Neblina Forest Brochure 2017

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Pantanal<br />

13 days - 12 nights<br />

Departures<br />

2016 - 2018<br />

From: Sao Paolo<br />

or Cuiaba<br />

Best months:<br />

June to October<br />

Itinerary Resume<br />

• 1 Night in Sao Paolo.<br />

• 1 Night PIuval.<br />

Pantanal and Cerrado<br />

13 days / 12 nights<br />

Cuiba<br />

• 2 Nights Pousada Alegre.<br />

• 2 Nights in Porto Joffre.<br />

• 2 Nights Santa Teresa.<br />

• 2 Nights Chapara Guimaraes.<br />

• 1 Night Belo horizonte.<br />

N<br />

S<br />

• 2 Nights Santuario Caraca.<br />

Sao Paolo<br />

Toco Toucan<br />

Day 1: Arrival to Sao Paulo, ( Gru ) airport<br />

transfer to hotel Matiz, actually very close to<br />

airport, depending on time, we can organize<br />

a visit to the botanical garden. Overnight at<br />

Matiz Guarulhos Hotel<br />

Day 2: Transfer to airport to take the flight to<br />

Cuiaba, the entrance to Pantanal, drive 107km<br />

south via Poconé and then reach our first<br />

lodge, Piuval lodge here we will start enjoying<br />

the first birds.<br />

Day 3: Early breakfast and then birding<br />

around the areas of the Fazenda our<br />

first contact with Pantanal enjoying first<br />

kingfishers and parrots, after lunch we will<br />

drive- bird to our next place Pousada Alegre a<br />

charmy lodge located 30 km south. Overnight<br />

in Pousada Alegre<br />

Day 4: Full day birding at Pousada Alegre,<br />

here we will certainly have chances to see our<br />

first mammals like Giant Anteater, Tapir, South<br />

America<br />

Coati, among others and few birds like<br />

Hyacinth Macaw and Toco Toucan.<br />

Overnight in Pousada Alegre<br />

Day 5: Drive – Birding to Porto Joffre at the<br />

end of Transpantaneira on our way we will be<br />

able to see some more local birds like Scarlet<br />

–headed blackbird, and Maguari Stork , late<br />

arrival to our lodge or boat . Jaguar Camp or<br />

Jaguar do Pantanal boat.<br />

Day 6: Full day searching on speed boat at<br />

Cuiaba River for one of the most amazing cats;<br />

Jaguar this protected area is the best place to<br />

look for them. On the way we will have great<br />

chances to see other amazing creatures like<br />

Giant Otter, and many more birds. Overnight<br />

at lodge or boat.<br />

Day 7: Last morning looking to Jaguar until<br />

midday, return for lunch and afterwards we<br />

will drive north on our way back , we can<br />

enjoy and look for some birds we have missed<br />

overnight at Fazenda Santa Teresa.<br />

Day 8: Full day at Fazenda Santa Teresa<br />

enjoying walks and boat ride at Pixaim River<br />

looking for some very local birds, like Agami<br />

heron and Helmeted manakin and other<br />

mammals. Overgniht at Santa Teresa<br />

Day 9: Drive up north to Chapada de<br />

Guimaraes , passing Cuiaba again the<br />

landscapes will change into Cerrado <strong>Forest</strong><br />

this park is very unique where we will find<br />

other species, after lunch, we will explore the<br />

first areas. Overnight at Pousada Vento Sul or<br />

similar.<br />

Day 10: Full day birding and exploring this<br />

super place looking for iconic birds like, King<br />

Vulture , Black- crested tyrant, Blue seedeater<br />

and many others, visit of local places on the<br />

plateau. Overnight at Pousada Vento Sul.<br />

Day 11: Last day at park visiting the Geladeira,<br />

looking for Rufous- wing antshrike, Black –<br />

eared puffird , Burrowing owl, in the early<br />

afternoon we will return to Cuiaba, overnight<br />

at Slaviero Hotel .<br />

Day 12 : Early ; very early departure to airport<br />

for our flight to Belo Horizonte, arrival to<br />

Confins airport there, and drive to Santuario<br />

Caraca, this unique place is the home of some<br />

local birds, like Swalow- tail Cotinga, Brassy<br />

–breasted Tanager and others, arrival, lunch<br />

and early afternoon explore the first trails<br />

there. At night after dinner wait for Maned<br />

Wolf.<br />

Day 13: Another super day exploring the<br />

unique forest a transition among Cerrado<br />

and Atlantic forest, with a very unique flora<br />

and fauna. Look for Pin- tai manakin, Brazilian<br />

Ruby, Velvety –black tyrant and many other<br />

birds will be our task here. At night our second<br />

date with Maned Wolf.<br />

Capivara<br />

Specialist, bilingual bird guide.<br />

Private transportation.<br />

Accommodation at hotels.<br />

Full meals.<br />

Scarlet- headed Blackbird<br />

Day 14.. Last morning for a short walk, early<br />

brunch and then return to Belo Horizonte and<br />

catch our plane to Sao Paolo , for connections<br />

with invididual international flights.<br />


Domestic flights.<br />

Landscaping, Trails, Birds.<br />

Short & Long trail walks.<br />

Photography.<br />

Target Birds & Wildlife:<br />

Currupira dos Araras: Brazilian Teal,<br />

White Hawk, Rusty-margined Guan,<br />

Scaled Pigeon, Scaly-headed Parrot,<br />

Red-shouldered Macaw, Brown Jacamar,<br />

Striolated Puffbird, Short-tailed<br />

Pygmy Tyrant among others.<br />

Chapada dos Guimaraes: Red-legged<br />

Seriema, Blue-eyed Ground-<br />

Dove, Blue-winged Macaw, Great<br />

Dusky Swift, Biscutate Swift,<br />

Swallow-tailed Hummnigbird,<br />

Horned Sungem, Spot-backed<br />

Puffbird, White-wedged Piculate, Rufous-winged<br />

Antshrike, Large-billed<br />

Antwren, Collared Crescent-chest,<br />

Chapada Suiriri, Southern Antpitpit,<br />

Crested Black-Tyrant, Helmeted<br />

Manakin, Curl-crested Jay, Whiterumped<br />

Tanager, White banded<br />

Tanager, Coal-crested Finch, Yellow-billed<br />

Blue Finch, Green-winged<br />

Saltator and Black-throated Saltator<br />

among others.<br />

Pantanal Mato-Grossense: Chaco<br />

Chachalaca, Bare-faced Curassow,<br />

Ash-throated Crake, Long-tailed<br />

Ground-Dove, Scaled Dove, Hyacinth<br />

Macaw, Golden-collared<br />

Macaw, Black-hooded Parakeet,<br />

Yellow-faced Amazon, Scissor-tailed<br />

Nigthhawk, White-browed Woodpecker,<br />

Blond-crested Woodpecker,<br />

Pale-crested Woodpecker,<br />

Matogrosso Antbird, White-lored<br />

Spinetail, Gray-crested Cacholote,<br />

Great-rufous Woodcreeper, Planalto<br />

Woodcreeper, White Monjita, Greenbacked<br />

Becard, Capped Seedeater,<br />

among others.<br />

Mammals: Jaguar, Giant Anteater,<br />

Giant Otter, Maned Wolf, Brazilian<br />

Tapir (Big five).<br />

Brown Capuchin, South American<br />

Coati, Agouti, Marsh Deer, Pampas<br />

Deer, Crab eating fox, among others.<br />

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