Neblina Forest Brochure 2017


Pantanal 12 days - 11 nights Departures 2016 - 2018 From: Sao Paolo or Rio de Janeiro Best months: September to April Itinerary Resume • 5 Nights in Intervales. • 3 Nights Ubatuba. • 3 Nights Itatiaia. Brasil Atlantic Forest 12 days / 11 nights N Itatiaia Rio de Janeiro Intervales Sao Paolo Foz Iguazu Paraty Ubatuba S Day 1: Sao Paulo / Intervales Park Arrival at Sao Paulo International Airport and transfer to Intervales State Park. We’ll check in at one of the “pousadas” inside the park. This huge park is part of a complex of reserves that protects thousands of kilometers of Atlantic rainforests. Here we will start enjoying some local birds like: red –necked tanager, swallow –tailed cotinga. Overnight in Pousada Paraiso. Days 2, 3 & 4: Intervales. Full days of full on birding! Our more difficult target species here include the shy Helmeted Woodpecker, Bluebellied Parrot and Black-fronted Piping-Guan, also the rare Mantled Hawk and Rufous-thighed Kite while the dense stands of bamboo should produce White-bearded Antshrike, along with Buff-fronted and Temminck’s Seedeaters and possibly Blackish-blue Seedeater and Sooty Grassquit, Buff-fronted Owl., Brassy-breasted and Brown Tanager.B: L: D Day 5: Intervales to Ubatuba. Early birding in Intervales and transfer to Ubatuba. Lunch on the road and dinner at the hotel restaurant. B: L: D Day 6 & 7: Ubatuba, After some early morning birding at Intervales we head to Ubatuba, another area famous for both birding and seaside holidays. While here we shall explore the lush forests at the foot of the Serra do Mar where we will be treated to a near continuous chorus of Bare-throated Bellbirds from the canopy and lekking Blue Manakins in the understory. At our first site we hope to see Brassy-breasted Tanager the diminutive Buff-throated Purpletuft, along with the endemic Orange-breasted Thornbird, Salvadori’s Antwren, the enigmatic Spotted Bamboowren and the stunning Tufted Antshrike. If the weather is hot we may be lucky and see a Black and White Hawk Eagle, a Black Hawk Eagle or a Rufous-thighed Kite soaring above the canopy. We may also find the Buffbellied Puffbird, the exquisite and rare Forktailed Tody-Tyrant and a multitude of tanagers, including the beautiful Red-necked Tanager. Day 8: Ubatuba / Pereque / Itatiaia National ParkToday we head along the coast to the town of Pereque to visit a site where the Blackhooded-Antwren was rediscovered. This site is also very good for a wide variety of Atlantic forest species. Fork-tailed Pygmy-Tyrant, Blond-crested Woodpecker, Orange-breasted Thornbird, Buff-throated Purpletuft, Chestnutbacked Anthrile, Squamate Antbird, Halfcollared After birding in this area we will drive to Itatiaia National Park. at the Hotel Ype. B: L: D Day 9, 10 & 11: Itatiaia , This park located between São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro in the Serra da Mantaqueira protects an area of beautiful montane forest from 750 m up to the tree-line at 1800 m. Our stay in this park will be occupied visiting both the lower elevation and upper elevation forests. We will start birding around the hotel grounds where a good variety of tanagers and hummingbirds attend a number of feeders. Additionally we should see Saffron Toucanet and Dusky-legged Guans making the most of the food put out. Along trails through nearby forest should find a good selection of Antbirds and Furnarids, including the exquisite White-bibbed Antbird, a species that may be found walking quickly across the forest floor much like the Antpipits of Amazonia. In dense bamboo patches we should find Ferruginous, Ochre-rumped and Bertoni’s Antbirds along with the rare White-bearded Antshrike. We may also find Red-capped Parrots and the exotic looking Spot-billed Toucanets along with Red-breasted Toucans. At dusk we may be treated to the sight of a pair of Tawny-browed Owls or several Short-tailed Nighthawks around the hotel swimming pool. At higher elevations we will search for Rufoustailed Antbird, Serra do Mar Tyrannulet, the lovely Rufous-backed Antvireo and the huge Large-tailed Antshrike. We may also see Redruffed Fruitcrow while the eerie whistles of the Black and Gold Cotinga waft through the cloudforests, Araucaria Tit-Spinetail and many others. Day 12: Itatiaia / São Paulo (Guarulhos International Airport – GRU) Transfer from Itatiaia to São Paulo and onward connections. B Pin-tailed Manakin Specialist, bilingual bird guide. Private transportation. Accommodation at hotels. Full meals. Yellow-Fronted Woodpecker SERVICES INCLUDED: Domestic flights. Landscaping, Trails, Birds. Short & Long trail walks. Photography. Target Birds & Wildlife: Serra dos Orgáos: Gray-winged cotinga, Swallow-tailed cotinga, Three-toed jacamar, Rio de Janeiro antbird, Brown-backed parrotlet, Plain parakeet, Crescent-chested puffbird, Yellow-eared woodpecker, Pallid spinetail, Red-eyed thornbird. Pereque and Ubatuba Area: Band-tailed hornero, Black-hooded antwren, Planalto tyrannulet, Buff-throated purpletuft, Brazilian tanager, Vervrty-black Tyrant, Rednecked Tanager, Brown-backed parrotlet, Saw-billed hermit, Brazilian ruby, Crescen-chested puffbird. Itatiaia National Park: Black jacobin, Black-brested plovercrest, Mantled hawk, Black-billed scythebill, White-bearded antshrike, Mouse-colored tapaculo, Blackand-gold cotinga, Brassy-breasted tanager, Uniform finch, Bay-chested warbling-finch, Red-rumped warbling-finch, Ruby-crowned Tanager, Golden-chevroned Tanager. Ubatuba area to Rio de Janeiro: Tawny-browed owl, Least pygmy-owl, Saw-billed hermit, Spotbacked antshrike, Tufted antshrike, Star-throated antwren, Salvatori’s antwren, Unicolored antwren, Scaled antbird, Spotted bamboowren, Slaty bristlefront, Fork-tailed tody-tyrant, protected forests Sao paulo tyrannulet. 38 39

