El Mundo Indígena 2013.pdf - Fondo Indigena

El Mundo Indígena 2013.pdf - Fondo Indigena

El Mundo Indígena 2013.pdf - Fondo Indigena


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544 IWGIA – EL MUNDO INDIGENA – 2013The Human Rights of the Rapa Nui people on Easter Island:Report of the International Observers’ Mission to Rapa NuiEd. por Observatorio Ciudadano, Copenhague: IWGIAISBN: 978-87-92786-27-2Pitfalls and Pipelines. Indigenous Peoples and Extractive IndustriesEd.por Andy Whitmore, Copenhague: Tebtebba, IWGIA y PiplinksISBN: 978-879-27861-8-0Silent Sacrifice Girl-child beading in the Samburu Community of KenyaSamburu Womens Trust y IWGIATraining Manual on Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) in REDD+for Indigenous PeoplesEd. por Joan Carling, Chang Mai: AIPP y IWGIAISBN: 978-87-92786-21-0Voices of Indigenous WomenChiang Mai: AIPP y IWGIAForest is Life – A Story of Climate Change, Forest and CommunitiesChang Mai: AIPP y IWGIAIWGIA report 13 - Cameroon: What Future for the Baka. Indigenous Peoples’ Rights andLivelihood Opportunities in South-East CameroonPor: Aili Pyhälä, Ed. por Marianne Wiben Jensen, Copenhague: IWGIA y PlanISBN: 978-87-92786-16-6IWGIA report 14 - Bangladesh: Militarization in the Chittagong Hill Tracts. The Slow Demiseof the Region’s Indigenous PeoplesCopenhague: IWGIA, Organising Committee CHT Campaign y Simin Gaikou CentreISBN: 978-87-92786-20-3Drivers of Deforestation?Facts to be Considered Regarding the Impact of Shifting Cultivation in AsiaChang Mai: AIPP y IWGIABeads of BondageSWEEDO y IWGIACustomary Law in Forest Resources Use and Managment –A Case Study among the Dzao and Thai People in North-West VietnamPor: Culture Identity and Resource Use Managment (CIRUM), Chang Mai: IWGIA, AIPP yCIRUMISBN: 978-87-92786-13-5Briefing note: Respect, Protect and Remedy:The Rights of Indigenous Peoples Affected by BusinessCopenhague: IWGIA, Batani y Forum for ursprungsspørgsmål i bistandenBriefing note: Mineral extraction in the Taimyr PeninsulaCopenhague: IWGIA y RAIPONBriefing note: Coal Mining in Kemerovo Oblast, RussiaCopenhague: IWGIA y RAIPONBriefing note: Indigenous peoples in the Russian FederationCopenhague: IWGIABriefing note: Indigenous peoples and transnational corporations and other business enterprisesCopenhague: IWGIA, RAIPON, PiPlinks, Almáciga y codpi.org

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