O papel modulador do gene AIRE - capes

O papel modulador do gene AIRE - capes O papel modulador do gene AIRE - capes

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Promiscuous gene expression in murine FTOC14·74·74·74·73·14·7Chromosomal location of differentially expressedgenesThe genomic distribution of the 192 genes modulated(repressed or induced) during the 5 days of FTOC developmentallowed for the co-ordinated expression of organizingchromosomal clusters.Figure 4 shows the frequency distribution of therepressed and induced genes among chromosomes. Takingall the developmental phases together, the number ofrepressed genes (154) was greater than that of inducedgenes (38). All chromosomes, except Y, harboured differentiallyexpressed genes, with a slightly biased distributionon chromosomes 2, 5, 11 and 19 for repressed genes andon chromosomes 3, 4, 11, 15 and 19 for induced genes.Discussion9·53·1 1·63·16·314·711·1PGE in the thymus is a complex phenomenon observedin humans and mice, which is exhibited by TECs (mTECs)4·73·13·13·1CirculatoryCentral NervousDigestiveEpidermis/SkinEyesFat tissueGlandsIntestinesLocomotoryLymphoidMusclesPeripheral NervousReproductiveRespiratorySensory OrgansStem cellsUrinaryFigure 3. Representation of tissue/organ system-specific gene expressionin 20 days FTOC.Frequency (%)14 Repressed Induced1210864201 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 X Y NFChromosomesFigure 4. Chromosomal distribution of the repressed and inducedgenes considering all FTOC development (15–20 days).NF, not found.and involves 5–10% of all known genes of these species.This process is a guarantee of self-representation ofmost parenchymal tissues and organs during the centraltolerance of T cells.Using PCR, Derbinski’s group previously demonstratedthat the expression of five tissue-specific genes, such asthyroglobulin, CRP, GAD67, insulin and albumin, wasdetectable only in mTECs purified from ex vivo thymictissue at embryonic day 15 (E15). 7Accordingly, the complexity of PGE increases in, fromcTECs to immature mTECs to mature CD80 hi mTECs.These different gene pools are not complementary, butadditive, that is, there is no apparent association betweenthe respective molecular/biological functions of the genesin parenchymal organs. The significance of PGE in thethymus is associated with the central tolerance of Tcells. 9–14While PGE by mTECs was well documented by theauthors cited above, many aspects of this phenomenonremain unexplored, for example, its evaluation in the thymusof autoimmune strains and/or knockout mice, itsmodulation by means of cytokines or other moleculesinterfering in gene expression, such as RNA interference,and its time–course during the ontogenetic developmentof the thymus.Molecular characterization of PGE in the FTOC modelsystem is a relevant approach in immunobiology, becausethe functional analysis of T-cell development has becomepossible after the introduction of techniques in which thethymic microenvironment is mimicked, such as FTOC.This method is based on the use of early fetal thymus tissue,which is composed of a homogeneous thymocytepopulation (double-negative cells).In this study, the occurrence of PGE in vitro in FTOCis described for the first time. To evaluate whether PGEin this model system is a development-dependent phenomenon,we regarded the differential gene expressionduring ontogeny by comparing days of gestation (p.c.), asthe most informative in the delineation of the gene pool.Use of the FTOC model system was chosen, rather thancompare the changes in expression profiles in thymustissue obtained at different gestational days, to approachthree important aspects simultaneously. Since FTOCreproduces the in vivo thymus development, this modelsystem represented a useful tool first, for the fine demarcationof PGE onset and, second, to demonstrate thatPGE is a phenomenon that can be reproduced in vitro.The third aspect was a beneficial possibility of the FTOCmodel system, comparing the same pool of thymus tissueat day 15 with later time-points.We demonstrated that PGE in FTOC, which is characterizedby the overexpression of parenchymal organ andtissue-specific antigen genes, emerges at 20 days p.c.(Fig. 1). Since this in vitro organ culture mimicked thethymus gestation in vivo, including the maturation of TÓ 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Immunology, 119, 369–375 373

