El Mundo Indígena 2013.pdf - Fondo Indigena

El Mundo Indígena 2013.pdf - Fondo Indigena

El Mundo Indígena 2013.pdf - Fondo Indigena


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INFORMACION GENERAL545En Inglés y francésRegional Sensitization Seminar on the Rights of Indigenous Populations /Communities in Central and East AfricaCopenhague: ACHPR y IWGIAISBN: 978-87-92786-30-2Manual on the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Indigenous Populations /Communities through the African Human Rights SystemCopenhague: ACHPR y IWGIAISBN: 978-87-92786-29-6Report of the African Commission’s Working Group on Indigenous Populations /Communities – Research and Information Visit to Kenya 1-19 March 2010Copenhague: ACHPR y IWGIAISBN: 978-87-92786-14-2En castellanoVideosLa visita a Argentina del Relator Especial de las Naciones Unidas sobre los derechosde los pueblos indígenasUna producción de IWGIA junto a ORE MediaEn InglésVisit of the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoplesto ArgentinaAn IWGIA production in association with ORE Media

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