Phad 8 Light - Scubapro

Phad 8 Light - Scubapro Phad 8 Light - Scubapro
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CAUTION! Non-rechargeable batteries inside. Do notcharge. This Phad unit contains non-rechargeable batteries.Recharging these batteries will damage this unit and maycause personal injury.ATTENTION! Piles non rechargeables. Ne pas recharger.Cette lampe Phad contient des piles non rechargeables.Recharger ces piles pourrait endommager la lampe et causerdes dommages aux personnes.AVVERTENZA! Contiene batterie non ricaricabili. Noncaricare. Questa unità Phad contiene batterie non ricaricabili.Ricaricando queste batterie si danneggerà la torcia e sirichie ranno lesioni all’utente.¡ATENCIÓN! Contiene pilas no recargables. No cargar.Esta unidad Phad contiene pilas no recargables. Si lascarga, provocará daños en la unidad y podría sufrir lesionespersonales.VORSICHT! Enthält nicht aufladbare Batterien. Batteriennicht aufladen. Diese Phad Einheit enthält nicht aufladbareBatterien. Das Laden dieser Batterien kann diese Einheitbeschädigen und zu Personenverletzungen führen.OPGELET! Niet-oplaadbare batterijen. Niet opladen. Indeze Phad lamp zitten niet-oplaadbare batterijen. Als dezeopnieuw worden opgeladen, kan dit schade aan de lamp ofpersoonlijk letsel tot gevolg hebben.Flood Proof HeadTête LED 100% étancheTesta antiallagamentoCabezal a prueba de filtracionesÜberflutungssicherer KopfFlood Proof HeadT.O.S. - Triple O-Ring SealingT.O.S. - Étanchéité par triple joint toriqueT.O.S. - Guarnizione a O-ring triploT.O.S. - Triple junta tóricaT.O.S. - Dreifache O-Ring-DichtungT.O.S. - Driedubbele o-ringafdichtingDimming Light HeadTête d’éclairage à variation de puissanceTesta illuminante con potenza regolabileCabezal de iluminación regulableLampenkopf mit HelligkeitsregelungDimbare lampkopEnvironmentally GreenRespecte l’environnementEcocompatibileRespeta el medio ambienteUmweltfreundlichMilieuvriendelijk1

SCUBAPRO PHAD LIGHT - USER MANUALWelcome to SCUBAPRO and thank you for purchasing the Phad Light. Thismanual provides you easy access to SCUBAPRO Phad’s key features andfunctions. Should you wish to know more about SCUBAPRO diving equipment,please visit our website OverviewHousingThe casing of the SCUBAPRO Phad 8 battery pack is made of ABS,a lightweight, low-friction and wear-resistant plastic. The casing of theSCUBAPRO Phad 8 light head is made of salt water resistant aluminum.These light heads have been treated with three processes to produce a hard,corrosion-resistant surface.Water TightnessThe Phad 8 battery packs and light heads obtain their water tightness bymeans of durable NBR O-rings. These O-rings are extremely important andrequire your special care and attention. The O-rings must be free of impuritiesand grooves; they should shine slightly due to silicone grease. If not, the Oringsshould be cleaned with a soft cloth that does not shed fl uff and then lightlygreased with silicone grease. Every time the SCUBAPRO Phad batteries arereplaced, the condition of the O-rings should be checked. It is advisable toreplace these O-rings when in doubt about their condition and in any case afterapproximately 50 dives. They must be replaced with great care. The conditionof the seal’s surface should also be checked for damage.RinsingAfter each dive, it is highly recommended to rinse your SCUBAPRO Phadbattery pack and light head with fresh water. While rinsing make sure that thebattery pack is attached with light head and umbilical (if applicable) to preventwater entering the system.! WARNING!The batteries used in the SCUBAPRO Phad 8 battery pack are nonrechargeablealkaline batteries. Recharging these batteries will damagethis unit and may cause personal injury. In case these batteries arereplaced with rechargeable batteries, the manu facturers guidelinesconcerning charging and recharging of these batteries are to be followed.2

SCUBAPRO PHAD LIGHT - USER MANUALWelcome to SCUBAPRO and thank you for purchasing the <strong>Phad</strong> <strong>Light</strong>. Thismanual provides you easy access to SCUBAPRO <strong>Phad</strong>’s key features andfunctions. Should you wish to know more about SCUBAPRO diving equipment,please visit our website<strong>Phad</strong> OverviewHousingThe casing of the SCUBAPRO <strong>Phad</strong> 8 battery pack is made of ABS,a lightweight, low-friction and wear-resistant plastic. The casing of theSCUBAPRO <strong>Phad</strong> 8 light head is made of salt water resistant aluminum.These light heads have been treated with three processes to produce a hard,corrosion-resistant surface.Water TightnessThe <strong>Phad</strong> 8 battery packs and light heads obtain their water tightness bymeans of durable NBR O-rings. These O-rings are extremely important andrequire your special care and attention. The O-rings must be free of impuritiesand grooves; they should shine slightly due to silicone grease. If not, the Oringsshould be cleaned with a soft cloth that does not shed fl uff and then lightlygreased with silicone grease. Every time the SCUBAPRO <strong>Phad</strong> batteries arereplaced, the condition of the O-rings should be checked. It is advisable toreplace these O-rings when in doubt about their condition and in any case afterapproximately 50 dives. They must be replaced with great care. The conditionof the seal’s surface should also be checked for damage.RinsingAfter each dive, it is highly recommended to rinse your SCUBAPRO <strong>Phad</strong>battery pack and light head with fresh water. While rinsing make sure that thebattery pack is attached with light head and umbilical (if applicable) to preventwater entering the system.! WARNING!The batteries used in the SCUBAPRO <strong>Phad</strong> 8 battery pack are nonrechargeablealkaline batteries. Recharging these batteries will damagethis unit and may cause personal injury. In case these batteries arereplaced with rechargeable batteries, the manu facturers guidelinesconcerning charging and recharging of these batteries are to be followed.2

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