lack of


Moreover, such questions is one of the

purposes to be eradicated by econophysics,

not to depend on ideological perspectives

that govern how economic activities should

be carried out and how something should be,

simply because of belonging to a region of the

world in the one that think in something that

is truth just because the people of that region

thinks what is true or not, something merely







Financial markets: Within the financial

markets, economic activities of all kinds are

carried out, many financial movements, at the

same time, many usable financial tools. The

financial markets is an excellent example of what

a complex system means. These, depending on

economic activities, individual or group, form

a network in which all economic activities

influence each other, making financial markets

a network of global economic interdependence.

Which shows a risk and advantage. Therefore,

understanding their behavior has been led

by orthodox thoughts, which do not yield a

real functioning but subjective and based on

historical material; therefore, it is not possible

to understand the financial market. On the other

hand, econophysics exalts the possibility of

understanding phenomena that were previously

considered as inexplicable, this, starting with a

base on which analogies and physical models

are formed, which can be described with

certainty and give a reasonable understanding

of the effects that economic activities can have

on others.

Orthodox though: The currents of thought

that control the course of all economic events

have been the same since long ago. Financial

markets are a product of the evolution of

economic thought. More, such knowledge and

its application, of what the economy and all

economic activities are, is too cyclical. Such

affirmation is demonstrated by the failures of

the economic models that govern the world

since the economic thought exists and now

in our times, where there are bond markets,

currency markets, and securities.

How a physics law can be used to explain

an economic-social system: Is necessary to

looking for analogies in physics that can be

relate to a similar behavior in economics. For

example, the idea about the autoregulation of

the markets and the efficiency, can be relate

to thermodynamics. Also, the analogies relate

to the commercial activities between two

countries. But, most important, the truly impact

and innovation is when the math applied in

physics apply to key concepts in economics, for

example: bond markets.

The axiomatization of the stock market:

The mathematical tendencies of axiomatizing,

at the same time, systematizing, social

phenomena, has been of great scientific interest

at every moment of history. This interest, in

systematizing social phenomena, has result

in many tools to use in a lot of economics

activities. The mathematical advance has caused

the growth in the mathematical developments

linked to express, in simple terms, economic

and social phenomena. This ranges from

expressions related to the production of goods,

as shown in the next equation:

CM=CT/dQ (1)

This means that the marginal cost function

CM can be expressed as the derivative of the

total cost CT with respect to the quantity Q.

Likewise, an inexorable interest on the part of

traditionalist economic thought must be strictly

at least in terms of quantifiable data, based on

mathematical expressions. An example related

to financial markets, more specifically, to Total

Stock Return. This is the equation used:


Where P0 is the initial price of value, P1 is

the final price of value and D is the dividend

However, having mathematical tools is

inexorably part of the progress of economic

sciences in recent decades. Moreover, these

tools, those shown above, do not throw anything



new into a better understanding of economic

behavior, but rather, which are equations that

are used daily in activities in such fields. In

other words, they are the result of traditionalist

economic ideologies. It is necessary to support

them with mathematical bases that allow us to

understand the evolution that the financial world

has had. More, really, they show nothing more

than simple elements of the field of economics.

Econometrics: On the other hand, more

complex expressions are shown from the

advances that econometrics has produced,

being this field in which a greater extension of

mathematical tools and fields are used, such

as mathematical and statistical models, linear

programming, and theory of games among

others [4].

With this, by having a more extensive

field of mathematical tools, other kinds of

results can be achieved by applying them to

economic phenomena. Econometrics uses,

for the most part, the mathematical corpus

of statistics. From such tools it is possible to

provide a whole range of statistical results,

which, at the same time, yield data on the

characteristics of a phenomenon. Concepts

such as heteroscedasticity, which mentions that

the variance is not constant in the observations

made of a phenomenon. Thing contrary to the

behavior of a linear regression model. A graph

of the behavior of heteroscedasticity is as


Fig 1: heterocedasticity sampling

Economic crashes: One of the main motivators

to affirm that the intellectual corpus of the

economy is based on purely speculative and

ideological bases, are the economic crises which

have different origin. An orthodox traditionalist

economist could say that economic crises are

inherent issues for the proper functioning

of the economy and the world. Moreover,

the undeniable truth is that the behavior of

economic crises, which seem unpredictable, are

really works of human beings and not products

of the perfect financial system. Which is not

perfect, but merely fraudulent. The economic

crises and the laws that have been passed on

the deregulation of banks, in the mid-1970s, led

to the greatest economic crisis after the Great

Depression. Which, as stated above, ideologies

weigh more than evidence.

When the economic crisis broke out in 2008,

the government blamed immigrants, teachers,

and various issues that were far removed

from the real problem of the systematization

of knowledge and providing bases for the

economy that is objective and not ideological.

Therefore, at the beginning of the deregulation

of banks, in the United States of America, over

the decades, it led to excesses that were not

seen and reflected until 2008, when the crisis

broke out in the United States of America and

spread to the world.

And this arose from the apparent solidity of

the foundations on which economic models are

based, more as mentioned at the beginning of

the article, and ideological ones weigh more

than evidence. There are very few aspects of

the traditional economy that are genuinely

grounded, mostly they are the tools that describe

the behavior of certain financial instruments.

