Edulcorantes, necesarios? indispensables? oportunos?

Edulcorantes, necesarios? indispensables? oportunos?

Edulcorantes, necesarios? indispensables? oportunos?


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• Conning, D. M. 1985. Artificial Sweeteners –a long running saga. In: FoodToxicology.• Dubois, G. E. 1992. Sweeteners, non-nutritive. In: Encyclopedia of Food Scienceand• Technology, Hui, Y. H. (ed). Wiley, New York.• Birch, G. G. 1980. Theory of sweeteners. In: Carbohydrate Sweeteners in Foodand Nutrition, Koivistoinen, P., Hyvönen, L. (Eds). Academic Press, London.• Butchko, H. H., Kotsonis, F. N. 1989. Aspartame: review of recent research.Comments Toxicol. 3(4):253-278• Council on Scientific Affairs. 1985. Aspartame, review of safety issues. JAMA254:400-402• Crossby, G. A, 1976. New sweeteners. CRC Crit. Rev. Food Sci. Nutr. 7:300-349• Doty, T. 1980. Fructose: rationale for traditional and modern use. In:Carbohydrate Sweeteners in Foods and Nutrition, Hyvönen, L., Koivistoinen, P.(Eds.). Academic Press, London.• Homler, B. E. 1984. Aspartame; implications for the food scientist. In:Aspartame, Physiology and Biochemistry, Stegink, L. D., Filer, L. J. (eds.).Marcel Dekker, New York, pp. 247-262• ILSI-NF. 1986 International Aspartame Workshop Proceedings: November 1986,Marbella, Spain.PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com

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