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UNIVERSIDAD DEL ESTEVICERRECTORÍA DE ASUNTOS ACADÉMICOSPROYECTO TÍTULO V- GRADUADOStrengthening Graduate Offerings in Puerto Rico’s Eastern RegionDra. Evelyn Lugo MoralesTitle: Explore how the integration of authentic performance-based assessment leads to increase oral languageproficiency in business communication students.Rationale:Language learners in business communication contexts must use more complex and higher-order thinking skills.They must reason, problem-solve, or collaborate with others to produce individual responses while expressing theirideas related to negotiation and persuasive situations. The use of performance –based assessment tools such asrubrics will assist the speaker to understand in advance how to modify their oral discourse to address and reach orexcel in their oral performance expectations. Rubrics are used to evaluate students on multiple competency levels.The concept of authentic performance- based assessment is significant to business students during their formaleducation in their professional field. Higher education institutions take into consideration authentic assessment forlanguage courses in particular for programs that lead to interpersonal and interactive communication processeswithin their professional context. Especially, students preparing and participating in project related to businessventures are required to have the competence in oral business communication in order to effectively communicatebusiness ideas.Research Goals:The goal of this research is to assess students’ performance- based communication deliveries and performances andto incorporate the effective principles of oral business communication in order to address the audience using theseven C’s of effective communication. These are completeness, conciseness, consideration, clarity, concreteness,courtesy, and correctness as defined by Murphy, H, Hildebrandt, H. & Thomas, J. (1997). The goal of the study is tomonitor and guide students through the use of performance- based assessments strategies as the tools for them touse complex and higher-order thinking skills in which students must reason, problem-solve, or collaborate with othersto produce individual responses while expressing their ideas related to negotiation and persuasive situations.Objectives:As a result of this study, this researcher will focus on the following objectives:1. Design and organize various oral communication topics for a formal presentation for a specific audienceusing the AIDA Formula.2. Apply the verbal and non-verbal strategies for effective formal and informal oral communicationperformances3. Evaluate through performance –based rubrics self, peers, and instructor’s assessment of oralcommunication deliveriesMethods:This researcher will use a mixed method of qualitative as well as quantitative instruments to collect the necessaryinformation in order to reach conclusions about the interventions carried out thorough the study. These are:1. Formal and informal performance –based rubrics for self, peers, and instructor’s assessment.2. Perception questionnaire about their English competencies in oral communication during formal and ininformal situations/ context3. Observation Checklist of performances in formal and in informal oral communication performances as a prepostintervention.Proyecto auspiciado bajo el programa “Promoting Postbacalaureate Opportunities for Hispanic Americans“(PPOHA)Del Departamento de Educación Federal. Award #P031M105070.

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