More complex tools that describe certain

aspects of the stock market: In 1900 Bachelier

[5] proposes that the stocks have an evolution

according to the following equation

Lt = L0 + σWt + νt (3)



Where Wt is a Brownian movement, since

Wt is Gaussian, Lt can take negative values.

The next equation (4) is called Black-

Scholes model. This is a mathematical model

for pricing an options contract. This model

estimates de variation over time of some

financial instruments such as stock [6]. The

creators of this equation received the Nobel

Prize in Economics Sciences.


use of physical analogies. But, it is not until the

late 90’s when a higher number of scientific

articles are published, which try to extract

concepts of physics with which it is a question

of giving greater understanding of various

financial activities, based on the idea about

the simplicity with which physics manages to

describe the complex systems of the world.

Some tools used in econophysics

Among the many tools that econophysics

provides, these are a few.

The equation (5) shows an analogy with the

law of universal gravitation. This, referring to a

gravity model of trade. A model that establishes

that trade between two countries is proportional

to their economical size (GDP) and inversely

proportional to the distance that separates them



Radiation models have their origin in physics,

to explain how waves or particles travel through

a vacuum. The model, used in social sciences,

describes the flow of people between two

locations [8], expressed in equation (6).


The field of econophysics: The field of

econophysics arises when volatility in the

financial world becomes more relevant in

economic activities. The existence of articles,

related to economics, dates approximately

since the foreign exchange market began. This,

due to the increasing complexity of financial

activities since the 60’s articles emphasized the

Fig 2: The author (center) giving the explanation of the poster

(about econophysics) in Villahermosa, Tabasco.



Mexico has a fragile structure in financial

terms and its foundations. However, not

having financial complexity on par with

developed countries, makes it less vulnerable

to phenomena that affect more complex

economic ones, this due to the interdependence

they have in their financial markets and the

diversity of values they possess. On the other

hand, econophysics represents a frontier

science, represents the attempts to return

economic activities, fundamentally ‘governed’

by orthodox thoughts that cause a malfunction

of the markets and despite having the belief

that they are efficient and that they work for

all, an objective corpus. Economics is essential

for the world of finance, since it provides firm

and objective bases on how the financial world

really works, or how it should.




[1] Landreth, H. and Colander, D. (2010).

Historia del pensamiento económico. Madrid:

McGraw Hill.

[2] Hetherington, N. S. (1983). Isaac

Newton’s influence on Adam Smith’s natural

laws in economics. Journal of the History of

Ideas, 497-505.

[3] Montes, L. (2008). Newton’s real

influence on Adam Smith and its context.

Cambridge Journal of Economics, 32(4), 555-


[4] Wooldridge, J. (2010). Introducción a la

Econometría. 4e. México, México: Cengage

Learning Editores S.A. de C.V

[5] Mordecki, E. (1998). Modelos

matemáticos en finanzas: Valuación de

opciones. Centro de Matemáticas. Facultad de

Ciencias Montevideo, Uruguay.

[6] Chesney, M., & Scott, L. (1989). Pricing

European currency options: A comparison

of the modified Black-Scholes model and a

random variance model. Journal of Financial

and Quantitative Analysis, 24(3), 267-284.

[7] Tóth, G., Kincses, Á. & Nagy, Z. (2014).

The changing economic spatial structure

of Europe. Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift-

Norwegian Journal of Geography, 68(5), 301-


[8] Ma, T., Zhu, R., Wang, J., Zhao, N., Pei,

T., Du, Y., & Chen, J. (2019). A proportional

odds model of human mobility and migration

patterns. International Journal of Geographical

Information Science, 33(1), 81-98.

economics in the national physics congress

2019 that was held in Villahermosa, Tabasco.

His interests reside in economics, econometrics

and econophysics. Likewise, he obtained

a second place in the UANL 2019 Young

Literature Contest.

Author’s Address: Pedro de Alba, Niños

Héroes, Ciudad Universitaria, 66451 San

Nicolás de los Garza, Nuevo León, México

Email: osvaldo.gutierrezes@uanl.edu.mx


Osvaldo Gutiérrez Esparza is a physics

student at the Autonomous University of

Nuevo León. He presented a poster related to










Jonathan Gerardo Martínez Quiroz

Dr. Oxana Vasilievna Kharissova


Autonomous University of Nuevo León

School of Physical and Mathematics

San Nicolás de los Garza, Nuevo León, México

An alternate method was developed to clean the contaminated water with light raw oil using

multi-walled carbon nanotubes. This method consisted in supplying several quantities of a solution

of multi-walled carbon nanotubes with ethanol that was induced some time in an ultrasound

machine. During the experimental phase, there were realized some comparatives of cleaning

through the realization of the methodology of cleaning using tap water and salty water, checking

what is the best configuration of concentration and time in the ultrasound machine to clean almost

all the petroleum presented in the contaminated water. This methodology of cleaning serves as a

viable alternative because the used materials are mostly eliminated thanks to the utilization of a

metal mesh, achieving the expected result of mostly or entirely eliminating the oil that was present

in the water using the solution of carbon nanotubes.

