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Ares,J., Wei,N., De Jaeger,G., Rodriguez,P.L., Deng,X.W. and Rubio,V. (2014). Targeted degradation of abscisic acid receptors is mediated by the ubiquitin ligase substrate adaptor DDA1 in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 26, 712-728. Jaffe,F.W., Freschet,G.E., Valdes,B.M., Runions,J., Terry,M.J. and Williams,L.E. (2012). G protein-coupled receptor-ty pe G proteins are required f or light-dependent seedling growth and fertility in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 24, 3649-3668. Johnston,C.A., Temple,B.R., Chen,J.G., Gao,Y., Moriyama,E.N., Jones,A.M., Siderovski,D.P. and Willard,F.S. (2007). Comment on "A G protein coupled receptor is a plasma membrane receptor f or the plant hormone abscisic acid". Science 318, 914. Leung,J., Bouvier-Durand,M., Morris,P.C., Guerrier,D., Chefdor,F. and Giraudat,J. (1994). Arabidopsis ABA response gene ABI1: f eatures of a calcium-modulated protein phosphatase. Science 264, 1448- 1452. Leung,J., Merlot,S. and Giraudat,J. (1997). The Arabidopsis ABSCISIC ACID- INSENSITIVE2 (ABI2) and ABI1 genes encode homologous protein phosphatases 2C inv olv ed in abscisic acid signal transduction. Plant Cell 9, 759-771. Liu,X., Yue,Y., Li,B., Nie,Y., Li,W., Wu,W.H. and Ma,L. (2007). A G protein-coupled receptor is a plasma membrane receptor for the plant hormone abscisic acid. Science 315, 1712- 1716. Ma,Y., Szostkiewicz,I., Korte,A., Moes,D., Yang,Y., Christmann,A. and Grill,E. (2009). Regulators of PP2C Phosphatase Activity Function as Abscisic Acid Sensors. Science 324, 1064-1068. Melcher,K., Ng,L.M., Zhou,X.E., Soon,F.F., Xu,Y., Suino-Powell,K.M., Park,S.Y., Weiner,J.J., Fujii,H., Chinnusamy,V., Kovach,A., Li,J., Wang,Y., Li,J., Peterson,F.C., Jensen,D.R., Yong,E.L., Volkman,B.F., Cutler,S.R., Zhu,J.K. and Xu,H.E. (2009). A gate-latch-lock mechanism for hormone signalling by abscisic acid receptors. Nature 462, 602-608. Merilo,E., Laanemets,K., Hu,H., Xue,S., Jakobson,L., Tulva,I., Gonzalez- Guzman,M., Rodriguez,P.L., Schroeder,J.I., Brosche,M. and Kollist,H. (2013). PYR/RCAR receptors contribute to ozone-, reduced air humidity -, darkness-, and CO2-induced stomatal regulation. Plant Physiol 162, 1652-1668. Meyer,K., Leube,M.P. and Grill,E. (1994). A protein phosphatase 2C involv ed in ABA signal transduction in Arabidopsis thaliana. Science 264, 1452-1455. Milborrow,B.V. (1974). The chemistry and physiology of abscisic acid. Annu. Rev. Plant Physiol. 25, 259-307. Miyazono,K., Miyakawa,T., Sawano,Y., Kubota,K., Kang,H.J., Asano,A., Miyauchi,Y., Takahashi,M., Zhi,Y., Fujita,Y., Yoshida,T., Kodaira,K.S., Yamaguchi- Shinozaki,K. and Tanokura,M. (2009). Structural basis of abscisic acid signalling. Nature 462, 609-614. Muller,A.H. and Hansson,M. (2009). The barley magnesium chelatase 150-kd subunit is not an abscisic acid receptor. Plant Physiol 150, 157-166. Nambara,E. and Marion-Poll,A. (2005). Abscisic acid biosynthesis and catabolism. Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 56, 165-185. Nishimura,N., Hitomi,K., Arvai,A.S., Rambo,R.P., Hitomi,C., Cutler,S.R., Schroeder,J.I. and Getzoff,E.D. (2009). Structural mechanism of abscisic acid binding and signaling by dimeric PYR1. Science 326, 1373-1379. Nishimura,N., Sarkeshik,A., Nito,K., Park,S.Y., Wang,A., Carvalho,P.C., Lee,S., Caddell,D.F., Cutler,S.R., Chory,J., Yates,J.R. and Schroeder,J.I. (2010). PYR/PYL/RCAR f amily members are major in-v ivo ABI1 protein phosphatase 2Cinteracting proteins in Arabidopsis. Plant J. 61, 290-299. Pandey,S., Nelson,D.C. and Assmann,S.M. (2009). Two nov el GPCR-type G proteins are abscisic acid receptors in Arabidopsis. Cell 136, 136-148. Park,S.Y., Fung,P., Nishimura,N., Jensen,D.R., Fujii,H., Zhao,Y., Lumba,S., Santiago,J., Rodrigues,A., Chow,T.F.F., Alfred,S.E., Bonetta,D., Finkelstein,R., Provart,N.J., Desveaux,D., Rodriguez,P.L., McCourt,P., Zhu,J.K., Schroeder,J.I., Volkman,B.F. and Cutler,S.R. (2009). Abscisic Acid Inhibits Ty pe 2C Protein Phosphatases via the PYR/PYL Family of START Proteins. Science 324, 1068-1071. Peirats-Llobet,M., Han,S.K., Gonzalez- Guzman,M., Jeong,C.W., Rodriguez,L., Belda-Palazon,B., Wagner,D. and Rodriguez,P.L. (2016). A direct link between abscisic acid sensing and the chromatin remodeling ATPase BRAHMA v ia core ABA signaling pathway components. Mol. Plant 9, 136-147. Pizzio,G.A., Rodriguez,L., Antoni,R., Gonzalez- Guzman,M., Yunta,C., Merilo,E., Kollist,H., 48

