Sexualidades migrantes. Género y transgénero - Feminaria

Sexualidades migrantes. Género y transgénero - Feminaria Sexualidades migrantes. Género y transgénero - Feminaria
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Prieur, A. (1998): Mema’s House, Mexico City: on transvestites,queens, and machos, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago.Raymond, J. G. (1980): The Transsexual Empire, The Women’sPress, London.Raymond, J. G. (1996): “The Politics of Transgenderism” inRichard Ekins & David King (eds.) (1996), Blending Genders. SocialAspects of Cross-dressing and Sex-changing, Routledge, London.215-223.Rees, M. (1996): “Becoming a Man. The personal account ofa female-to-male transsexual”, Richard Ekins and Dave King (eds.)(1996), Blending Genders. Social Aspects of Cross-dressing andSex-changing, Routledge, London. 27-38.Rich, A. (1980): “Compulsory Heterosexuality and LesbianExistence” Signs: Journal of Women In Culture and Society. Vol. 5,no. 4. 631-660.Ross, M. W.; Walinder, J.; Lundstrom, B.; Thuwe, I. (1981):“Cross-cultural approaches to transsexualism. A comparison betweenSweden and Australia”, Acta Psychiatrica Scandinava, 63, 75-82.Rubin, G. S. (1975): “The Traffic in Women: Notes on the“Political Economy” of Sex” in Rayna Reiter (ed.) (1975), Toward anAnthropology of Women, Monthly Review Press, EE.UU.Shapiro, J. (1991): “Transsexualism: Reflections on thePersistence of Gender and the Mutability of Sex” in J. Epstein andK. Straub (eds.) (1991), Body Guards. The cultural Politics ofGender Ambiguity, Routledge, London. 248-279.Soley, P. (2001): Transsexualism and the Heterosexual Matrix:a Critical and Empirical Study of Judith Butler’s Performative Theory ofGender, Ph.D. Thesis, Science Studies Unit, Univ. of Edinburgh, Scotland.Stoller, R. J. (1985): Presentations of Gender, Yale UniversityPress, Yale.Wittig, M. ([1976] 1982): “The Category of Sex”, FeministIssues, Fall. 63-8.Wittig, M. (1996): “The Straight Mind” in S. Jackson and S.Scott (eds.) Feminism and Sexuality. A Reader, Edinburgh UniversityPress, Edinburgh. 143-149.Woodhause, A. (1989): Fantastic Women. Sex, Gender andTravestism, Macmillan, London.¿Citaciones perversas? 85

Prieur, A. (1998): Mema’s House, Mexico City: on transvestites,queens, and machos, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago.Raymond, J. G. (1980): The Transsexual Empire, The Women’sPress, London.Raymond, J. G. (1996): “The Politics of Transgenderism” inRichard Ekins & David King (eds.) (1996), Blending Genders. SocialAspects of Cross-dressing and Sex-changing, Routledge, London.215-223.Rees, M. (1996): “Becoming a Man. The personal account ofa female-to-male transsexual”, Richard Ekins and Dave King (eds.)(1996), Blending Genders. Social Aspects of Cross-dressing andSex-changing, Routledge, London. 27-38.Rich, A. (1980): “Compulsory Heterosexuality and LesbianExistence” Signs: Journal of Women In Culture and Society. Vol. 5,no. 4. 631-660.Ross, M. W.; Walinder, J.; Lundstrom, B.; Thuwe, I. (1981):“Cross-cultural approaches to transsexualism. A comparison betweenSweden and Australia”, Acta Psychiatrica Scandinava, 63, 75-82.Rubin, G. S. (1975): “The Traffic in Women: Notes on the“Political Economy” of Sex” in Rayna Reiter (ed.) (1975), Toward anAnthropology of Women, Monthly Review Press, EE.UU.Shapiro, J. (1991): “Transsexualism: Reflections on thePersistence of Gender and the Mutability of Sex” in J. Epstein andK. Straub (eds.) (1991), Body Guards. The cultural Politics ofGender Ambiguity, Routledge, London. 248-279.Soley, P. (2001): Transsexualism and the Heterosexual Matrix:a Critical and Empirical Study of Judith Butler’s Performative Theory ofGender, Ph.D. Thesis, Science Studies Unit, Univ. of Edinburgh, Scotland.Stoller, R. J. (1985): Presentations of Gender, Yale UniversityPress, Yale.Wittig, M. ([1976] 1982): “The Category of Sex”, FeministIssues, Fall. 63-8.Wittig, M. (1996): “The Straight Mind” in S. Jackson and S.Scott (eds.) Feminism and Sexuality. A Reader, Edinburgh UniversityPress, Edinburgh. 143-149.Woodhause, A. (1989): Fantastic Women. Sex, Gender andTravestism, Macmillan, London.¿Citaciones perversas? 85

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