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Closa, M., Vranová, E., Bortolotti, C., Bigler, L., Arró, M., Ferrer, A., Gruissem, W. (2010) The Arabidopsis thaliana FPP synthase isozymes hav e ov erlapping and specif ic functions in isoprenoid biosynthesis, and complete loss of FPP sy nthase activity causes early dev elopmental arrest. Plant J. 63: 512-525. Cuev as, J.C., López-Cobollo, R., Alcázar, R., Zarza, X., Koncz, C., Altabella, T., Salinas, J., Tiburcio, A.F. Ferrando, A. (2008) Putrescine is involv ed in Arabidopsis f reezing tolerance and cold acclimation by regulating abscisic acid lev els in response to low temperature. Plant Physiol.148 1094-1105. Doblas, V. G., Amorim-Silv a, V., Posé, D., Rosado, A., Esteban, A., Arró, M., Azev edo, H., Bombarely , A., Borsani, O., Valpuesta, V., Ferrer, A., Tav ares, R.M., Botella, M.A. (2013). The SUD1 Gene Encodes a Putativ e E3 Ubiquitin Ligase and Is a Positiv e Regulator of 3-Hy droxy - 3-Methy lglutary l Coenzy me A Reductase Activ ity in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell. 25: 728–743. Enf issi EM, Fraser PD, Lois LM, Boronat A, Schuch W, Bramley PM (2005) Metabolic engineering of the mev alonate and non-mev alonate isopenteny l diphosphate-f orming pathways f or the production of health-promoting isoprenoids in tomato. Plant Biotechnol J. 3(1):17-27. Hernández-Gras F., Petrizzo R., Pateraki I., Renato M., Angaman D.M., Azcón-Bieto J., Boronat A (2014) Isolation of Tomato Fruit Chromoplasts and Determination of ATP Lev els. Bio-protocol 4 (15): Hernández-Gras F y Boronat A (2015) A hy drophobic proline-rich motif is inv olv ed in the intracellular targeting of temperature-induced lipocalin. Plant Molecular Biology. 88: 301-311 Houshy ani, B., Assareh, M., Busquets, A., Ferrer, A., Bouwmeester, H., Kappers, I. F. (2013). Threestep pathway engineering results in more incidence rate and higher emission of nerolidol and improv ed attraction of Diadegma semiclausum. Metabolic Engineering. 15: 88–97. Keim, V., Manzano, D., Fernández, F. J., Closa, M., Andrade, P., Caudepón, D., Bortolotti, C., Vega, M.C., Arró, M., Ferrer, A. (2012). Characterization of Arabidopsis FPS isozymes and FPS gene expression analysis prov ide insight into the biosy nthesis of isoprenoid precursors in seeds. PLoS ONE, 7(11), e49109. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0049109.t001. Laranjeira, S., Amorim-Silva, V., Esteban, A., Arró, M., Ferrer, A., Tav ares, R. M., Botella, M.A., Rosado, A., Azev edo, (2015). Arabidopsis squalene epoxidase 3 (SQE3) complements SQE1 and is important f or embryo dev elopment and bulk squalene epoxidase activ ity. Mol. Plant. 