O papel modulador do gene AIRE - capes

O papel modulador do gene AIRE - capes O papel modulador do gene AIRE - capes

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ANEXO ITranscribed locusTranscribed locus, moderately similar toIMAGE:582892XP_001103164.1 similar to 60S ribosomalprotein L12 [Macaca mulatta] 0.17361486 0.40003896 1.51EST IMAGE:583695 Expressed sequence tag 0.1608681 0.4003079 1.51Eif2a IMAGE:582939 Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2a 0.15705606 0.40112728 1.37Ccdc58 IMAGE:582929 Coiled-coil domain containing 58 0.18879382 0.4011698 1.37Btg2 IMAGE:639859 B-cell translocation gene 2, anti-proliferative 0.22523461 0.4013058 1.37Taf15IMAGE:639860TAF15 RNA polymerase II, TATA boxbinding protein (TBP)-associated factor 0.24421383 0.4013146 1.37EST IMAGE:583906 Expressed sequence tag 0.2946352 0.40145835 1.37In multiple clusters IMAGE:641096 Expressed sequence tag 0.2501315 0.40156463 1.37Uqcrfs1IMAGE:640752Ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase, Rieskeiron-sulfur polypeptide 1 0.101116255 0.40176198 1.37Dhrs13IMAGE:576046Dehydrogenase/reductase (SDR family)member 13 0.11375762 0.4019725 1.37Fyb IMAGE:1264938 Prohibitin 0.17272258 0.40204743 1.37Rpain IMAGE:573267 RPA interacting protein 0.13627423 0.40244517 1.372500002K03RikIMAGE:583524CDNA, clone:Y0G0124L21,strand:unspecified 0.086820185 0.40269917 1.37Trim17 IMAGE:1263520 Transcribed locus 0.15638469 0.40282822 1.37Bid IMAGE:640130 BH3 interacting domain death agonist 0.1461156 0.40290505 1.37Clec14a IMAGE:576574 C-type lectin domain family 14, member a 0.21469185 0.40293807 1.37Arpc3 IMAGE:640677 Actin related protein 2/3 complex, subunit 3 0.2750277 0.40315855 1.37EST IMAGE:640868 Expressed sequence tag 0.2505796 0.40386733 1.37EST IMAGE:640319 Expressed sequence tag 0.38339138 0.404027 1.37EST IMAGE:583103 Expressed sequence tag 0.33644107 0.4041983 1.37EST IMAGE:640173 Expressed sequence tag 0.1080738 0.4047628 1.26C77370 IMAGE:583793 Expressed sequence C77370 0.19215246 0.40533575 1.265330438D12Rik IMAGE:640084 RIKEN cDNA 5330438D12 gene 0.17964597 0.40572393 1.26EST IMAGE:583673 Expressed sequence tag 0.1918779 0.40591183 1.26ArntlIMAGE:582931Aryl hydrocarbon receptor nucleartranslocator-like 0.21954234 0.4060044 1.26135