Pantanal<br />

12 days - 11 nights<br />

Departures<br />

2016 - 2018<br />

From: Sao Paolo<br />

or Rio de Janeiro<br />

Best months:<br />

September to April<br />

Itinerary Resume<br />

• 5 Nights in Intervales.<br />

• 3 Nights Ubatuba.<br />

• 3 Nights Itatiaia.<br />

Brasil Atlantic <strong>Forest</strong><br />

12 days / 11 nights<br />

N<br />

Itatiaia Rio de Janeiro<br />

Intervales Sao Paolo<br />

Foz Iguazu<br />

Paraty<br />

Ubatuba<br />

S<br />

Day 1: Sao Paulo / Intervales Park Arrival at<br />

Sao Paulo International Airport and transfer to<br />

Intervales State Park. We’ll check in at one of<br />

the “pousadas” inside the park. This huge park<br />

is part of a complex of reserves that protects<br />

thousands of kilometers of Atlantic rainforests.<br />

Here we will start enjoying some local birds like:<br />

red –necked tanager, swallow –tailed cotinga.<br />

Overnight in Pousada Paraiso.<br />

Days 2, 3 & 4: Intervales. Full days of full on<br />

birding! Our more difficult target species here<br />

include the shy Helmeted Woodpecker, Bluebellied<br />

Parrot and Black-fronted Piping-Guan,<br />

also the rare Mantled Hawk and Rufous-thighed<br />

Kite while the dense stands of bamboo should<br />

produce White-bearded Antshrike, along with<br />

Buff-fronted and Temminck’s Seedeaters and<br />

possibly Blackish-blue Seedeater and Sooty<br />

Grassquit, Buff-fronted Owl., Brassy-breasted<br />

and Brown Tanager.B: L: D<br />

Day 5: Intervales to Ubatuba. Early birding in<br />

Intervales and transfer to Ubatuba. Lunch on<br />

the road and dinner at the hotel restaurant. B:<br />

L: D<br />

Day 6 & 7: Ubatuba, After some early morning<br />

birding at Intervales we head to Ubatuba,<br />

another area famous for both birding and<br />

seaside holidays. While here we shall explore<br />

the lush forests at the foot of the Serra do Mar<br />

where we will be treated to a near continuous<br />

chorus of Bare-throated Bellbirds from the<br />

canopy and lekking Blue Manakins in the<br />

understory. At our first site we hope to see<br />

Brassy-breasted Tanager<br />

the diminutive Buff-throated Purpletuft,<br />

along with the endemic Orange-breasted<br />

Thornbird, Salvadori’s Antwren, the enigmatic<br />

Spotted Bamboowren and the stunning Tufted<br />

Antshrike. If the weather is hot we may be lucky<br />

and see a Black and White Hawk Eagle, a Black<br />

Hawk Eagle or a Rufous-thighed Kite soaring<br />

above the canopy. We may also find the Buffbellied<br />

Puffbird, the exquisite and rare Forktailed<br />

Tody-Tyrant and a multitude of tanagers,<br />

including the beautiful Red-necked Tanager.<br />

Day 8: Ubatuba / Pereque / Itatiaia National<br />

ParkToday we head along the coast to the<br />

town of Pereque to visit a site where the Blackhooded-Antwren<br />

was rediscovered. This site<br />

is also very good for a wide variety of Atlantic<br />

forest species. Fork-tailed Pygmy-Tyrant,<br />

Blond-crested Woodpecker, Orange-breasted<br />

Thornbird, Buff-throated Purpletuft, Chestnutbacked<br />

Anthrile, Squamate Antbird, Halfcollared<br />

After birding in this area we will drive<br />

to Itatiaia National Park. at the Hotel Ype. B: L: D<br />

Day 9, 10 & 11: Itatiaia , This park located<br />

between São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro in the<br />

Serra da Mantaqueira protects an area of<br />