Albert,A. and Rodriguez,P.L. (2013). The PYL4 A194T mutant uncov ers a key role of PYR1-LIKE4/PROTEIN PHOSPHATASE 2CA interaction f or abscisic acid signaling and plant drought resistance. Plant Physiol 163, 441-455. Razem,F.A., El Kereamy,A., Abrams,S.R. and Hill,R.D. (2006). The RNA-binding protein FCA is an abscisic acid receptor. Nature 439, 290-294. Razem,F.A., El Kereamy,A., Abrams,S.R. and Hill,R.D. (2008). Retraction. The RNAbinding protein FCA is an abscisic acid receptor. Nature 456, 824. Risk,J.M., Macknight,R.C. and Day,C.L. (2008). FCA does not bind abscisic acid. Nature 456 , E5-E6. Risk,J.M., Day,C.L. and Macknight,R.C. (2009). Reev aluation of abscisic acid-binding assays shows that G-Protein-Coupled Receptor2 does not bind abscisic Acid. Plant Physiol 150, 6-11. Rodriguez,P.L., Benning,G. and Grill,E. (1998a). ABI2, a second protein phosphatase 2C inv olved in abscisic acid signal transduction in Arabidopsis. FEBS Lett. 421, 185-190. Rodriguez,P.L., Leube,M.P. and Grill,E. (1998b). Molecular cloning in Arabidopsis thaliana of a new protein phosphatase 2C (PP2C) with homology to ABI1 and ABI2. Plant Mol. Biol. 38, 879-883. Rodrigues,A., Adamo,M., Crozet,P., Margalha,L., Confraria,A., Martinho,C., Elias,A., Rabissi,A., Lumbreras,V., Gonzalez- Guzman,M., Antoni,R., Rodriguez,P.L. and Baena-Gonzalez,E. (2013). ABI1 and PP2CA phosphatases are negative regulators of Snf1-related protein kinase1 signaling in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 25, 3871- 3884. Rodriguez,L., Gonzalez-Guzman,M., Diaz,M., Rodrigues,A., Izquierdo-Garcia,A.C., Peirats-Llobet,M., Fernandez,M.A., Antoni,R., Fernandez,D., Marquez,J.A., Mulet,J.M., Albert,A. and Rodriguez,P.L. (2014). C2-Domain Abscisic Acid-Related Proteins Mediate the Interaction of PYR/PYL/RCAR Abscisic Acid Receptors with the Plasma Membrane and Regulate Abscisic Acid Sensitiv ity in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 26, 4802-4820. Rodriguez,P.L. and Lozano-Juste,J. (2015). Unnatural agrochemical ligands for engineered abscisic acid receptors. Trends Plant Sci. 20, 330-332. Rubio,S., Rodrigues,A., Saez,A., Dizon,M.B., Galle,A., Kim,T.H., Santiago,J., Flexas,J., Schroeder,J.I. and Rodriguez,P.L. (2009). Triple loss of function of protein phosphatases type 2C leads to partial constitutive response to endogenous abscisic acid. Plant Physiol 150, 1345-1355. Saez,A., Apostolova,N., Gonzalez-Guzman,M., Gonzalez-Garcia,M.P., Nicolas,C., Lorenzo,O. and Rodriguez,P.L. (2004). Gain-of -function and loss-of -function phenoty pes of the protein phosphatase 2C HAB1 rev eal its role as a negative regulator of abscisic acid signalling. Plant J. 37, 354- 369. Saez,A., Robert,N., Maktabi,M.H., Schroeder,J.I., Serrano,R. and Rodriguez,P.L. (2006). Enhancement of abscisic acid sensitivity and reduction of water consumption in Arabidopsis by combined inactivation of the protein phosphatases ty pe 2C ABI1 and HAB1. Plant Physiol 141, 1389-1399. Saez,A., Rodrigues,A., Santiago,J., Rubio,S. and Rodriguez,P.L. (2008). HAB1-SWI3B interaction rev eals a link between abscisic acid signaling and putativ e SWI/SNF chromatin-remodeling complexes in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 20, 2972-2988. Santiago,J., Dupeux,F., Round,A., Antoni,R., Park,S.Y., Jamin,M., Cutler,S.R., Rodriguez,P.L. and Marquez,J.A. (2009). The abscisic acid receptor PYR1 in complex with abscisic acid. Nature 462, 665-668. Santiago,J., Rodrigues,A., Saez,A., Rubio,S., Antoni,R., Dupeux,F., Park,S.Y., Marquez,J.A., Cutler,S.R. and Rodriguez,P.L. (2009). Modulation of drought resistance by the abscisic acid receptor PYL5 through inhibition of clade A PP2Cs. Plant J. 60, 575-588. Santner,A. and Estelle,M. (2009). Recent adv ances and emerging trends in plant hormone signalling. Nature 459, 1071-1078. Shen,Y.Y., Wang,X.F., Wu,F.Q., Du,S.Y., Cao,Z., Shang,Y., Wang,X.L., Peng,C.C., Yu,X.C., Zhu,S.Y., Fan,R.C., Xu,Y.H. and Zhang,D.P. (2006). The Mg-chelatase H subunit is an abscisic acid receptor. Nature 443, 823-826. Tsuzuki,T., Takahashi,K., Inoue,S.I., Okigaki,Y., Tomiyama,M., Hossain,M.A., Shimazaki,K.I., Murata,Y. and Kinoshita,T. (2011). Mg-chelatase H subunit affects ABA signaling in stomatal guard cells, but is not an ABA receptor in Arabidopsis thaliana. . J. Plant Res. 124, 527-538. Umezawa,T., Sugiyama,N., Mizoguchi,M., Hayashi,S., Myouga,F., Yamaguchi- Shinozaki,K., Ishihama,Y., Hirayama,T. and Shinozaki,K. (2009). Ty pe 2C protein 49