ANEXO ITranscribed locus IMAGE:640397 Transcribed locus 0.19581184 0.4068279 1.261700106N22Rik IMAGE:640218 RIKEN cDNA 1700106N22 gene 0.21035998 0.4069919 1.26EST IMAGE:583595 Expressed sequence tag 0.34630018 0.4074916 1.261810059G22Rik IMAGE:583234 RIKEN cDNA 1810059G22 gene 0.2897901 0.40794325 1.18EST IMAGE:583474 Expressed sequence tag 0.29084098 0.40822262 1.18Grcc10 IMAGE:641036 Atrophin 1 0.25110045 0.40835306 1.18Chchd1IMAGE:583655Coiled-coil-helix-coiled-coil-helix domaincontaining 1 0.3520113 0.40859562 1.18Kctd10IMAGE:640583Potassium channel tetramerisation domaincontaining 10 0.40539417 0.4089895 1.18AI194318IMAGE:5832763 days neonate thymus cDNA, RIKEN fulllengthenriched library, clone:A630066K17product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence 0.17482738 0.4091023 1.18Stat1IMAGE:583302Signal transducer and activator of transcription1 0.048201974 0.40922952 1.18EST IMAGE:640849 Expressed sequence tag 0.12987265 0.4096255 1.18Transcribed locus IMAGE:583764 Transcribed locus 0.090552844 0.4096824 1.18CXCL10 IMAGE:2069299 Chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 10 0.17077018 0.41001084 1.18EST IMAGE:582106 Expressed sequence tag 0.28126255 0.4101807 1.18Mbnl1 IMAGE:583553 Muscleblind-like 1 (Drosophila) 0.19088008 0.41020763 1.18Transcribed locus IMAGE:640052 Similar to ariadne homolog 2 0.24588272 0.410971 1.18Atp5c1IMAGE:640931ATP synthase, H+ transporting,mitochondrial F1 complex, gammapolypeptide 1 0.42529702 0.41185647 1.07EG666113 IMAGE:641052 Predicted gene, EG666113 0.10545162 0.4122206 1.07Amica1IMAGE:640276Adhesion molecule, interacts with CXADRantigen 1 0.18005581 0.41252714 1.07Ltb IMAGE:577871 Lymphotoxin B 0.23434414 0.41267005 1.07Tcrg-C IMAGE:640129 T-cell receptor gamma, constant region 0.10797722 0.41389433 1.07EST IMAGE:639831 Expressed sequence tag 0.16276084 0.4139148 1.07Anks1bIMAGE:573163Ankyrin repeat and sterile alpha motif domaincontaining 1B 0.112788066 0.41394684 1.07136

ANEXO ITranscribed locus IMAGE:640397 Transcribed locus 0.19581184 0.4068279 1.261700106N22Rik IMAGE:640218 RIKEN cDNA 1700106N22 <strong>gene</strong> 0.21035998 0.4069919 1.26EST IMAGE:583595 Expressed sequence tag 0.34630018 0.4074916 1.261810059G22Rik IMAGE:583234 RIKEN cDNA 1810059G22 <strong>gene</strong> 0.2897901 0.40794325 1.18EST IMAGE:583474 Expressed sequence tag 0.29084098 0.40822262 1.18Grcc10 IMAGE:641036 Atrophin 1 0.25110045 0.40835306 1.18Chchd1IMAGE:583655Coiled-coil-helix-coiled-coil-helix <strong>do</strong>maincontaining 1 0.3520113 0.40859562 1.18Kctd10IMAGE:640583Potassium channel tetramerisation <strong>do</strong>maincontaining 10 0.40539417 0.4089895 1.18AI194318IMAGE:5832763 days neonate thymus cDNA, RIKEN fulllengthenriched library, clone:A630066K17product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence 0.17482738 0.4091023 1.18Stat1IMAGE:583302Signal transducer and activator of transcription1 0.048201974 0.40922952 1.18EST IMAGE:640849 Expressed sequence tag 0.12987265 0.4096255 1.18Transcribed locus IMAGE:583764 Transcribed locus 0.090552844 0.4096824 1.18CXCL10 IMAGE:2069299 Chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 10 0.17077018 0.41001084 1.18EST IMAGE:582106 Expressed sequence tag 0.28126255 0.4101807 1.18Mbnl1 IMAGE:583553 Muscleblind-like 1 (Drosophila) 0.19088008 0.41020763 1.18Transcribed locus IMAGE:640052 Similar to ariadne homolog 2 0.24588272 0.410971 1.18Atp5c1IMAGE:640931ATP synthase, H+ transporting,mitochondrial F1 complex, gammapolypeptide 1 0.42529702 0.41185647 1.07EG666113 IMAGE:641052 Predicted <strong>gene</strong>, EG666113 0.10545162 0.4122206 1.07Amica1IMAGE:640276Adhesion molecule, interacts with CXADRantigen 1 0.18005581 0.41252714 1.07Ltb IMAGE:577871 Lymphotoxin B 0.23434414 0.41267005 1.07Tcrg-C IMAGE:640129 T-cell receptor gamma, constant region 0.10797722 0.41389433 1.07EST IMAGE:639831 Expressed sequence tag 0.16276084 0.4139148 1.07Anks1bIMAGE:573163Ankyrin repeat and sterile alpha motif <strong>do</strong>maincontaining 1B 0.112788066 0.41394684 1.07136

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