cinco sobre cinco - Itaú Cultural

cinco sobre cinco - Itaú Cultural

cinco sobre cinco - Itaú Cultural

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Margem (The Riverbank)Maya Da-Rin, RJ, 2007, 54minDuring two days and three nights, a ship sails slowly alongthe Amazonas River, starting from the border betweenBrazil and Colombia toward the Peruvian city of Iquitos.The riverbank is revealed before the camera as passengers digressabout a territory of multiple facets and constant transformation.• Maya Da-RinMaya Da-Rin was born in Rio de Janeiro in 1979. She has worked inthe audiovisual area since 1997, having participated as an assistantdirector in several long and short-footage films. In 2002, she directed thedocumentary, E agora José?, awarded by Itaú <strong>Cultural</strong> in the 3rd editionof Rumos Cinema and Video and selected for several festivals.Screenplay, direction and production – Maya Da-RinDirection Assistance – Luiza LeitePhotography and camera – Pedro UranoEditing – Karen AkermanDirect sound – Bruno VasconcelosSound design and original music – Aurélio DiasMixing – Artesanato DigitalProduction direction – Henrimara JunqueiraHistórias de Morar e Demolições(Stories on living and demolitions)Andre Costa, SP, 2007, 54 min.Four families from São Paulo are moving. Their houses were sold to a realestate developer and will now be demolished: what was previously home will nowbecome a tract of land, and on it, skyscrapers will be built, thus leaving no trace ofthe place they once lived in. To record the stories sheltered by the rooftops, thesepeople decide to register objects, rooms and places of the house, by startingwith household video films or by answering the ad of a small video producercompany and hiring its services.• Andre CostaFilm director and documentary producer, he holds a master’s degree in Architecture andUrbanism at FAU-USP, cinema and television university professor at FAAP, post-graduateprofessor of Visual Creation for Multimedia at USJT, educator and researcher in audiovisuallanguages. He is one of the coordinators of the Olhar Periférico audiovisual productionand research group, for which he has also offered several videographic languageworkshops and coordinated social projects in the audiovisual education field.Direction: Andre CostaProduction direction: Danilo ConcílioDirection Assistance: Renata RibeiroImages: Matias Lancetti, Danilo Concílio, Andre Costa,José Menezes and Ian ThomazEditing: Danilo Concílio, Matias Lancetti and Andre CostaSoundtrack: Rogério RochlitzDirect sound - Sílvio Cordeiro and Edson Camillo ZanettiEu Vou De Volta (I’ll go back)Camilo Cavalcante and Cláudio Assis, PE, 2007, 54 min.A documentary on the migration of Northeastern people to São Paulo and the returnto their homeland. Two trips are made simultaneously in illegal buses: the trip fromCaruaru (the largest city in the Pernambuco state rural area) to São Paulo, and the returnto Caruaru. The movements of these migrating passengers, which in a nutshell reflect lifemovements, the small victories and defeats of each one of them, the great will of makingsomething happen and change what is stagnated.• Camilo CavalcanteHe was born in Recife, is 32 years old and has been working in the audiovisual area for 10 years. Hegraduated in Journalism at UFPE. In 1996, he participated in a movie screenplay workshop in theEscuela Internacional de Cine y TV de San Antonio de Los Baños. He already has 12 productions,including videos and films, for which he has been awarded more than 60 prizes in audiovisual festivals.He is preparing his first long footage: “A História da Eternidade” (The History of Eternity).• Claudio AssisHe was born in Caruaru, Pernambuco. He directed the short-footage films Henrique (1987), Sonetodo Desmantelo Blue (1993) and Texas Hotel (1999), for which he has been awarded several prizes innational festivals. He was also the production director of “Baile perfumado” (1997), the winner of theFestival de Brasília. He directed “Amarelo Manga”, awarded the best film of the Festival de Brasília in2002, and was the winner of the Troféu Candango prize, and “Baixio das bestas”, in 2007.Direction: Camilo Cavalcante and Claudio AssisExecutive production: Stella ZimermanProduction: Julia MoraesPhotography: Walter Carvalho and Juarez PavelakEditing: Fernando Coster and André SampaioSound Edition and Mixing: Luís Eduardo CarmoSet production: Brenda da Mata and Fernando Coster

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