Revista Consciencia No 33

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Infanticidio en primates humanos y no humanos<br />

Pereira, M. y Weiss, M.L. (1991). “Female mate choice,<br />

male migration, and the threat of infanticide and ringtailed<br />

lemurs”. Behav.Ecol.Sociobiol. 28: 141-152.<br />

Steenbeek, R. (1999b). “Tenure related changes in wild<br />

Thomas’s Langurs I: Between-Groups Interactions”.<br />

Behaviour, 136, 595-625.<br />

Resnick, P. (1970). “Murder of the newborn: a psychiatric<br />

review”. Am J Psychiatry: 126: 1414-20.<br />

Scherer, E. A. y Scherer, Z. A. (2007). “Reflexiones sobre<br />

la atención de un caso de sospecha de infanticidio”.<br />

Enfermagem, 15 (4), 187-193.<br />

Shaller, G. B. (1972). The Serengety Lion: a study of predator/<br />

prey relations. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 370 pp.<br />

Steenbeek, R. (2000). “Infantidice by males and female<br />

choice in wild Thomas’s langurs”. En: Infanticide by Males<br />

and its Consequences (eds.: C. P. van Schaik y C. H. Janson.<br />

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 153-177).<br />

Struhsaker, T. T. y Leland, L. (1987). “Colobines: Infanticide<br />

by adult males”. En: Primate Societies (eds.: B. B. Smuts, D.<br />

L. Cheney, R. Seyfarth, R. M. Wrangham y T. T. Strushaker).<br />

Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. pp. 83-97.<br />

Sherman, R. J. (1982). “Infanticide in Ground Squirrels”.<br />

Animal Behaviour, 30: 938.<br />

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sexual coercion of females in non-human primates and<br />

other mammals: evidence and theorethical implications”.<br />

Advances in the study of behavior, 22: 1-63.<br />

Soltis, J.; Thomsen, R., Matsubayashi, K. y Takenata, O.<br />

(2000). “Infanticide by resident males and female counterstrategies<br />

in wild Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata)”.<br />

Behavioral Ecology Sociobiology. 48: 195-202.<br />

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“Reproductive patterns in eutherian mammals:<br />

Adaptation against infanticide?” En: Infanticide by Males<br />

and its Consequences (eds.: C. P. van Schaik y C. H. Janson).<br />

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 322-360.<br />

Van Schaik, C. P. (1996). “Social Evolution in Primates:<br />

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Proccedings of the British Academy, 88: 9-31.<br />

Van Schaik, C. P. (2000). “Infanticide by male primates:<br />

the sexual selection hypothesis revisited”. En: Infanticide<br />

by males and its implications (eds.: C. P. van Schaik y C. H.<br />

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Varea, A. J. M. (2006). “Por un enfoque integral de la<br />

violencia familiar”. Psychosocial, pp. 253-257.<br />

42 <strong>Revista</strong> ConSciencia de la Escuela de Psicología

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