R. Sousa Cardoso et al.cells, 18 these results strongly suggest that PGE is dependenton thymus maturation. The significance of these findingsis associated with the timing of T-cell toleranceinduction during ontogeny. T-cell receptor b rearrangementsemerge at 16 days p.c. in vivo and in FTOC inBALB/c mice. 1–3,18The early fetal thymus, by 13–15 days p.c., is composedof homogeneous double-negative CD4 – CD8 –T-cell precursors; however, by day 18 p.c. this populationgradually acquires the CD4 marker resembling the adultCD4 low precursor. 26,27 These features allow for T-cellreceptor–major histocompatibilty complex peptide recognitionand enable the positive/negative selection of Tcells in fetal thymus. Our evidence for the occurrence ofPGE in late fetal thymus is associated with the timing ofthe molecular events of T-cell tolerance induction duringontogeny.The data collected here were obtained using the cDNAmicroarray method, with the expression of the 9216sequences analysed by the SAM algorithm. 25 Considering15 days p.c. FTOC as a reference, it was possible to makecomparisons with the subsequent days of development. Astatistically significant set of 154 repressed genes werefound between 15 and 17 days p.c. and 38 genes wereconsidered as overexpressed at 20 days p.c. FTOC, indicatingthe emergence of PGE (Table S1).Moreover, these findings are important to the PGE differentiationmodel in the thymus and the concomitantincreased AIRE gene expression in the most maturemTECs. In the FTOC model system studied, AIRE geneexpression begins at 16 days p.c., before a significantinduction of parenchymal and tissue-specific antigengenes (Fig. 2b), suggesting that this gene could be associatedwith the control of the parenchymal organ geneexpression observed. 28Although the experiments were not conducted withpurified mTECs, this caused no problems regarding PGEdetection in the thymus. To bypass this potential difficulty,a cDNA microarray method was used, including adedicated statistical algorithm for data analysis (SAM algorithm),which presented sufficient accuracy to distinguishand quantify parenchymal organ gene expression originatingfrom thymic epithelial cells, especially mTECs. 8,9,13The cDNA microarray data mining has permitted thevirtual dissection of the mouse thymus into its principalcellular components by means of the identification of thespecific cellular transcripts (mRNAs). 29 These observationsdemonstrate the feasibility for the use of whole thymusas starting material in PGE studies.Moreover, we selected a gene found in the microarrayexperiments (ZNF 369) that is representative of parenchymalorgans, whose modulation in the expression was confirmedby SQ-RT-PCR (Fig. 2a).In agreement with previous observations, 13 the molecular/biologicalfunction of promiscuously expressed genesfound in the present model system showed no interrelationship(Table S1).Regarding the chromosomal localization of therepressed and induced genes, no important preferentialdistribution was identified. All chromosomes harbourpromiscuously expressed genes with a slightly biased distributionon chromosomes 2, 5, 11 and 19 among therepressed genes and on chromosomes 3, 4, 11, 15 and 19among the induced genes. The exceptions were chromosomeY, on which no repressed or induced genes wereidentified, and chromosome 2, on which no inducedgenes were positioned (Fig. 4).This feature of random PGE distribution in the genomestrongly suggests an uncommon model of gene regulationfound in the thymus, which requires further investigation,including the elucidation of the molecular mechanism ofthe AIRE gene action.The model system presented here was important to demonstratethat PGE is a differentially controlled phenomenon,9 beginning in BALB/c mice at 20 days p.c. (FTOC),and because this phenomenon can be reproduced in vitro,these findings raise the possibility of testing the inductionof gene expression alteration caused by FTOC cytokinetreatment or selected gene transfections that could modulatePGE. Recent evidence for a second thymus in mice 30increase the possibility of further research into their contributionto self-tolerance mechanisms, including determinationof occurrence of the PGE in this organ.AcknowledgementsThis research was funded by the Brazilian agencies FAP-ESP (Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de SãoPaulo) through thematic project (99/12135–9) and doctoratefellowships to R.S.C., D.A.R.M., C.M.J., and M.M.C.M.and the CNPq (Conselho Nacional de DesenvolvimentoCientífico e Tecnológico) to C.M. The IMAGE cDNAlibrary used was kindly ceded by Dr Catherine Nguyen ofthe Unité INSERM ERM 206, Marseille, France.References1 Junta CM, Passos GAS. Emergence of TCRab V (D) J recombinationand transcription during thymus ontogeny of inbredmouse strains. Mol Cell Biochem 1998; 187:67–72.2 Macedo C, Junta CM, Passos GAS. Onset of T-cell receptorVb8.1 and Db2.1, V(D)J recombination during thymus developmentof inbred mouse strains. Immunol Lett 1999, 69:371–3.3 Espanhol AR, Macedo C, Junta CM, et al. Gene expression profilingduring thymus ontogeny and its association with TRVB8-DB2.1 rearrangements of inbred mouse strains. Mol Cell Biochem2003; 252:223–8.4 Espanhol AR, Cardoso RS, Junta CM, Victorero G, Loriod B,Nguyen C, Passos GAS. Large scale gene expression analysis ofCBA/J mouse strain fetal thymus using cDNA-array hybridizations.Mol Cell Biochem 2004; 206:65–8.374 Ó 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Immunology, 119, 369–375