Keywords: Multi-walled carbon nanotubes, oil spills, water cleaning method, raw oil


Fue desarrollado un método alternativo para la limpieza del agua contaminada con petróleo

crudo ligero, usando nanotubos de carbono multi capa. Este método consistió en la suministración

de cantidades severas de una solución de nanotubos de carbono multi capa con etanol la cual

fue inducida algún tiempo en una máquina de ultrasonido. Durante la fase experimental, fueron

realizadas algunas comparaciones de la limpieza mediante la realización de la metodología

de limpieza utilizando agua potable común y agua salada, verificando así cuál es la mejor

configuración de concentración y tiempo de ultrasonido para la limpieza de casi todo el petróleo

presente en el agua contaminada. Esta metodología de limpieza sirve como una alternativa viable

porque los materiales utilizados son mayormente eliminados gracias a la utilización de una malla


Martínez, J. & O. Kharissova. (2019). Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes with Iron Particles as an Alternative to Solve

Oil Spills. Celerinet. 7(2), 8-15.


metálica, logrando el resultado esperado de

la eliminación total o parcialmente total del

petróleo que se presentó en el agua utilizando

la solución de nanotubos de carbono.

Palabras clave: Nanotubos de carbono multi

capa, derrames petroleros, método de limpieza

del agua, petróleo crudo


According to the UNAM Institute of Science

[1], oil, one of the resources most used by

humankind nowadays, is mainly composed of

hydrocarbons, which are chemical compounds

of carbon and hydrogen atoms (80-87%). In

addition, oil can have low percentages of other

types of atoms, such as sulfur (0-10%), nitrogen

(0-1%), and oxygen (0-5%); also, it can have a

low presence of atoms of metals such as nickel,

aluminum, and copper.

Nowadays, petroleum is the most useful

resource to humanity because of the amplitude

of uses; however, there are some factors during

the process of extraction and administration

of this resource that could create an oil spill.

According to the United Kingdom Offshore

Operators Association [2], it is necessary to

have a presence of 100 parts per million of oil

to consider that a discharge of this material is

an oil spill.

The magazine of CienciaUAT from the

Autonumus University of Tamaulipas [3] tells

us that one of the most significant example of

oil spill that show us the importance of taking

care of the environment is the one that occurred

because of the sinking and failure of the

platform of exploration Deepwater Horizon,

owned by the company Bitrish Petroleum in

2010. Over 5 million of oil barrels were spilled

to the Gulf of Mexico during all the 100 days

of the contingency. This oil spill has generated

devasting effects to the coastal wetlands

and benthic habitats (seabeds), affecting the

maritime productivity, and the first stage of

the food chain of marine species and birds.

Also, the Gulf of Mexico is a big maritime

ecosystem, classified as a semi-closed sea

where all the biological process are profoundly

interconnected, making some sort of sensibility

to the changes of any of their components.

In the case of the oil spill caused by British

Petroleum, big damages were produced

because the ecosystems were in danger due

to the high variety of endangered species. On

average, the region has over 2 million hectares

of wetlands that work as a habitat for the 75%

of all the aquatic birds that migrate from the

United States, also, is important to remark that

the number of species that were at risk round

over 400.

To determine the damage that oil spills cause

to the sea species, some studies realized by the

marine environmental research [4] found that

there is a DNA damage in the species (mussels

and sea urchins) caused by the exposure to

raw oil. This kind of exposition has a toxic

effect in the aquatic organisms that is mainly

determined with DNA adducts and the damage

of chromosomes of the fish.

A chain reaction is observable between the

components of the ecosystems affected by an

oil spill because there is the presence of a cycle

that generates a negative effect of deterioration

in the ecosystems due to the damage of the

flora and fauna caused by the exposition to raw

oil, producing the death of the species due to

the damage that the oil caused in them. This

effect occurs after an oil spill that has not been

solved allowing the species to interact with

the contaminated water, also, the deterioration

gets each time bigger and it produces each

time more decay of the population of weaker

species; this can result irreversible because of

the big affection that has been produced by the




One of the methods to remove the oil from

ecosystems and solve the problem of oil spills

implies the use of non-toxic ad-absorbents.

Based on the publication of Romo, L. A. [5],

about the removal of oil from water using these

absorbents is observable that to remove oil

from water is necessary to use a hydrophobic

resource that can absorb the oil that is dispersed

around all the water. That is, how it could be

possible to use a material that can absorb

petroleum to remove it from the water.

The humanity has researched new

alternatives to solve this problem; some of

them that could solve this problem implies

the use of nanotechnology. It is so that there

was designed a way to clean most of the

contaminating components of petroleum from

water using multi-walled carbon nanotubes

with iron particles in a solution of ethanol

induced sometime in the ultrasound.

Based on the definition given by Maubert,

M. [6], carbon nanotubes are an allotropic form

of carbon in which the atoms of carbon present

a common variation between sp2 and sp3 where

this kind of variation makes possible that the

atoms of carbon can combine forming hexagons

and pentagons in closed 3D structures. These

nanotubes can be of one layer or of multiple

layers(multi-walled), and usually, the ones that

are inoffensive to biological life are the multiwalled


According to the publication of Andrade

Guel [7], there are scientific applications

for carbon nanotubes such as chemical

applications, because they present chemical,

mechanical and electrical stability; also, they

are used biologically in the photothermic

therapy, photoacoustic and other biomedical

applications. However, one of the main factors

that affect the existence of more applications is

the lower solubility in water.

