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14121086420F IIPARADAS AUTOMÁTICAS DEL REACTOR/AUTOMATIC REACTOR OUTAGES%HJFBHBJFHBFJHBFJHHHBH HBFB BJ JF JF FJ JBF86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 9486 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94España / Spain 2 7 3,1 3,6 1,8 2,4 1,7 1,6 0,9USA / USA 3,8 2,8 1,9 1,7 1,2 1,3 1,1 0,9 0,8Francia / France 12,2 8,8 5,4 5,8 6 4,6 3 2,5 2,3Suecia / Sweden 3,4 2 3 2,5 1,8 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,2Fuente/Source: WANO IndicatorsBJHFEspaña/SpainUSA/USAFrancia/FranceSuecia/Swedencorrespondientes a los años 1990 a1994. Como se puede ver, las diferenciasson apreciables entre unas yotras, lo que también puede debersea diferencia de criterios de contabilizacióny, desde luego, a economíasde escala, etc.En cualquier caso, existen razones detipo organizativo, procesos, etc., quedeben analizarse internamente con elobjeto de mejorar todos, aprendiendode los demás.COSTES UNITARIOSDE <strong>CENTRALES</strong> <strong><strong>NUCLEAR</strong>ES</strong>ESPAÑOLASEste “benchmarking” interno que yase está realizando, caso dearea, which is a good indicator of our plants’ operation.In the early years of operation, a characteristic learningcurve can be seen, which as of 1991 is surpassed withthe nuclear park’s maturity.AUTOMATIC OUTAGESFigure II shows the average number of automaticoutages per reactor and year since 1985 in the UnitedStates, France, Sweden and Spain.It can be seen that this indicator, used by INPO in allcountries, has improved. Spain has worked hard toimprove this parameter since 1991 and should continuealong these lines.76543210BJFHF IIIEXPOSICIÓN A LA RADIACIÓN/RADIATION EXPOSUREJBHFJJBBJ J BHHB J JHHFFHBBH F F FF85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94JHBFJHBFBJHFEspaña PWR/Spain PWRUSA PWR/USA PWRFrancia PWR /France PWRJapón PWR/Japan PWRSuecia PWR/Sweden PWRMedia OCDE/OECD AverageRADIATION EXPOSUREFigure III shows the average dose received inSievert/person per PWR reactor and year since 1985 inthe different countries indicated and compared to theOECD average. There is an obvious downward trenddue to application of ALARA techniques and experiencegained in operation.Spain’s situation is good, as it has been below theOECD average from 1989 to 1994. This parameterincreased in 1994 due to actions carried out in JoséCabrera and Vandellós for “RTD replacement”. Steamgenerator replacements in Almaraz and Asco,elimination of RTD’s and some organizationalimprovements have resulted in average valuescomparable to those of the best ranking countries.OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE UNIT COSTSFigure IV shows the evolution of operating andmaintenance unit costs in USA, France, Spain, Sweden,Switzerland and Germany. An upward trend isappreciable, mitigated by the beneficial effect ofincreased load factor.The disparity between USA, France and Spain is in partdue to the different cost accounting criteria.On the other hand, the average value of the Americanplants can result in confusion, as there are plants that inthis area can be considered as excellent and others thatare truly inefficient (result disperson).As a result of the application of new liberalizing criteriain the United States, a major effort is being made toreduce costs, as it is in this country where there is a realrisk of closure of uncompetitive units.UNIT COSTS OF SPANISH <strong>NUCLEAR</strong> <strong>POWER</strong><strong>PLANTS</strong>Figure V shows the 1990 to 1994 O&M unit costs for theSpanish plants compared to the average. It can beseen that there are appreciable differences betweenthem, which may be partly due to differences inaccounting criteria and certainly to economies of scale,etc.In any event, there are reasons of an organizational85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94España PWRSpain PWR 6,33 3,28 2,87 2,69 2,19 2,19 1,86 2,02 1,37 1,77USA PWRUSA PWR4,16 3,81 3,56 3,26 2,87 2,89 2,23 2,19 1,95 1,85Francia PWRFrance PWR 1,92 2,28 1,93 1,76 2,08 2,35 2,43 2,36 2,04 1,74Japón PWRJapan PWR2,14 2,31 1,91 2,11 1,81 1,73 1,09 1,28 1,46 1,07Suecia PWRSweden PWR1,13 2 1,46 1,45 1,97 1,05 0,86 1,12 0,85 0,64Media OCDEOECD Average3,11 3,04 2,68 2,54 2,44 2,37 2,08 2,04 1,73 1,581Fuente/Source: ISOE32,521,510,50BF IVCOSTES UNITARIOS DE OPERACIÓN Y MANTENIMIENTOOPERATING & MAINTENANCE UNIT COSTSPtas /KWhBBFFJHJH JHJF J F JF FHH89 90 91 92 93 94B89 90 91 92 93 94USA/USA 2,38 2,01 2,01 1,87 2,84 2España/Spain 1,07 1,11 1,11 1,22 1,2 1,23Francia/France 0,86 0,89 1,29 1,28 1,29Suiza/Switzerland 1,1 1,08 1,14 1,16 1,4 1,42Alemania/Germany 1,15 1,17 1,19 1,21 1,42 1,58Suecia/Sweden 0,62 0,65 0,98 0,77Fuente/Source: Nucleonics Week y Publicaciones de diferentes paises/Nucleonics Week and publications from different countriesBBBJHFUSA/USAEspaña/SpainFrancia/FranceSuiza/SwitzerlandAlemania/GermanySuecia/Sweden

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