
Libro-Agroecologia Libro-Agroecologia


338Agroecología: Bases científicas para una agricultura sustentableWatts, M. 1983. Silent Violence. Berkeley: Univ. Calif. Press.Webster, C. C., and P. N. Wilson. 1980. Agriculture in the Tropics. Tropical Agriculture Series.London: Longman. pp. 9 12.Weil, R. N. 1982. Maize-weed competition and soil erosion in unweeded maize. Trop. Agri. 59:207 213.Whittington, W. J., and T. A. O’Brien. 1968. A comparison of yields from plots sown with a singlespecies or a mixture of grass species. J. Appl. Ecol. 5: 209 213.Whittlesay, D. 1936. Major agricultural regions of the earth. Ann. Assoc. Amer. Geog. 26: 199.Widdowson, R. W. 1987. Towards Holistic Agriculture: A Scientific Approach. Oxford: Pergamon Press.Wiersum, K. F., ed. 1981. Viewpoints on Agroforestry. The Netherlands: Agricultural University,Wageningen.Wilken, G. C. 1969. The ecology of gathering in a Mexican farming region. Econ. Bot. 24: 286 295.. 1977. Integrating forest and small-scale farm systems in middle America. Agro ecosystems 3: 291 302.. 1987. Good Farmers Traditional Agricultural Resource Management in Mexico and CentralAmerica. Berkeley: University of California Press.Wilkes, H. G. 1977. Hybridization of maize and teosinte in Mexico and Guatemala and theimprovement of maize. Econ. Bot. 31: 254 293.Willey, R. W. 1990. Resource use in intercropping systems. Agric. Water Manage. 17: 215 231.Willey, R. W., and D. S. O. Osiru. 1972. Studies on mixtures of maize and beans with particularreference to plant population. J. Agri. Sci. 79: 519 529.Williams, B., and C. Ortiz Solorio. 1981. Middle American folk soil taxonomy. Annals of the Assoc.of American Geographers 71: 335 358.Williams, D. E. 1985. «Tres arvenses Solanaceas comestibles y su proceso de domesticacion enTlaxcala, Mexico.» Master’s thesis, Colegio de Post-graduados, Chapingo, Mexico.Williams, E. D. 1972. Growth of Agropyron repens seedlings in cereals and field beans. Proc. 11thBrit. Weed Control Conf.: 32 37.William, R. D. 1981. Complementary interactions between weeds, weed control practices, and pestsin horticultural cropping systems. HortScience 16: 508 513.Wilsie, C. P. 1962. Crop Adaptation and Distribution. San Francisco: W. H. Freeman Co.Wilson, G. F., and B. T. Kang. 1981. «Developing stable and productive bio-logical croppingsystems for the humid tropics.» In: Biological Husbandry: a Scientific Approach to OrganicFarming. B. Stone- house, ed. London: Butterworths. pp. 193 203.Wittwer, S. H. 1975. Food production: technology and the resource base. Science 188: 579 588.Wolf, E. 1982. Europe and the People Without History. Berkeley: Univ. Calif. Press.Wolfe, M. S. 1985. The current states and prospects of multiline and variety mixtures for diseasesresistance. Ann. Rev. Phytopathology 23: 251 273.Woodmansee, R. 1984. «Comparative nutrient cycles of natural and agri-cultural ecosystems.» In:Agri- cultural Ecosystems. R. Lowrance, B. R. Skinner, and G. S. House, eds. New York: JohnWiley and Sons. pp. 145 157.Youngberg, G. 1980. Organic farming: a look at opportunities and obstacles. J. Soil WaterConservation 35: 254 263.Yurjevic, A. M. 1991. The Assessment of the Agroecological Bottom-Up Development Strategy.Ph.D Thesis, University of California, Berkeley.Zadoks, J. C., and R. D. Schein. 1979. Epidemiology and Plant Disease Management. New York:Oxford Univ. Press.Zandstra, H. G., E. C. Price, J. A. Litsinger, and R. A. Morris. 1981. A Methodology for On-farmCropping Systems Research. Philippines: IRRI.Zimdahl, R. L. 1980. Weed-Crop Competition: a Review. Corvallis: Inst. Plant Prot. Center, OregonState Univ.Zuofa, K., and N. M. Tariah. 1992. Effects of weed control methods on maize and intercrop yieldsand net income of small-holder farmers, Nigeria. Trop. Agric. (Trinidad) 69: 167 170.Zuofa, K., N. M. Tariah, and N. O. Isirimah. 1992. Effects of groundnut, cowpea, and melon onweed control and yields of intercropped cassava and maize. Field Crops Res. 28: 309 314.