Albert,A. and Rodriguez,P.L. (2013). The<br />

PYL4 A194T mutant uncov ers a key role of<br />


2CA interaction f or abscisic acid signaling<br />

and plant drought resistance. Plant Physiol<br />

163, 441-455.<br />

Razem,F.A., El Kereamy,A., Abrams,S.R. and<br />

Hill,R.D. (2006). The RNA-binding protein<br />

FCA is an abscisic acid receptor. Nature<br />

439, 290-294.<br />

Razem,F.A., El Kereamy,A., Abrams,S.R. and<br />

Hill,R.D. (2008). Retraction. The RNAbinding<br />

protein FCA is an abscisic acid<br />

receptor. Nature 456, 824.<br />

Risk,J.M., Macknight,R.C. and Day,C.L. (2008).<br />

FCA does not bind abscisic acid. Nature<br />

456 , E5-E6.<br />

Risk,J.M., Day,C.L. and Macknight,R.C. (2009).<br />

Reev aluation of abscisic acid-binding<br />

assays shows that G-Protein-Coupled<br />

Receptor2 does not bind abscisic Acid.<br />

Plant Physiol 150, 6-11.<br />

Rodriguez,P.L., Benning,G. and Grill,E. (1998a).<br />

ABI2, a second protein phosphatase 2C<br />

inv olved in abscisic acid signal transduction<br />

in Arabidopsis. FEBS Lett. 421, 185-190.<br />

Rodriguez,P.L., Leube,M.P. and Grill,E. (1998b).<br />

Molecular cloning in Arabidopsis thaliana of<br />

a new protein phosphatase 2C (PP2C) with<br />

homology to ABI1 and ABI2. Plant Mol. Biol.<br />

38, 879-883.<br />

Rodrigues,A., Adamo,M., Crozet,P., Margalha,L.,<br />

Confraria,A., Martinho,C., Elias,A.,<br />

Rabissi,A., Lumbreras,V., Gonzalez-<br />

Guzman,M., Antoni,R., Rodriguez,P.L.<br />

and Baena-Gonzalez,E. (2013). ABI1 and<br />

PP2CA phosphatases are negative<br />

regulators of Snf1-related protein kinase1<br />

signaling in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 25, 3871-<br />