8: 1090-1102. Leiv ar, P., Antolin-Llobera, M., Ferrero, S., Closa, M., Arró, M., Ferrer, A., Boronat, A., Campos, N. (2011) Multilev el control of Arabidopsis 3- hy droxy -3-methylglutaryl Coenzy me A reductase by protein phosphatase 2A. Plant Cell. 23: 1494- 1511. Manzano, D., Busquets, A., Closa, M., Hoyerov á, K., Schaller, H., Kamínek, M., Arró, A., Ferrer, A. (2006) Ov erexpression of f arnesy l diphosphate sy nthase in Arabidopsis mitochondria triggers light-dependent lesion f ormation and alters cy tokinin homeostasis. Plant Mol. Biol. 61: 195- 213. Marco, F.; Altabella, T.; Alcazar, R.; Cuev as, J.C.; Bortolotti, C.; Koncz, C.; Tiburcio, A.F.; Carrasco, P (2009). Transcriptome analysis of Arabidopsis plants with altered PA metabolism and responses to abiotic stress. Omics and Plant Abiotic Stress Tolerance (eBook). Bentham Science Publishers. pp: 82 – 90. ISBN: 978-1- 60805-058 Marco, F., Alcázar, R.; Altabella, T.; Carrasco, P.; Gill, S.S.; Tuteja, N.; Tiburcio, A.F. (2012). Poly amines in dev eloping stress-resistant crops. In: Improving crop resistance to abiotic stress. Wiley -Blackwell, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. pp: 623 - 635. ISBN: 352732840897835 Masf errer, A., Arró, M., Manzano, D., Schaller, H., Fernández-Busquets, X., Moncaleán, P., Fernández, B., Cunillera, N., Boronat, A., Ferrer. A. (2002) Ov erexpression of Arabidopsis thaliana f arnesy ldiphosphate sy nthase (FPS1S) in transgenic Arabidopsis induces a cell death/senescence-like response and reduced cy tokinin levels. Plant J. 30, 123-132. Montilla-Bascón, G.; Rubiales, D.; Altabella, T.; Prats, E. (2016). Free poly amine and polyamine regulation during pre-penetration and penetration resistance ev ents in oat against crown rust (Puccinia coronata f. sp. avenae). Plant Pathology 65:392-401 Nieto, B., Forés, O., Arró, M., Ferrer, A. (2009) Arabidopsis 3-hy droxy -3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase is regulated at the post-translational lev el in response to alterations of the sphingolipid and the sterol biosy nthetic pathways. Phytochemistry. 70: 53-59. Pateraki I, Renato M, Azcón-Bieto J, Boronat A (2013) An ATP sy nthase harboring an aty pical γ- subunit is involv ed in ATP synthesis in tomato fruit chromoplasts. Plant Journal 74: 74-85 Pérez-Gil J, Bergua M, Boronat A, Imperial S. (2010). Cloning and functional characterization of an enzy me f rom Helicobacter pylori that cataly zes two steps of the methylerythritol 34

