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Introduction and User’s Gui<strong>de</strong> to Wetland Restoration, Creation, and Enhancement.<br />

NOAA/EPA/NRCS/ACE/FWS. 95 p.<br />

Jacobsen, D. 1998. The Effect of Organic Pollution on the Macroinvertebrate Fauna of Ecuadorian<br />

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Jiménez, J. 1994. Los Manglares <strong>de</strong>l Pacífico Centroamericano. Universidad Nacional &<br />

Intituto Nacional <strong>de</strong> Biodiversidad, Heredia, Costa Rica. 336 p.<br />

Junk, W.J. 2002. Long-term environmental trends and the future of tropical wetlands. Environmental<br />

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of the Mangroves of Asia and the Pacific (RAS/86/120). 79 p.<br />

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Rehabilitadores. Mangrove Action Project Indonesia, Blue Forests, Canadian International<br />

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Lowrance, R. 2001. The potential role of riparian forests as buffers zones. In: Hayckoc, N.,<br />

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Maltby, E. 1991. Wetland management goals: wise use and conservation. Landscape and<br />

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