3884.<br />

Rodriguez,L., Gonzalez-Guzman,M., Diaz,M.,<br />

Rodrigues,A., Izquierdo-Garcia,A.C.,<br />

Peirats-Llobet,M., Fernandez,M.A.,<br />

Antoni,R., Fernandez,D., Marquez,J.A.,<br />

Mulet,J.M., Albert,A. and Rodriguez,P.L.<br />

(2014). C2-Domain Abscisic Acid-Related<br />

Proteins Mediate the Interaction of<br />

PYR/PYL/RCAR Abscisic Acid Receptors<br />

with the Plasma Membrane and Regulate<br />

Abscisic Acid Sensitiv ity in Arabidopsis.<br />

Plant Cell 26, 4802-4820.<br />

Rodriguez,P.L. and Lozano-Juste,J. (2015).<br />

Unnatural agrochemical ligands for<br />

engineered abscisic acid receptors. Trends<br />

Plant Sci. 20, 330-332.<br />

Rubio,S., Rodrigues,A., Saez,A., Dizon,M.B.,<br />

Galle,A., Kim,T.H., Santiago,J., Flexas,J.,<br />

Schroeder,J.I. and Rodriguez,P.L. (2009).<br />

Triple loss of function of protein<br />

phosphatases type 2C leads to partial<br />

constitutive response to endogenous<br />

abscisic acid. Plant Physiol 150, 1345-1355.<br />

Saez,A., Apostolova,N., Gonzalez-Guzman,M.,<br />

Gonzalez-Garcia,M.P., Nicolas,C.,<br />

Lorenzo,O. and Rodriguez,P.L. (2004).<br />

Gain-of -function and loss-of -function<br />

phenoty pes of the protein phosphatase 2C<br />

HAB1 rev eal its role as a negative regulator<br />

of abscisic acid signalling. Plant J. 37, 354-<br />

369.<br />

Saez,A., Robert,N., Maktabi,M.H., Schroeder,J.I.,<br />

Serrano,R. and Rodriguez,P.L. (2006).<br />

Enhancement of abscisic acid sensitivity and<br />

reduction of water consumption in<br />

Arabidopsis by combined inactivation of the<br />

protein phosphatases ty pe 2C ABI1 and<br />

HAB1. Plant Physiol 141, 1389-1399.<br />

Saez,A., Rodrigues,A., Santiago,J., Rubio,S. and<br />

Rodriguez,P.L. (2008). HAB1-SWI3B<br />

interaction rev eals a link between abscisic<br />

acid signaling and putativ e SWI/SNF<br />

chromatin-remodeling complexes in<br />

Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 20, 2972-2988.<br />

Santiago,J., Dupeux,F., Round,A., Antoni,R.,<br />

Park,S.Y., Jamin,M., Cutler,S.R.,<br />

Rodriguez,P.L. and Marquez,J.A. (2009).<br />

The abscisic acid receptor PYR1 in complex<br />

with abscisic acid. Nature 462, 665-668.<br />

Santiago,J., Rodrigues,A., Saez,A., Rubio,S.,<br />

Antoni,R., Dupeux,F., Park,S.Y.,<br />

Marquez,J.A., Cutler,S.R. and<br />

Rodriguez,P.L. (2009). Modulation of<br />

drought resistance by the abscisic acid<br />

receptor PYL5 through inhibition of clade A<br />

PP2Cs. Plant J. 60, 575-588.<br />

Santner,A. and Estelle,M. (2009). Recent adv ances<br />

and emerging trends in plant hormone<br />

signalling. Nature 459, 1071-1078.<br />

Shen,Y.Y., Wang,X.F., Wu,F.Q., Du,S.Y., Cao,Z.,<br />

Shang,Y., Wang,X.L., Peng,C.C., Yu,X.C.,<br />

Zhu,S.Y., Fan,R.C., Xu,Y.H. and<br />

Zhang,D.P. (2006). The Mg-chelatase H<br />

subunit is an abscisic acid receptor. Nature<br />

443, 823-826.<br />

Tsuzuki,T., Takahashi,K., Inoue,S.I., Okigaki,Y.,<br />

Tomiyama,M.,<br />

Hossain,M.A.,<br />

Shimazaki,K.I., Murata,Y. and<br />

Kinoshita,T. (2011). Mg-chelatase H<br />

subunit affects ABA signaling in stomatal<br />

guard cells, but is not an ABA receptor in<br />

Arabidopsis thaliana. . J. Plant Res. 124,<br />

527-538.<br />

Umezawa,T., Sugiyama,N., Mizoguchi,M.,<br />

Hayashi,S., Myouga,F., Yamaguchi-<br />

Shinozaki,K., Ishihama,Y., Hirayama,T.<br />

and Shinozaki,K. (2009). Ty pe 2C protein<br />


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