phosphate pathway for isoprenoid biosynthesis Biochim Biophys Acta. 1800: 919-28. Perez-Gil J, Uros EM, Sauret-Güeto S, Lois LM, Kirby J, Nishimoto M, Baidoo EE, Keasling JD, Boronat A, Rodriguez-Concepcion M (2012) Mutations in Escherichia coli aceE and ribB genes allow surviv al of strains defectiv e in the f irst step of the isoprenoid biosy nthesis pathway . PLoS One 7 (8) doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0043775 Phillips MA, León P, Boronat A, Rodríguez- Concepción M (2008) The plastidial MEP pathway: unified nomenclature and resources. Trends Plant Sci. 13:619-23 Planas-Portell, J.; Gallart, M.; Tiburcio, AF.; Altabella, T. (2013). Copper-containing amine oxidases contribute to terminal polyamine oxidation in peroxisomes and apoplast of Arabidopsis thaliana. BMC Plant Biology 13: 109- 121. Posé, D., Castanedo, I., Borsani, O., Nieto, B., Rosado, A., Taconnat, L., Ferrer, A., Dolan, L., Valpuesta, V., Botella, M.A. (2009) Identif ication of the dry 2/sqe1-5 Arabidopsis mutant rev eals a central rolef or sterols in the regulation of reactiv e oxy gen species, drought tolerance and plant dev elopment. Plant J. 59: 63-76. Ramírez-Estrada, K.; Altabella, T.; Onrubia, M.; Moy ano, E.; Notredame, C.; Osuna, L.; Vanden Bossche, R.; Goossens, A.; Cusidó, R.M.; Palazón, J (2015) Transcript prof iling of jasmonate-elicited Taxus cells reveals a betapheny lalanine-CoA ligase. Plant Biotech J 14:85- 96. Renato M, Pateraki I, Boronat A , Azcón-Bieto J (2014) Chromoplast respiratory activ ity substantially contributes to both total tissue respiration and ATP sy nthesis during tomato fruit ripening. Plant Physiology 166: 920 - 933 Renato M, Boronat A y Azcón-Bieto J. Respiratory processes in non-photosynthetic plastids (2015) Frontiers in Plant Science. 6:496. doi: 10.3389/f pls.2015.00496. Rodríguez-Concepción, M., Forés, O., Martínez- García, J.F, González, V., Phillips, M.A., Ferrer, A.; Boronat, A. (2004) Distinct light-mediated pathways regulate isoprenoid metabolism during seedling dev elopment in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell 16 : 144-156. Rodríguez- Concepción M, A, Boronat A (2013) Isoprenoid biosy nthesis in prokary otic organisms- En “Isoprenoid sy nthesis in Plants and Microorganisms. New concepts and Experimental Approaches”(Bach, T. and Rohmer, M. Eds. Springer Verlag). pp 1-16 Rodríguez-Concepción, M., Campos, N., Ferrer, A., Boronat, A. (2012) Biosynthesis of isoprenoid precursors in Arabidopsis. In: Bach, T.J. and Rohmer, M. Eds. Isoprenoid sy nthesis in plants and microorganisms: New concepts and experimental approaches. Springer, New York, USA. pp. 439-456. Rodríguez-Concepción M y Boronat A (2015) Breaking new ground in the regulation of the early steps of plant isoprenoid biosy nthesis. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 25: 17-22 Sauret-Güeto S, Urós EM, Ibáñez E, Boronat A, Rodríguez-Concepción M (2006) A mutant py ruvate dehydrogenase E1 subunit allows surv iv al of Escherichia coli strains def ective in 1- deoxy -D-xy lulose 5-phosphate synthase. FEBS Lett. 580:736-40 Sauret-Güeto S, Botella-Pavía P, Flores-Pérez U, Martínez-García JF, San Román C, León P, Boronat A, Rodríguez-Concepción M.(2006) Plastid cues posttranscriptionally regulate the accumulation of key enzymes of the methy lerythritol phosphate pathway in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol. 141:75-8 Tiburico A.F; Altabella, T.; Ferrando (2010).A Plant hav ing resistance to low-temperature stress and method of production therefore. ES2344877/EP2314702/US13 Tiburcio, A. F., Altabella, T.; Bitrián, M.; Alcázar, R. (2014). The Roles of poly amines during the lif espan of plants: from dev elopment to stress. Planta 240: 1-18 Vuosku, I., Jokela, A., Läärä, E., Sääskilahti, M., Muilu, R., Sutela, S., Altabella, T., Sarjala, T., Häggman, H (2006). Consistency of Polyamine Prof iles and Expression of Arginine Decarboxylase in Mitosis during Zy gotic Embry ogenesis of Scots Pine. Plant Phys 142: 1027-1038 35