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338Agroecología: Bases científicas para una agricultura sustentableWatts, M. 1983. Silent Violence. Berkeley: Univ. Calif. Press.Webster, C. C., and P. N. Wilson. 1980. Agriculture in the Tropics. Tropical Agriculture Series.London: Longman. pp. 9 12.Weil, R. N. 1982. Maize-weed competition and soil erosion in unweeded maize. Trop. Agri. 59:207 213.Whittington, W. J., and T. A. O’Brien. 1968. A comparison of yields from plots sown with a singlespecies or a mixture of grass species. J. Appl. Ecol. 5: 209 213.Whittlesay, D. 1936. Major agricultural regions of the earth. Ann. Assoc. Amer. Geog. 26: 199.Widdowson, R. W. 1987. Towards Holistic Agriculture: A Scientific Approach. Oxford: Pergamon Press.Wiersum, K. F., ed. 1981. Viewpoints on Agroforestry. The Netherlands: Agricultural University,Wageningen.Wilken, G. C. 1969. The ecology of gathering in a Mexican farming region. Econ. Bot. 24: 286 295.. 1977. Integrating forest and small-scale farm systems in middle America. Agro ecosystems 3: 291 302.. 1987. Good Farmers Traditional Agricultural Resource Management in Mexico and CentralAmerica. Berkeley: University of California Press.Wilkes, H. G. 1977. Hybridization of maize and teosinte in Mexico and Guatemala and theimprovement of maize. Econ. Bot. 31: 254 293.Willey, R. W. 1990. Resource use in intercropping systems. Agric. Water Manage. 17: 215 231.Willey, R. W., and D. S. O. Osiru. 1972. Studies on mixtures of maize and beans with particularreference to plant population. J. Agri. Sci. 79: 519 529.Williams, B., and C. Ortiz Solorio. 1981. Middle American folk soil taxonomy. Annals of the Assoc.of American Geographers 71: 335 358.Williams, D. E. 1985. «Tres arvenses Solanaceas comestibles y su proceso de domesticacion enTlaxcala, Mexico.» Master’s thesis, Colegio de Post-graduados, Chapingo, Mexico.Williams, E. D. 1972. Growth of Agropyron repens seedlings in cereals and field beans. Proc. 11thBrit. Weed Control Conf.: 32 37.William, R. D. 1981. Complementary interactions between weeds, weed control practices, and pestsin horticultural cropping systems. HortScience 16: 508 513.Wilsie, C. P. 1962. Crop Adaptation and Distribution. San Francisco: W. H. Freeman Co.Wilson, G. F., and B. T. Kang. 1981. «Developing stable and productive bio-logical croppingsystems for the humid tropics.» In: Biological Husbandry: a Scientific Approach to OrganicFarming. B. Stone- house, ed. London: Butterworths. pp. 193 203.Wittwer, S. H. 1975. Food production: technology and the resource base. Science 188: 579 588.Wolf, E. 1982. Europe and the People Without History. Berkeley: Univ. Calif. Press.Wolfe, M. S. 1985. The current states and prospects of multiline and variety mixtures for diseasesresistance. Ann. Rev. Phytopathology 23: 251 273.Woodmansee, R. 1984. «Comparative nutrient cycles of natural and agri-cultural ecosystems.» In:Agri- cultural Ecosystems. R. Lowrance, B. R. Skinner, and G. S. House, eds. New York: JohnWiley and Sons. pp. 145 157.Youngberg, G. 1980. Organic farming: a look at opportunities and obstacles. J. Soil WaterConservation 35: 254 263.Yurjevic, A. M. 1991. The Assessment of the Agroecological Bottom-Up Development Strategy.Ph.D Thesis, University of California, Berkeley.Zadoks, J. C., and R. D. Schein. 1979. Epidemiology and Plant Disease Management. New York:Oxford Univ. Press.Zandstra, H. G., E. C. Price, J. A. Litsinger, and R. A. Morris. 1981. A Methodology for On-farmCropping Systems Research. Philippines: IRRI.Zimdahl, R. L. 1980. Weed-Crop Competition: a Review. Corvallis: Inst. Plant Prot. Center, OregonState Univ.Zuofa, K., and N. M. Tariah. 1992. Effects of weed control methods on maize and intercrop yieldsand net income of small-holder farmers, Nigeria. Trop. Agric. (Trinidad) 69: 167 170.Zuofa, K., N. M. Tariah, and N. O. Isirimah. 1992. Effects of groundnut, cowpea, and melon onweed control and yields of intercropped cassava and maize. Field Crops Res. 28: 309 314.

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