Based on the publication of Khalid, A.

[8], we can see that the carbon nanotubes have

more applications in the science of materials

because of the unique properties that they have.

For example, the arrays of carbon can lead to

getting some optical properties, low density,

and some physical and mechanical properties

that led us to design a methodology to clean

the water using the properties of this kind of


In this case, to design a water cleaning

method, we used multi-walled carbon nanotubes

with iron particles to make a water cleaning

method. This kind of nanotubes are carbon

arrays in a cylindrical form with multiple capes

that have some iron particles between these

arrays; they can be used as a kind of red or filter

to capture some components inside of them like

an absorbent material.

If we put these nanotubes in ethanol and if we

put this solution specific time in the ultrasound,

we variate the density of the nanotubes,

producing the expansion of these among all the

solution, getting almost a homogenous solution

of ethanol and nanotubes; this solution makes

easier the possibility to clean the contaminating

components of the oil from the water.

The explanation of the mechanism that

makes the water getting free of this component

using this method is simple. The size of the

molecules of oil are smaller than the size of the

exterior structure presented in the nanotubes,

due to this, the carbon nanotubes work as a

captive material of the molecules of petroleum,

putting them inside of the tube and not allowing

the molecules to exit due to the multiple layers

presented in the nanotubes. After the contact

with the raw oil, the nanotubes follow a pattern

of agglomeration, making easier to remove

them with a filter that removes also the oil that

the nanotubes have captured (view Fig. 1).



Fig. 1. Oil molecules being captured with a nanotube.

The final purpose of this investigation is to

plant the basis of design of an alternative

water cleaning method to clean the crude oil

dispersed in water due to oil spills using the

solution of nanotubes described. Applying in

this case the nanotechnology to solve one of

the most important problems of humanity that

is damaging our planet and the ecosystems.

Experimental design

We based the experimental design on a cyclical

process (Fig. 2). In the process of making a

new solution, there were used some test tubes

of Pyrex to put the alcohol and the grams of

nanotubes, then, the tube was putted in the

ultrasound machine, controlling the time that

the solution was presented inside this machine

using a chronometer (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. Process of making a new solution. A) Ethanol in the

essay tube, B) Measurement of the grams of nanotubes to use

in the solution, C) Addition of the nanotubes to the sample, D)

Sample in the ultrasound machine.

In the Fig. 4 the process of the contamination

of the water and test of the sample is represented,

using light raw oil with no treatments the

water was contaminated and then there was

added some milliliters of the solution to the

contaminated water with the help of a syringe,

then, using a metallic mesh, the agglomeration

of nanotubes containing petroleum was

removed from the water, allowing to take the

sample of the cleaned water and analyze it in

the IR scanner.

Fig. 4. Process of tests of the solution in the contaminating water

and the recollection of the sample. A) Adding the water and

petroleum to a Petri Box, B) Adding of the solution of nanotubes

to the contaminated water, C) Use of a metallic mesh to clean

the rests of nanotubes, D) Take of the sample and analysis in

the IR machine.


Fig. 2. Cyclical process in which there was based the experimental


Using samples of 40 milliliters of non-salty

and salty water with a concentration of 35%

contaminated with 0.5 milliliters of petroleum



respectively was followed the next steps to clean

the water using some solutions of nanotubes in

ethanol in consideration with the experimental

design explained.

1. Using a Petri box to put the water and the

raw oil, there was created a non-homogenous

solution for all the cases of solution (Fig. 5).

4. The nanotubes were removed using a metallic

mesh and there was changed the resulting water

to another Petri box and cleaned the waste in

the borders with cotton.

5. The other half of the certain milliliters of

the solution was added (Fig.7 ).

Fig. 7. Result of the second supply of the solution.

Fig. 5. Water contaminated with raw oil.

6. The nanotubes were removed again using

a metallic mesh; the final water looked like the

next figure (Fig. 8).

2. After preparing the solution of ethanol

and multi-walled carbon nanotubes with iron

particles at a particular concentration, the

solution was induced in the ultrasound machine

at specific time to produce variation in the

density of the nanotubes and alterations in the

superficial capes, generating structures that

facilitate the capitation of oil.

3. Half of the certain milliliters of the created

solution was added to the contaminated water

(Fig. 6).

Fig. 8. Cleaned water thanks to the solution.

7. A little sample of the resulting water was

taken and there was analyzed the absorbance of

the sample in the infrared spectrum to see the

difference between a non-contaminated water

sample and the cleaned water.

Fig. 6. Result of the first supply of the solution.

All the steps were followed with different

concentrations of nanotubes and different

milliliters of the solution supplied to the

contaminated water.




For a configuration of 40 ml of purified water

contaminated with 0.5 ml of petroleum, there

was followed the methodology for various

solutions enlisted in Table 1.