phosphate pathway for isoprenoid biosynthesis<br />

Biochim Biophys Acta. 1800: 919-28.<br />

Perez-Gil J, Uros EM, Sauret-Güeto S, Lois LM,<br />

Kirby J, Nishimoto M, Baidoo EE, Keasling JD,<br />

Boronat A, Rodriguez-Concepcion M (2012)<br />

Mutations in Escherichia coli aceE and ribB<br />

genes allow surviv al of strains defectiv e in the<br />

f irst step of the isoprenoid biosy nthesis pathway .<br />

PLoS One 7 (8) doi:<br />

10.1371/journal.pone.0043775<br />

Phillips MA, León P, Boronat A, Rodríguez-<br />

Concepción M (2008) The plastidial MEP<br />

pathway: unified nomenclature and resources.<br />

Trends Plant Sci. 13:619-23<br />

Planas-Portell, J.; Gallart, M.; Tiburcio, AF.;<br />

Altabella, T. (2013). Copper-containing amine<br />

oxidases contribute to terminal polyamine<br />

oxidation in peroxisomes and apoplast of<br />

Arabidopsis thaliana. BMC Plant Biology 13: 109-<br />

121.<br />

Posé, D., Castanedo, I., Borsani, O., Nieto, B.,<br />

Rosado, A., Taconnat, L., Ferrer, A., Dolan, L.,<br />

Valpuesta, V., Botella, M.A. (2009) Identif ication<br />

of the dry 2/sqe1-5 Arabidopsis mutant rev eals a<br />

central rolef or sterols in the regulation of reactiv e<br />

oxy gen species, drought tolerance and plant<br />

dev elopment. Plant J. 59: 63-76.<br />

Ramírez-Estrada, K.; Altabella, T.; Onrubia, M.;<br />

Moy ano, E.; Notredame, C.; Osuna, L.; Vanden<br />

Bossche, R.; Goossens, A.; Cusidó, R.M.;<br />

Palazón, J (2015) Transcript prof iling of<br />

jasmonate-elicited Taxus cells reveals a betapheny<br />

lalanine-CoA ligase. Plant Biotech J 14:85-<br />

96.<br />

Renato M, Pateraki I, Boronat A , Azcón-Bieto J<br />

(2014) Chromoplast respiratory activ ity<br />

substantially contributes to both total tissue<br />

respiration and ATP sy nthesis during tomato fruit<br />

ripening. Plant Physiology 166: 920 - 933<br />

Renato M, Boronat A y Azcón-Bieto J. Respiratory<br />

processes in non-photosynthetic plastids (2015)<br />

Frontiers in Plant Science. 6:496. doi:<br />

10.3389/f pls.2015.00496.<br />

Rodríguez-Concepción, M., Forés, O., Martínez-<br />

García, J.F, González, V., Phillips, M.A., Ferrer,<br />

A.; Boronat, A. (2004) Distinct light-mediated<br />

pathways regulate isoprenoid metabolism during<br />

seedling dev elopment in Arabidopsis thaliana.<br />

Plant Cell 16 : 144-156.<br />

Rodríguez- Concepción M, A, Boronat A (2013)<br />

Isoprenoid biosy nthesis in prokary otic organisms-<br />

En “Isoprenoid sy nthesis in Plants and<br />

Microorganisms. New concepts and Experimental<br />

Approaches”(Bach, T. and Rohmer, M. Eds.<br />

Springer Verlag). pp 1-16<br />

Rodríguez-Concepción, M., Campos, N., Ferrer, A.,<br />

Boronat, A. (2012) Biosynthesis of isoprenoid<br />

precursors in Arabidopsis. In: Bach, T.J. and<br />

Rohmer, M. Eds. Isoprenoid sy nthesis in plants<br />

and microorganisms: New concepts and<br />

experimental approaches. Springer, New York,<br />

USA. pp. 439-456.<br />

Rodríguez-Concepción M y Boronat A (2015)<br />

Breaking new ground in the regulation of the<br />

early steps of plant isoprenoid biosy nthesis.<br />

Current Opinion in Plant Biology 25: 17-22<br />

Sauret-Güeto S, Urós EM, Ibáñez E, Boronat A,<br />

Rodríguez-Concepción M (2006) A mutant<br />

py ruvate dehydrogenase E1 subunit allows<br />

surv iv al of Escherichia coli strains def ective in 1-<br />

deoxy -D-xy lulose 5-phosphate synthase. FEBS<br />

Lett. 580:736-40<br />

Sauret-Güeto S, Botella-Pavía P, Flores-Pérez U,<br />

Martínez-García JF, San Román C, León P,<br />

Boronat A, Rodríguez-Concepción M.(2006)<br />

Plastid cues posttranscriptionally regulate the<br />

accumulation of key enzymes of the<br />

methy lerythritol phosphate pathway in<br />

Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol. 141:75-8<br />

Tiburico A.F; Altabella, T.; Ferrando (2010).A Plant<br />

hav ing resistance to low-temperature stress and<br />

method of production therefore.<br />

ES2344877/EP2314702/US13<br />

Tiburcio, A. F., Altabella, T.; Bitrián, M.; Alcázar, R.<br />

(2014). The Roles of poly amines during the<br />

lif espan of plants: from dev elopment to stress.<br />

Planta 240: 1-18<br />

Vuosku, I., Jokela, A., Läärä, E., Sääskilahti, M.,<br />

Muilu, R., Sutela, S., Altabella, T., Sarjala, T.,<br />

Häggman, H (2006). Consistency of Polyamine<br />

Prof iles and Expression of Arginine<br />

Decarboxylase in Mitosis during Zy gotic<br />

Embry ogenesis of Scots Pine. Plant Phys 142:<br />

1027-1038<br />


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