beautiful montane forest from 750 m up to the<br />

tree-line at 1800 m. Our stay in this park will be<br />

occupied visiting both the lower elevation and<br />

upper elevation forests. We will start birding<br />

around the hotel grounds where a good<br />

variety of tanagers and hummingbirds attend<br />

a number of feeders. Additionally we should<br />

see Saffron Toucanet and Dusky-legged Guans<br />

making the most of the food put out. Along<br />

trails through nearby forest should find a good<br />

selection of Antbirds and Furnarids, including<br />

the exquisite White-bibbed Antbird, a species<br />

that may be found walking quickly across<br />

the forest floor much like the Antpipits of<br />

Amazonia. In dense bamboo patches we should<br />

find Ferruginous, Ochre-rumped and Bertoni’s<br />

Antbirds along with the rare White-bearded<br />

Antshrike. We may also find Red-capped Parrots<br />

and the exotic looking Spot-billed Toucanets<br />

along with Red-breasted Toucans. At dusk<br />

we may be treated to the sight of a pair of<br />

Tawny-browed Owls or several Short-tailed<br />

Nighthawks around the hotel swimming pool.<br />

At higher elevations we will search for Rufoustailed<br />

Antbird, Serra do Mar Tyrannulet, the<br />

lovely Rufous-backed Antvireo and the huge<br />

Large-tailed Antshrike. We may also see Redruffed<br />

Fruitcrow while the eerie whistles of the<br />

Black and Gold Cotinga waft through the cloudforests,<br />

Araucaria Tit-Spinetail and many others.<br />

Day 12: Itatiaia / São Paulo (Guarulhos<br />

International Airport – GRU) Transfer from<br />

Itatiaia to São Paulo and onward connections. B<br />

Pin-tailed Manakin<br />

Specialist, bilingual bird guide.<br />

Private transportation.<br />

Accommodation at hotels.<br />

Full meals.<br />

Yellow-Fronted Woodpecker<br />


Domestic flights.<br />

Landscaping, Trails, Birds.<br />

Short & Long trail walks.<br />

Photography.<br />

Target Birds & Wildlife:<br />

Serra dos Orgáos: Gray-winged<br />

cotinga, Swallow-tailed cotinga,<br />

Three-toed jacamar, Rio de Janeiro<br />

antbird, Brown-backed parrotlet,<br />

Plain parakeet, Crescent-chested<br />

puffbird, Yellow-eared woodpecker,<br />

Pallid spinetail, Red-eyed thornbird.<br />

Pereque and Ubatuba Area:<br />

Band-tailed hornero, Black-hooded<br />

antwren, Planalto tyrannulet,<br />

Buff-throated purpletuft, Brazilian<br />

tanager, Vervrty-black Tyrant, Rednecked<br />

Tanager, Brown-backed parrotlet,<br />

Saw-billed hermit, Brazilian<br />

ruby, Crescen-chested puffbird.<br />

Itatiaia National Park: Black<br />

jacobin, Black-brested plovercrest,<br />

Mantled hawk, Black-billed scythebill,<br />

White-bearded antshrike,<br />

Mouse-colored tapaculo, Blackand-gold<br />

cotinga, Brassy-breasted<br />

tanager, Uniform finch, Bay-chested<br />

warbling-finch, Red-rumped warbling-finch,<br />

Ruby-crowned Tanager,<br />

Golden-chevroned Tanager.<br />

Ubatuba area to Rio de Janeiro:<br />

Tawny-browed owl, Least pygmy-owl,<br />

Saw-billed hermit, Spotbacked<br />

antshrike, Tufted antshrike,<br />

Star-throated antwren, Salvatori’s<br />

antwren, Unicolored antwren,<br />

Scaled antbird, Spotted bamboowren,<br />

Slaty bristlefront, Fork-tailed<br />

tody-tyrant, protected forests Sao<br />

paulo tyrannulet.<br />

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