Table 1. Cases of Multi-walled carbon nanotubes with iron

particles solutions in ethanol added to water with oil.

For the same configuration of water with oil,

but with salt water (35%), there was followed

the methodology for various solutions enlisted

in Table 2, variating the milliliters of the

solution added and the time in the ultrasound.

Table 2. Cases of Multi-walled carbon nanotubes with iron

particles solutions in ethanol added to salty water with oil.

There was realized a comparison between the

infrared absorbance of a sample of pure water

(MA) and contaminated water from the Table

1 (MI) to have a better idea of wich interval of

wavenumber should be monitored to determine

if the oil is eliminated from the water (View

Fig. 9). In consideration of the stretching bands

of the link OH of water and the link CH of the

hydrocarbon and the respective clustering of

it, the Fig. 9 shows us that the main interval

of wavelength where the raw oil is present and

affect the spectrum of the water goes around

2800-3000 cm-1. Whit that in mind, the rest of

the samples will be analyzed in the interval of

wavelength of 2800 to 3300 cm-1.

Analyzing the rest of the samples of the table

1 in the interval mentioned before (View Fig.

10), it is evident that the elimination of the oil

has occurred, we can see the almost reduction

in the intervals of the peaks of petroleum,

however a new peak appeared around the

interval of wavelength of 2980 cm-1 due to

presence of the ethanol that was in the solution

of nanotubes. For the samples of the Table 2,

the results were similar and it is possible to say

that the salt affects the process of elimination

because it alters the density of the water (View

Fig. 11).

Fig. 9. Infrared absorbance spectrum of a pure sample of water

and the sample MI) water contaminated with raw oil.




Fig. 10. Infrared absorbance spectrum in the interval of 3300-

2800 cm-1 of MB, MC, MD, ME, MF, MG, MH, and MI.

With the development of this methodology,

it is noticed that the petroleum is removed

from the water; however, the solution leaves

rests of alcohol, and nanotubes. If we apply

this methodology to the ocean to clean the oil

from the ocean that had an oil spill, the rest of

alcohol that the solution leaves will evaporate

by the time and the rest of carbon nanotubes

will enter into the cycle of carbon. In addition,

alcohol and carbon are less polluting than oil.

The design planned to solve oil spills based

on the methodology applied in this experiment

is the one that is present in the Fig. 12.

Fig. 11. Infrared absorbance spectrum in the interval of 3300-

2800 cm-1 of MB1, MC1, ME1, MF1, MG1, MH1, MI1, MJ1, and


Analyzing the samples from Table 1, we can

see in Fig. 10 that in all the cases of solution

the oil disappeared from the sample of water

in around 95%. Additionally, we can see

that there is not much difference if we work

with salty water with a concentration of 35%.

In Fig. 11 is observable that the peaks of

petroleum lowered a lot. Comparing the rest of

the graphs of absorbance of the samples with

salty water is more possible to see in Fig. 11

that the oil disappeared majorly. Also, the best

time on the ultrasound for the solution could be

around 15 minutes because we do not want a

very homogenous solution because we want to

preserve the form of the nanotubes.

Fig. 12. Prototype design that could be applied to clean the oil

from the seawater.

This design purposes the use of giant mobile

barrels with the solution of carbon nanotubes in

complement with a boat that has a retractable

metal mesh that works as a filter to clean the


The way of work of this prototype of boat

is that the solution pump supplies the solution

of nanotubes while the metal mesh filter is not

retractable to let the nanotubes react with the

petroleum, then the metal mesh filter does the

work and captures the petroleum. There are

an infinity ways to apply this methodology

to solve the problem in a big scale; the only

impediment that could be present is the cost of



the nanotubes because it is so expensive.


With the development of the methodology for

cleaning the water, there was achieved almost a

total cleaning in most of the cases, leaving only

a few leftovers of alcohol and nanotubes that

were not removed with the help of the metal


Finally, we can note that the results obtained

were as desired due to the methodology

proposed at the beginning worked correctly,

and the oil that was polluting the water was

almost eliminated. In addition to determining

that the salt is not an influential factor, allowing

the carbon nanotube solution to act as it

did with purified salt-free water. In general,

nanotechnology can help us to solve problems

nowadays; this is an example of it.

Making a prototype to solve the problem in

big scale with all the requirements of an electric

artefact results difficult for a simple student of

physics because there is necessary to know

more about circuits and design, however, it

could be possible to make at some day.


[1] Botello, A. V. (2005). Características

composición y propiedades fisicoquímicas del

petróleo. Golfo de México Contaminación e

Impacto Ambiental: Diagnóstico y Tendencias,


[2] American Petroleum Institute (1995).

Proceedings: Workshop to Identify Promising

Technologies for the Treatment of Produced

Water Toxicity. Health and Environmental

Sciences Departmental Report No. DR351.

Parsons Engineering Science, Fairfax, Virginia.

[3] Arcos N., G. (2010). The oil spill in

the Gulf of Mexico and its consequences in

Tamaulipas. CienciaUAT, 5(1). ISSN: 2007-


[4] Taban, I. C., Bechmann, R. K.,

Torgrimsen, S., Baussant, T., & Sanni, S. (2004).

