Goldmann, Lucien y otros - Sociologia de la creacion literaria

Goldmann, Lucien y otros - Sociologia de la creacion literaria

Goldmann, Lucien y otros - Sociologia de la creacion literaria


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'en el que su autor intenta seguir <strong>la</strong> eterna búsqueda por parte <strong>de</strong> losnovelistas estadouni<strong>de</strong>nses <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> "pra<strong>de</strong>ra", que simboliza <strong>la</strong> edad <strong>de</strong> oro<strong>de</strong>l continente norteamericano.7 [ ••• a kind of criticism whieh is, by <strong>de</strong>finition, a form of historieal un<strong>de</strong>rstanding.]R. H. Pearce, "Hístorícísm once more", Kenyon review, 1958.8 En su libro The liberal imagination. Essays on literaffnre and society(Secker Warburg, Londres, 1951), L. Trilling ha procurado <strong>de</strong>slindar <strong>la</strong>sre<strong>la</strong>ciones entre <strong>la</strong> inestabilidad <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> sociedad y <strong>la</strong> <strong>de</strong>l carácter <strong>de</strong> lospersonajes: "Los sinsabores que experimentan los personajes <strong>de</strong> Sueño <strong>de</strong>una noche <strong>de</strong> verano y <strong>de</strong> Christopher Sly parecen mostrar que el encuentro<strong>de</strong> individuos situados en los extremos opuestos <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> jerarquía socialy el ascenso <strong>de</strong> una persona <strong>de</strong> origen humil<strong>de</strong> a una elevada posiciónsiempre le sugerían a Shakespeare cierta fundamental inestabilidad <strong>de</strong> lossentidos y <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> razón" (p. 210). [The predieament of the characters inA Midsurnmer night's dream and of Christopher Sly seems lo imply thatthe meeting of social extremes and the establishment of ti versan of lowc<strong>la</strong>ss always suggested to Shakespeare's mind some radical instability ofthe senses and the reason.11 [Moll F<strong>la</strong>n<strong>de</strong>rs is a thief, Pame<strong>la</strong> a hypocrite, and Tom ]ones a fomicator.]<strong>la</strong>n Watt, The rise of the novel, University of California Press,Berkeley, 1957, p. 11.10 [The novel's realism does not resi<strong>de</strong> in the kind of life il presents, butin the way it presents it.111 [As middle-c<strong>la</strong>ss London tra<strong>de</strong>smen, they had only to consult Iheirown standards of form and content to be sure that what they wrotewould appeal to a <strong>la</strong>rge audience . .. not so much Defoe and Richardsonrespon<strong>de</strong>d to the new needs of their audience, but that they were ableto express those needs from the insi<strong>de</strong> .,. ] Ian Watt, ob. cit., p. 59.12 [In so doing Deioe initiated an important new ten<strong>de</strong>ncy in fiction:his total subordination of the plot to the pattem of the autobiographiealmemoir is as <strong>de</strong>fiant an assertion of the primacy of the individual experiencein the novel as Descartes Cogito ergo sum was in philosophy.]l<strong>de</strong>m, p. 15.13 [Es ist symptomatisch, dass es (in <strong>de</strong>n USA) keine bis auf heutigenTag fortgefürhte, umfassen<strong>de</strong> Bibliographie zur Literatur - und KunstsoziologiegibtJ] L. LOwenthal, Literatur 1.md Gesellschaft, Luchterhand,Neuwíed, 1964, p. 244. Edición en Estados Unidos: Literature, popu<strong>la</strong>rculture and society, Prentice Hall, 1961.14 R. Wellek y A. Warren, Theory of literature, Harcourt Brace and Co.,Nueva York, 1942 [Teoría <strong>literaria</strong>, Gredos, Madrid, 1966]. Es significativoque los críticos acometan con harta frecuencia a los autores másmecanicistas para refutar todo enfoque sociológico, y así <strong>la</strong> emprendancontra Grib y Smirnov antes que contra Gramsci o Lukács. Se trata,una vez más, <strong>de</strong>l fenómeno <strong>de</strong>masiado frecuente <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong>s c<strong>la</strong>sificacionesmaniqueas.15 [The sociology of knowledge also aids intellectual history by indicatingin what way literature can affect society. As has been pointed out, thissystem does not c<strong>la</strong>im that al! thought is socially <strong>de</strong>termined.] Alex. Kern,68

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