R. Sousa Car<strong>do</strong>so et al.cells, 18 these results strongly suggest that PGE is dependenton thymus maturation. The significance of these findingsis associated with the timing of T-cell toleranceinduction during ontogeny. T-cell receptor b rearrangementsemerge at 16 days p.c. in vivo and in FTOC inBALB/c mice. 1–3,18The early fetal thymus, by 13–15 days p.c., is compose<strong>do</strong>f homo<strong>gene</strong>ous <strong>do</strong>uble-negative CD4 – CD8 –T-cell precursors; however, by day 18 p.c. this populationgradually acquires the CD4 marker resembling the adultCD4 low precursor. 26,27 These features allow for T-cellreceptor–major histocompatibilty complex peptide recognitionand enable the positive/negative selection of Tcells in fetal thymus. Our evidence for the occurrence ofPGE in late fetal thymus is associated with the timing ofthe molecular events of T-cell tolerance induction duringontogeny.The data collected here were obtained using the cDNAmicroarray method, with the expression of the 9216sequences analysed by the SAM algorithm. 25 Considering15 days p.c. FTOC as a reference, it was possible to makecomparisons with the subsequent days of development. Astatistically significant set of 154 repressed <strong>gene</strong>s werefound between 15 and 17 days p.c. and 38 <strong>gene</strong>s wereconsidered as overexpressed at 20 days p.c. FTOC, indicatingthe emergence of PGE (Table S1).Moreover, these findings are important to the PGE differentiationmodel in the thymus and the concomitantincreased <strong>AIRE</strong> <strong>gene</strong> expression in the most maturemTECs. In the FTOC model system studied, <strong>AIRE</strong> <strong>gene</strong>expression begins at 16 days p.c., before a significantinduction of parenchymal and tissue-specific antigen<strong>gene</strong>s (Fig. 2b), suggesting that this <strong>gene</strong> could be associatedwith the control of the parenchymal organ <strong>gene</strong>expression observed. 28Although the experiments were not conducted withpurified mTECs, this caused no problems regarding PGEdetection in the thymus. To bypass this potential difficulty,a cDNA microarray method was used, including adedicated statistical algorithm for data analysis (SAM algorithm),which presented sufficient accuracy to distinguishand quantify parenchymal organ <strong>gene</strong> expression originatingfrom thymic epithelial cells, especially mTECs. 8,9,13The cDNA microarray data mining has permitted thevirtual dissection of the mouse thymus into its principalcellular components by means of the identification of thespecific cellular transcripts (mRNAs). 29 These observationsdemonstrate the feasibility for the use of whole thymusas starting material in PGE studies.Moreover, we selected a <strong>gene</strong> found in the microarrayexperiments (ZNF 369) that is representative of parenchymalorgans, whose modulation in the expression was confirmedby SQ-RT-PCR (Fig. 2a).In agreement with previous observations, 13 the molecular/biologicalfunction of promiscuously expressed <strong>gene</strong>sfound in the present model system showed no interrelationship(Table S1).Regarding the chromosomal localization of therepressed and induced <strong>gene</strong>s, no important preferentialdistribution was identified. All chromosomes harbourpromiscuously expressed <strong>gene</strong>s with a slightly biased distributionon chromosomes 2, 5, 11 and 19 among therepressed <strong>gene</strong>s and on chromosomes 3, 4, 11, 15 and 19among the induced <strong>gene</strong>s. The exceptions were chromosomeY, on which no repressed or induced <strong>gene</strong>s wereidentified, and chromosome 2, on which no induced<strong>gene</strong>s were positioned (Fig. 4).This feature of ran<strong>do</strong>m PGE distribution in the genomestrongly suggests an uncommon model of <strong>gene</strong> regulationfound in the thymus, which requires further investigation,including the elucidation of the molecular mechanism ofthe <strong>AIRE</strong> <strong>gene</strong> action.The model system presented here was important to demonstratethat PGE is a differentially controlled phenomenon,9 beginning in BALB/c mice at 20 days p.c. (FTOC),and because this phenomenon can be reproduced in vitro,these findings raise the possibility of testing the inductionof <strong>gene</strong> expression alteration caused by FTOC cytokinetreatment or selected <strong>gene</strong> transfections that could modulatePGE. Recent evidence for a second thymus in mice 30increase the possibility of further research into their contributionto self-tolerance mechanisms, including determinationof occurrence of the PGE in this organ.AcknowledgementsThis research was funded by the Brazilian agencies FAP-ESP (Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa <strong>do</strong> Esta<strong>do</strong> de SãoPaulo) through thematic project (99/12135–9) and <strong>do</strong>ctoratefellowships to R.S.C., D.A.R.M., C.M.J., and M.M.C.M.and the CNPq (Conselho Nacional de DesenvolvimentoCientífico e Tecnológico) to C.M. The IMAGE cDNAlibrary used was kindly ceded by Dr Catherine Nguyen ofthe Unité INSERM ERM 206, Marseille, France.References1 Junta CM, Passos GAS. Emergence of TCRab V (D) J recombinationand transcription during thymus ontogeny of inbredmouse strains. Mol Cell Biochem 1998; 187:67–72.2 Mace<strong>do</strong> C, Junta CM, Passos GAS. Onset of T-cell receptorVb8.1 and Db2.1, V(D)J recombination during thymus developmentof inbred mouse strains. Immunol Lett 1999, 69:371–3.3 Espanhol AR, Mace<strong>do</strong> C, Junta CM, et al. Gene expression profilingduring thymus ontogeny and its association with TRVB8-DB2.1 rearrangements of inbred mouse strains. Mol Cell Biochem2003; 252:223–8.4 Espanhol AR, Car<strong>do</strong>so RS, Junta CM, Victorero G, Loriod B,Nguyen C, Passos GAS. Large scale <strong>gene</strong> expression analysis ofCBA/J mouse strain fetal thymus using cDNA-array hybridizations.Mol Cell Biochem 2004; 206:65–8.374 Ó 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Immunology, 119, 369–375

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