Detection of DNA damage in mussels and sea

urchins exposed to crude oil using comet assay.

Marine environmental research, 58(2-5), 701-


[5] Romo, L. A. “ Remoción de Petróleo

de Fuentes de Agua Mediante Ad-Absorbentes

No-Tóxicos. Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana u

Benjamín Carrión., 43-57.

[6] Maubert, M., Soto, L., León, A. M., &

Flores, J. (2009). Nanotubos de Carbono-La era

de la nanotecnología. Razón y palabra, 14(68).

[7] Andrade Guel, M. L., López López,

L. I., & Sáenz Galindo, A. (2012). Nanotubos

de carbono: funcionalización y aplicaciones

biológicas. Revista mexicana de ciencias

farmacéuticas, 43(3), 9-18.

[8] Khalid, A., Al-Juhani, A. A., Al-

Hamouz, O. C., Laoui, T., Khan, Z., & Atieh,

M. A. (2015). Preparation and properties of

nanocomposite polysulfone/multi-walled

carbon nanotubes membranes for desalination.

Desalination, 367, 134-144.


Jonathan Gerardo Martínez Quiroz: student

of thedegree in physics of the Autonomous

University of Nuevo León. Address: School

of Physical and Mathematics, San Nicolás de

los Garza, Nuevo León, México. P. C. 66455

Email: jg_martinezq@hotmail.com

Dr. Oxana Vasilievna Kharissova: Since 2001,

teacher and investigator of the School of

Physical and Mathematics of the Autonomous

University of Nuevo León. Address: School

of Physical and Mathematics, San Nicolás de

los Garza, Nuevo León, México. P. C. 66455

Email: okhariss@mail.ru







Ángel Salvador Pérez Blanco, Diana Marahí Alanís Silva, Juan Pablo Salinas Estevané

UANL - FCFM, San Nicolás de los Garza, Nuevo León, México


Gold nanoparticles were deposited on NaCl substrates by high vacuum evaporation at moderate

temperatures. The morphology of the nanoparticles was analyzed by scanning electron microscopy

(SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The gold nanoparticles are in the 10nm size

range and possess different morphologies being the decahedral one the most prominent. Geometrical

patterns such as squares and lines of the deposited Au nanoparticles on the NaCl substrate were

observed by SEM analysis, this may be a way to do nanodecoration of different species of metals

and alloys on a suitable surface. Electron diffraction analysis was performed on the deposited

particles showing that the gold deposited nanoparticles are impurity free. These results make high

vacuum evaporation a relevant technique to obtain not only homogeneous nanoparticles deposited

on different surfaces, but also a fast and reliable way to make nanodecoration.

Keywords: high vacuum, NaCl, Gold


Las nanopartículas de oro fueron depositadas en sustratos de NaCl por evaporación a alto

vacío a temperaturas moderadas. La morfología de las nanopartículas fue analizada mediante un

microscopio electrónico de barrido (MEB) y un microscopio electrónico de transmisión (MET).

Las nanopartículas de oro están en un rango de 10 nm y poseen diferentes morfologías siendo la

estructura decahedral la más prominente. Patrones geométricos tales como cuadrados y líneas de

las nanopartículas de Au depositadas en el substrato de NaCl se pudieron observar a través del

análisis de MEB, esto podría ser una forma para realizar nanodecoración de diferentes especies

de metales o aleaciones en una superficie apropiada. El análisis de difracción de electrones fue

llevado a cabo en las partículas depositadas mostrando que las nanopartículas depositadas están

libres de impurezas. Estos resultados hacen de la evaporación de alto vacío una técnica relevante

para no solo obtener nanopartículas homogéneas depositadas en diferentes superficies, sino

también una forma rápida y confiable de realizar nanodecoración.

Pérez, Á., Alanís, D. & J.P. Salinas. (2019). Au Particles Deposition on NaCl Substrates. Celerinet. 7(2), 16-21.

10 16


Palabras clave: alto vacío, NaCl, oro


High vacuum evaporation of materials

resulting on nanoparticles with different

shapes and a moderate control in size has

been shown before such as the work of

Robinson [2] et al. where palladium particles

were deposited on NaCl and mica substrates,

on a similar research, Rupprechter [3] et al.

obtained thin films catalysts with particles of

Pt, Rh, Ir and Pd also on NaCl substrates. In

yet another work, Fukaya [4] et al. deposited

Palladium particles on NaCl, KCl, KBr and

KI substrates. Khanuja [5] et al. investigated

the hydrogenation properties of Cu/Pd bimetal

layers deposited on glass substrates. The

deposition of pure metals on a suitable surface

at different rates and temperatures, may offer

properties which are greater than that of bulk

size when nanostructures are created [6], even

for this scale, the geometry, and the thickness of

the deposited layers of materials can have a big

impact on the final properties of the materials.

High vacuum evaporation of metals results in

an easy and fast way to produce nanostructures,

thin films [4,5] and even quantum dots that

possess different physical-chemical properties

depending on different aspects such as size,

thickness, crystal structure etc.

In this research, we investigated the high

vacuum evaporation of gold particles deposited

on NaCl substrates performed at 573.15K

to 623.15K. Decahedral shape was the most

frequently observed such as in the work of

Robinson et al. [2].


The deposition of gold nanoparticles and

their characterization were carried out in the

Advanced Engineering and Technology (AET)

Building and the Kleberg Advanced Microscopy

Center of The University of Texas at San

Antonio (UTSA). The equipment that was used

to perform the experiments and characterization

of the obtained materials were a High Vacuum

Evaporation Chamber, a Hitachi STEM S500

Scanning Electron Microscope and a JEOL

1230 Transmission Electron Microscope

(TEM), gold wire, NaCl prism.


Gold Deposition

Gold deposition on NaCl substrates was

carried out using a 1/16in diameter gold wire

subjected to a high vacuum of 10 -5 Torr using a

turbo molecular pump above a 1x1x3cm pure

NaCl substrate. The temperatures that were

reached were 573.15K, 600.15K and 623.15K.

When pressure of 10-5Torr was reached on the

evaporation chamber, the deposition began for

a maximum of 1min, and then the NaCl was

cleaved on its transversal section.

SEM and TEM Analysis

SEM and TEM images of the deposited

nanoparticles were obtained. Diverse

morphologies were observed on the gold

particles being the most prominent one the

decahedral geometry. The size remained very

homogeneous ranging around 10nm.


3.1 SEM and TEM Micrographs

The most representative SEM and TEM

images that were obtained on the deposition of

gold nanoparticles are shown below.



Fig. 1 SEM image of deposited gold particles at 575.15K

Fig. 2 SEM Image of different morphologies of the deposited

gold particles at 600.15K

Fig. 3 SEM Image in Dark Field mode showing closed

figure patterns of the deposited Au nanoparticles at


From the SEM images, we can observe how

deposited gold particles make line and square

patterns over the NaCl substrates, this being

more evident for the deposited Au nanoparticles

at 575.15K (Fig. 1) and 623.15K (Fig. 3). This

behavior occurs because the gold particles

follow the most energetic favorable geometries

where it can be deposited with the least possible

energy and also to have the greatest adherence

with the NaCl surface, so as the temperature

is increased, the potential energy difference

between the NaCl substrate surface and the Au

nanoparticles rises. However, at 600.15K (Fig.

2), the square or closed like patterns of the

gold nanoparticles on the NaCl substrate seem

to diminish and the line like patterns are the

dominant ones, the reason for this phenomena

is because of the amount of potential energy

between the Au nanoparticles, and the NaCl

substrate reaches a saturation level for that of the

square or closed shape patterns, then when the

temperature is raised again reaching 623.15K

(Fig. 3) the closed shapes or squarelike patterns

become the most abundant ones again and are

even larger than the ones observed at 575.15K.

On Fig. 3, the darkfield mode was used

to observe the contrast between the Au

nanoparticles and the NaCl substrate. In

this figure, we are also able to appreciate

the abundance of Au nanoparticles and the

smoothness or defect-free NaCl substrate. Due

to the fact that Au and NaCl have a different

electronic density of states (DOS) TEM

analysis gives a great contrast between the NaCl

substrates and the gold nanoparticles. As can

be seen on Figures 3 and 4, the deposited Au

nanoparticles can be easily distinguished due to

the high contrast between the gold nanoparticles

and the NaCl substrate. Short deposition times

(1min) for the gold nanostructures may favor a

mono phase formation on the NaCl substrate.

By these series of experiments we can conclude

that a NaCl substrate makes a very suitable



surface for many pure metals or metals alloys to

be deposited on it, mostly because of the defect

free or homogeneity of the surface making it

a suitable candidate for a future research on

which different alloys could be deposited

and study their pattern formations at different

temperatures and more properties alike.

Even on the SEM images (Figures 1-3),

we are able to observe different morphologies

of the deposited gold nanoparticles, such as

ellipsoidal, circular, and even triangular shapes.

By the obtained SEM images we can conclude

that high vacuum evaporation is a reliable and

fast way to produce nanoparticles of different

shapes and also a simple form to carry out

nanodecoration of metals or alloys on different

substrates. When TEM analysis was performed,

we could clearly observe that the shapes of the

deposited gold nanoparticles (Fig. 4) were close

to being circular, in fact, the most predominant

one being decahedral (Fig. 5). Some twinning

can be observed on several gold nanoparticles

(Fig. 4) due to the deposition rate, which can

favor stacking or union between deposited


The contrast of these images between the

deposited gold nanoparticles and the NaCl

substrate is such that twinning is clearly visible

on some of the gold nanostructures. The

deposited gold nanoparticles may be suitable

to be used as catalysts for different chemical

reactions such as hydrogenation. Also, the

deposited gold nanostructures may offer great

selectivity and a greater reaction rate than

other pure metals to be used for nanochemical

reactions for different purposes.

Selected Area Electron Diffraction (SAED)

analysis (Fig. 6) was performed on some of the

deposited gold nanoparticles. The very sharp

electron diffraction from the SAED analysis

confirms that pure gold without any impurities

was the material that was deposited on the

NaCl substrates. The evaporation technique

used to deposit these gold nanoparticles is an

environmentally friendly and efficient route

to create sheet or layer like nanostructures on

substrates that can be used to deposit other pure

metals or alloys of different size on a suitable

surface or substrate.


High vacuum evaporation proved to be

Fig. 4 TEM Image showing different morphologies

of the gold particles and twinning on some of


Fig. 5 TEM image of the predominant decahedral

shape of the deposited gold nanoparticles.



2. F. Robinson et al., Electron Microscopy

Investigation of Structure and Morphology of

Small Supported Matal Particles of Palladium

Thin Solid Films, 98, 1982.

3. G. Rupprechter et al., Epitaxially Grown

Model Catalyst particles of Platinum, Rhodium,

Iridium, Palladium and Rhenium Studied by

Electron Microscopy, Thin Solid Films, 260,


Fig. 6 SAED diffraction pattern of the deposited gold


a really fast, reliable, and environmentally

friendly technique to deposit gold nanoparticles

with different shapes and geometries on

the NaCl substrates and possibly on some

others. By the SEM images, we conclude that

nanodecoration by high vacuum evaporation of

metals is possible, thus future research on this

area is highly recommended. The deposition

rate and temperature can be controlled in order

to obtain different thicknesses of the deposited

materials and thus even possibly forming thin

films by the stacking of these particles on a

different research. NaCl proved to be a very

suitable surface for many pure metals or metals

alloys to be deposited on it, mostly because of

the defect free or homogeneity of the surface.

Different aspects can be included on future

research such as an energy mapping between

the NaCl (or some other substrate) and the

nanostructures deposited on it.


1. Walter Borchardt, Crystallography,

Springer, 1995.

4. Koji Fukaya et al., Orientation and

Structure of Palladium Particles Formed

by Evaporation of Alkalihalide Crystals,

Transactions of the Japan Institute of Metals,

September, 1978.

5. Manika Khanuja et al., Two Approaches

for Enhancing the Hydrogenation properties of

Palladium: Metal Nanoparticle and thin film

over layers, J. Chem. Sci. 120 (6), 2008.

6. Corbos et al., Tuning the properties of

PdAu bimetallic nanocatalysts for selective

hydrogenation reactions, Catalysis Science and

Technology (3), 2013.

7. Moris S. et al., Nanodecoration of single

crystals of 5, 11, 17, 23- Tetra-Tert-Butyl-25,27-

Bis(Cyanomethoxy)-26, 28 Dihydrocalix [4]

Arene, J. Chil. Chem Soc. 62 (4), 2017.

8. Trabelsi K. et al., Enhancing the

photoelectrochemical response of TiO2

nanotubes through their nanodecoration by

pulsed-laser-deposited Ag nanoparticles,

Journal of Applied Physics (122) 6, 2017.

9. Herrera B. et al., Selective nanodecoration

of modified cyclodextrin crystals with gold

nanorods, Journal of Colloid and Interface

Science, (389) 1, 2013.



10. Herrera B. et al., Silver nanoparticles

produced by magnetron sputtering and selective

nanodecoration onto α Cyclodextrin/Carboxylic

Acid Inclusion Compounds Crystals, Scientific

Research (2) 2, 2013.

11. Feng Gao et al., Pd-Au bimetallic

catalysts: understanding alloy effects from

planar models and supported nanoparticles,

Chem. Soc Rev, (41), 2012.

12. Alan McCue et al., Acetylene

hydrogenation over structured Au-Pd catalysts,

Faraday Discussions, The Royal Chemical

Society, 2016.

13. M. Di Vece et al., Compositional

Changes of Pd-Au bimetallic nanoclusters upon

hydrogenation, Physical Review B, (80), 2009.

14. Image Pro-Plus Ver. 4.1 for Windows

Reference Guide; Media Cybernetics.


Ángel Salvador Pérez Blanco

Studied Mathematics at FCFM, did a Master

degree in Computer Science and a Doctoral

Degree in Mathematics. He is currently doing

research in Statistical Processes.

E-mail: angel.perezbl@uanl.edu.mx

Author address: Texcoco, Mitras Centro. Mty.


in Ceramics Engineering and a Doctoral degree

in Materials Chemistry. He is currently doing

research on Nano-Semiconductors. He holds a

patent on Nanostructures Synthesis (2017).

E-mail: juan.salinassv@uanl.edu.mx

Author Address: Jerónimo Treviño, Centro,

Mty, N.L.


Au: Gold

cm: Centimeter

Cu: Copper

DOS: Density of States

in: Inches

Ir: Iridium

K: Kelvin

KBr: Potassium Bromide

KCl: Potassium Chloride

KI: Potassium Iodide

min: Minute

NaCl: Sodium Chloride

nm: Nanometer

Pd: Palladium

Pt: Platinum

Rh: Rhodium

SAED: Selected Area Electron Diffraction

SEM: Scanning Electron Microscopy

TEM: Transmission Electron Microscopy

Diana Marahí Alanis Silva

Studied Industrial Security Enginnering

and is currently doing a Masters Degree on


E-mail: diana.alanis94@hotmail.com

Auhor address: Santiago, N.L.

Juan Pablo Salinas Estevane

Studied Physics at FCFM, did a Master degree


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